Author Topic: The more I learn about gyno, the less hope I have.  (Read 14250 times)

Offline knicho94

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I have done everything I can possibly think of to kill my gynocamastia (Diet, exercise, hormonal treatment and more) but the more threads I read here the more I feel that this problem wont have a solution. Im 15, and like many of you extremely self conscious about my condition. Im guessing im to young for surgery and my parents are oblivious to my problem because I hide it very well. You could say that I have mild gyno, but I am sick and tired of this already. I am not myself because my confidence has plummeted. I have considered quitting football because of the taunting. I constantly have to avoid pools and other activites because of the harassment's. At one point I lost more than 30 pounds but it still didnt affect my chest. I have tried using creatine as a last resorts and other various hormonal products.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 10:48:57 PM by knicho94 »

Offline thetodd

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If you want to take creatine, you should take it properly. That jack3d stuff looks like a load of crap just get some pure creatine and make sure you drink LOADS of water if you want gains. Creatine is all about water retention it works if you take it properly with a decent diet but it will just make you look bloated if you eat crap. Over here theres a big supplement called "No Shotgun" and ive took it and all i could compare it to is basically having 10 redbulls and 2 hours sleep. There's so much taurine etc to give you a "Pump, and sustained energy down the gym". Its a load of crap. Thats basically what Jack3d is. Doing press-ups and taking creatine just wont give you a good result to be honest youd need to do a whole routine.

Your very young, have you  been prescribed the anti oestrogens or have you just brought them off the net?  If youve got gyne basically surgery is the only fix post a pic up and get some opinions.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Dr. Cruise

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Be very careful about products that promise to get rid of gynecomastia as there are so many "snake oil" products that simply do not deliver.  In fact, once you have gynecomastia for greater than two years it is almost impossible to get rid of it without surgery. exercise is a wonderful idea; however, it may not effective one way or the other in treating gynecomastia.  Regarding Jack3d, simply put... jack won't do jack.  
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 02:37:44 PM by Dr. Cruise »
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
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I have done everything I can possibly think of to kill my gyno (Diet, exercise, hormonal treatment and more) but the more threads I read here the more I feel that this problem wont have a solution. Im 15, and like many of you extremely self conscious about my condition. Im guessing im to young for surgery and my parents are oblivious to my problem because I hide it very well. You could say that I have mild gyno, but I am sick and gd tired of this already. I am not myself because my confidence has plummeted, and im ready to start living my life. I have gone through the whole weight loss rigamaroll but I still have extremely noticable protruding breasts.

I have heard that building up your upper chest can help the problem. There is a product on the market now called jack3d. Its a well known creatine that many of my friends use that gets quite good results. I have a few questions that I would love to have answered.

1.Is using this creatine to build up my upper chest a bad idea?

2. While using Jack3d, Is doing regular, or diamond push ups going to make my condition worse in any way. (im worried about gaining muscle and losing no fat so that my condition worsens.)

I am 6 foot, 140lbs and very athletic. Ever since I was about 12 or 13 I started to develop extra chest fat that I thought would eventually go away. I lost 30 pounds last year but my chest stays the same. My upper chest looks good, its just my lower chest and my puffy nipples that bother me. I have football practice everyday in which I run my ass off and get alot of cardio, then after practice everyday I go the gym and weight lift. I have recently turned to using creatine monohydrate out of desperation because nothing seems to work. Also I use advocare protein as supplements. Ive been working out all year but I really started to hit the weights hard about 2 and a half months ago. I do Decline bench, decline flies, decline pushups, dips, decline chest press, and I use the tower cables here and there. My problem is im just not seeing the results I want. Eating healthy for me is always hard because when I try to eat light it just doesnt cut it you know? I just dont get full. I don't eat fast food more than twice a week (and that's only because its the only food I have at my disposal at some times.) Over the past couple months of working out Ive noticed my upper chest is getting much bigger in a good way. Ive been putting on muscle it just seems my lower chest just has fatty tissue around it and extremely swollen nipple about quarter sized.
Does anyone have tips such as workouts,diets,suppliments,or anything that can help me gain a pinch of confidence with my shirt off, lol.

I work with many Bodybuilders with Gynecomastia as well as many other athletes. A common complaint is that as they build their muscle, what sits on top of the muscle just gets pushed out further. Exercising can help shape the muscle, but residual gland and some fat remain. Check out the Anatomy of Puffy Nipples to see the composition of this contour problem.

3.How can i tell what is gland and what is fat?

Examination of the male chest does not differentiate gland from fat, even in expert hands. Gland tends to be firm and fat soft. However, gland can be soft and fat firm.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline Paa_Paw

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Leave the chemistry set alone!

The best news about most of the highly advertised "cures" is that they do nothing. The worst news is that there are some products that can actually make things worse.

If your hormones are out of whack, It takes an Endocrinologist and ongoing laboratory tests to straighten things out. This is not a "do it yourself" job.
Grandpa Dan

Offline knicho94

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I work out at the gym 6 days a week and and work alot of upper chest at a last resort to balance out this nightmare. Im so damn tired of covering it up and avoiding shirtless activites. Ive seen some results at the gym, im definatley getting stronger and my chest is puttin on some muscle but the gyno is so noticable and has killed most of my self confidence. ??? ???

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You are not too young to have surgery -- I have been operating on adolescents as young as 12-13 with 2+ years of stable gyne.

The best course of action now is to have a heart-to-heart talk with your parents about the problem.  You have been so successful in hiding it that they may not even be aware of your situation.  Speak to them about it and see whether they will support you in consulting with a plastic surgeon who has specific expertise in gyne surgery (very important).

Best of luck to you!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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