Author Topic: JUst had surgery  (Read 6181 times)

Offline robs

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Ok good to know those details.

I know what you mean about wanting to work out...It's going to be a long 4 weeks for me.  This past week I have been getting out of the house for a bit walking around, went to chill at Wasaga beach one day with my girlfriend (wearing my vest, sitting under an umbrella of course).  But I cannot wait to go on a serious bike ride!

It does seem like people are getting back to their normal activities faster than usual but the nurse told me that doing so can cause water buildup which would need to be drained, not good.  Like you, I'm sticking to the instructions.  I think they are being conservative but I would rather not risk complications.

Offline redwings

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yeah i have those chunky spots too....the massaging makes it hurt like 2 mins after ur done massaging but w,e just gota take it.
but i have another question for u guys........when can i start sleeping on my chest and stuff and not on my back like i have been for the past 2 weeks since i got my surgery, stayin in the same sleeping position (on my back) really sUCKS!!!

Offline robs

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I started sleeping on my side a few days after my 1 week appointment.  The nurse said that as long as it doesn't hurt, it's ok to sleep on my side, that it has no bad effect of the healing.

I just couldn't take it anymore, sleeping on my back is hell!  The moment I rolled on my side...out like a light.  Funny thing is I found myself on my back when I woke up. 

I didn't ask her about sleeping on my stomach since I don't sleep like that.

Offline redwings

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oh ya? lol aright cool man
yeah sleeping on my back is the worst thing ever.
i jusst think of how easy id be able to sleep if im on my side or on my stomach
i forgot to ask all these questions when i saw the nurse, cuz we all know what happens when it comes to asking questions.......we go blank!
but yeah ill be sleeping on my side since it doesn't hurt.

Offline robs

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how hard are you massaging?  Sometimes I end up massaging each side for about 15 or 20 minutes trying to work on some of the scar tissue.

Offline robs

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so?  how are ya doing? 

Offline redwings

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yo man.....yeah i massage for about 5 minutes. each side
is it just me or does it sting alot when u go over those hard chunks?

Offline redwings

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Hows your chest doing/healing?
and another ur massaging cream almost done? cuz mine is lol

Offline robs

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My chest is doing pretty good!  I have some lumps and bumps and some ridges when you look at it from the side.  I'm not worried though, it will go away with time.

2 weeks bro!  We take off the vest in 2 weeks!

I still have enough arnica cream left, I don't slather it on since the instructions say to put a light layer.  I think you can buy it from the pharmacy though.

It does still sting a bit in certain spots and the top of my chest is still sore at different times of the day.

Are you happy with the results at this point?  I sure am...and I know that there is swelling and scar tissue that will go away and it will look even better.

Offline boobienoob

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Hey guys, first time poster here. Grats on getting the surgery.

I too have been considering going with Dr. Lista I'm just a little concerned with this whole scar tissue thing. Is this common with all methods or just Dr. Lista's technique? How big are these "lumps, bumps"?

I'm worried that getting the surgery will just replace breast tissue with scar tissue and would still be in the same boat. I have a mild case any input would be greatly appreciated.

Offline robs

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Hey booblenoob,

Scar tissue forms as a result of liposuction.  The scar tissue forms minor ridges and low profile lumps/bumps that mainly show when you pull back your arms.  This scar tissue goes away with time, apparently.

Most of the time you will require lipo unless you have super low body fat, since guys with this condition have a tendency to store some fat cells in the chest area, even if a mild case.  The difference with dr lista's technique is that he uses the same incision to do the lipo and also insert long scissors to separate the gland and then suction that out as well.

Hope that helps!

Offline redwings

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yeah dude....
i still get like minor minor pain as well at the side of my chest.
but from the looks of it, it seems like my left side is healing a little bit quicker then my right side but as for right now, i can already see a massive difference. its pretty awesome and its only been 4 weeks.
the FINAL results show in 2-3 months apparently so this is pretty sick
im throwing the biggest party ever when i get this vest off lmao.
kidding, but this vest REALLY sucks


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