Author Topic: Gyno or not gyno ... Asymmetric/Unilateral  (Read 3522 times)

Offline RichardAM

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First off, hi, glad you guys are here.  Secondly, a little history on me... I'm HIV POZ for about 30 years now. I've dealt with wasting issues in the past that caused me to turn to doctor prescribed anabolics to reverse it.  I was using Deca and Test for years and then dropped the deca and then switched to topical Test.  Over the past couple of years I've stopped all that and about a year or so ago noticed that my left nipple was sore and puffy.  I noticed a bit of tissue there.  I brought it up to my doctor back then and he told me it was nothing and to ignore it.  Now it's worse and my doctor is concerned, should have been concerned a frigging year ago.  So much for infallible doctor's and their knowledge.  SO now I'm scheduled for a mammogram of all things.  EVERY single bodybuilder that's dealt with gyno suggests Nolvadex but my doctor being as ignorant as he is in this particular area disagrees.

Oh and a little more history on me... I'm pretty knowledgeable about various health paths.  I'm actually a patient that takes an ACTIVE role in his health, I don't believe every thing a doctor says nor agree and take every pill they tell me to take.  Be active in your health care, ask questions and if you don't agree then speak you mind.  Usually if you have a bad feeling about something, you really aught to pay it some heed.  I've studied Western herbology, Shamanism and Wicca (herb knowledge in both paths I had to learn), Naturopathy as a whole and even a bit of Allopathy (as I lovingly call "White Mans Medicine).

On the Gyno front the main reason for my post here.  The odd thing is that it's not perfectly formed around my nipple area, it's more on one side of it (inner nipple area and out a bit) it's definitely roundish and not broken up any more as I followed my docs advice and quite massaging the area....

I've done a bit of research.  There is a Chinese formula out there that claims it can get rid of Gyno... anyone know if this stuff works??

So this is either a form of Asymmetric/Unilateral gyno or it's a cyst of some sort (the men in my family get that pretty bad).  I am experiencing night sweats too, they come and go but that's why it's a concern if it's related to this thing but I'm using MMS so maybe it's a side effect of that as it detoxes my body.

So hopefully you folks have some clues, advice or what ever you can share with me on this particular issue or issues..

Thanks much

Richard ;-)~
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 12:23:54 AM by RichardAM »

Offline Paa_Paw

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With your rather complex medical history, You should not be taking anything on the advise if a herbalist or personal trainer. these people simply do not know enough about how their products might interact with your prescriptions.,

While you may need the services of some specialists for your HIV and Hormonal problems, You need to have one Doctor who is overseeing the sum of your treatment. All treatments or changes need to be coordinated through that one Doctor. It is imperative that you are fully candid about your use of ALL drugs and this would include even beverages containing caffeine. 

Without that kind of coordination, you could easily be taking medications which are literally working directly against each other.

As to whether or not you have Gynecomastia, You most likely do have it. The condition can be a source of great embarrassment, but I think that needs to be put into a proper perspective. In your case, I suspect that Gynecomastia should be among the least of your concerns.
Grandpa Dan

Offline RichardAM

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Uh, I've studied alternate paths for years and am well aware of the implications and how to care for my own body.  I didn't ask for advice or to be chided for the alternate paths I'm on.  I've lived well with HIV for over 25 years. I take supplements for longer than that.  I've experimented more than any patient I know and I'm still here and still doing very well so please, you don't know me, my history or much else when it comes to ME so don't preach to me plus which my blood work is the best of all the patients that my doctor sees and my viral load is undetectable.  I've studied both Allopathic and Naturopathic medicine for years.... Thanks for the confirmation on the gyno though if nothing else.... have a great evening..
« Last Edit: July 05, 2010, 11:00:15 PM by RichardAM »

Offline Paa_Paw

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Sorry if I seemed a bit offensive. I try to avoid that but sometimes it gets away from me.

It was not my intent to be hard on you or to talk down to you, such would be counter productive at the best.

We did do one good thing, in that we agreed that you probably do have Gynecomastia. With that in mind, how long has the condition persisted? What effect is it having upon you? Does it make problems with your ability to socialize etc?


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