Author Topic: 2 Questions  (Read 3985 times)

Offline WhyOhWhy

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Hey i'm new here, live in the UK and i have to questions which i have been wondering about:

1. I have man boobs and i have a slightly big belly, im nearly 18, about 5'9, and weigh 13st 7.6lb... The thing is i don't look fat but i still weigh so much, and my GP told me to start training if i want to get rid of the problem.

But here is my question: If i train, will my body go skinny and my man boobs stand out? Because right now they don't stand out unless i wear a tight tshirt but I'm scared that if i start training and lose a lot of weight then my whole body will be skinny except for my chest, then i'll be scared to go out :/

2. My family hasn't got the money to pay 2 grand for surgery because my father doesn't work anymore, he's on benefits and our family is on low income, and im in full time education. Is there any way i can get the surgery done without having to pay that 2 grand?

Thank you.

Offline thetodd

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1/ weight loss will probably make the gland stick out but youd have to have a really low bf%. Id reccomend losing weight as a first step. Not starving yourself etc by eating a good diet and going the gym

2/ Basically no there isnt unless you go with the NHS. In which case it would be free but if its a minor case and due to your age the chances of getting it with the NHS are very low. Also its more than £2k the standard price in the UK is £4k

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you may have a bit of a wait before you get surgery. If you can post some pics up youl get some honest opinions. your comment about "only noticeable in tight clothing" makes me thing that it might be nothing and its just got into your head that you've got gyne
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline kingboob

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If you are on a low income (aren't we all at the moment!), then really you are gonna have to play ball with your GP and try to shed any excess weight first. GP's are obsessed with the BMI calculation and even though it isn't always a good guide they will still insist on anything over 25 as being overweight.

So if you can get down to  say  12st or slightly less I think you have a good case to go back to your GP with.... If your moobs are mainly made up of fat then there is a good chance losing weight may help fix the problem anyway.

Otherwise you are looking at the best part of 4.5k for surgery privately. 

Offline WhyOhWhy

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If you can post some pics up youl get some honest opinions. your comment about "only noticeable in tight clothing" makes me thing that it might be nothing and its just got into your head that you've got gyne

Here you go:


And, most of the time me nipples are puffy but in the pictures they don't look that puffy because it was cold, when im not cold my nipples are always puffy.

So what you guys think?

Offline thetodd

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You definatley have gyne youve got a moderate case, no dissimilar to my gyne a year ago. I think you should try the NHS route it cant do no harm i was thinking you were going to have a case of just puffy nipples but you do have a significant amount of breast tissue.

Offline WhyOhWhy

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But if i train, every day, and train my chest everyday, will it look something like this:

and this: (LEFT PICTURE)

Because i don't think i could live with those..

Right now, mine aren't so bad i think because they are proportionate to my body but if i train and lose a lot of weight, then my whole body will be skinny apart from my chest :/ Then it will stand out a lot... Am i right?

thetodd, what exactly is the NHS route?

Offline thetodd

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NHS route is going to your Doctor, getting referred to a breast clinic at your local hospital. Once there the hospital surgeon will have the final decision on whether he'l operate on you or not. Weight training makes moobs look really pronounced and no amount of a workout regime will get rid of them unfortunately.

If you lose weight, then you wont lose the breast tissue and it will probally stand out more. If i was you id concentrate on saving some money aside and perhaps find family members who can fund it or get a little sideline that you can make some money off.

Offline WhyOhWhy

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Is the NHS route free? Because i really doubt my parents would let me have surgery, they'll probably tell me to lose some weight lol

If i lost a lot of weight, and my moobs stand out, is there anything i can wear so they aren't noticeable?

Offline kingboob

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You are 18, your parents can't stop you from having surgery.   If you can get surgery on the NHS obviously it would be free.... but as you have already found out they are going to expect you to lose weight first, and even then there is no guarantee.

Losing weight might help, but there are also compression vests which you can wear.... they can help hide the problem quite a lot, although not a long term solution obviously.

Offline WhyOhWhy

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Hmmm.. thanks =)

These vests sound rather interesting, I've done a bit of research and they seem pretty neat, anyone ever tried one?

And they look pretty tight...

Also, They don't show how the person looks without the vest on so i cannot judge it that well :/

How long do these vests go for? And are they washing machine friendly?

thanks again

Offline kingboob

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In an ideal world you would want 2 or 3 so that you can wash one and wear one........... My guess is they would require careful washing on a cold wash and certainly not tumble dried.

I can't comment on this type of vest, but the compression vest I had after surgery was very, very snug and quite warm... be careful to order the correct size as too small will be uncomfortable, and bear in mind that they are not really ideal for summer wear because you will get so hot.

Offline puffman1

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Before I got surgery I would wear the underworks tank top. There is a bar advertisement at the top of this page that links you to their website. I don't know how much they cost on it, but I ordered mine off of Amazon for 20 bucks a piece.

They worked perfectly for me because I am a skinny dude with just puffy nipples. Looking at your photos you've got more than me, but I feel they would greatly help you also. I bought two of them and pretty much wore them all the time except for when I was sleeping. It gave me many more options with my wardrobe and also gave me a good confidence boost.... with my shirt on that is.

They can be very hot in the summer, but I would rather be hot than have my nips sticking way out. I live in one of the hottest and most humid parts of the country and on top of that, I work outside at a golf course and I was able to stand them even when the heat index was 110 degrees F.

As far as washing them goes, I wash and dry them regularly with my other clothes and they have held up fine for over a year now. I even dry them in high heat and its fine.

So my advice to you is to buy a couple, and you will be satisfied. They are tight and can be hard to get on and off, but you will get used to it. Just be sure to get the right size for optimal results.

Offline WhyOhWhy

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Thank you for your replies.

I will buy a vest then, but, if i train then my body will be skinny except my chest,

Can the vests hide somethings like this:

(left picture)



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