Author Topic: 7 days to go until surgery with Karidis  (Read 3472 times)

Offline chad1721

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Hi guys,

This time next week I should be going down for surgery with Karidis, I can't believe how fast it has come round, once you have booked the surgery the weight is just lifted off you and before you no it your one week away from getting rid of gyno!

I feel pretty well prepared, I have been on a really intense training programme and diet which has helped me to lose 18 pounds, I think a lower weight will make it easier for him to sculpt the chest and remove the gland, my body fat has gone from 20% to 15%. I have been to Holand and Barrett and bought som Arnica tablets and I am going to make sure i get plenty of pineapple in too!

If anything the only thing I am a little nervous about id the sedation as i have never been under before, but I will be in the best possible hands!

I haven't eaten any salmon or garlic and i've consumed no alcohol for the last 2 weeks, can anyone who has had the surgery think of anything else I will need to get or do before I go in? I wan't to be totally prepared!

I am going to continue to train and have my last work out the day before the surgery, is this going to be ok or do you guys think I should take the day before off so my body can full concentrate on recovering from the op instead of an intense weights session? Also my surgery is on the 12th and I am planning my first training session for the 30th will 18 days be enough recovery time in your experiences?

I will start a post in just over a weeks time with before and after shots and a write up about my experience.

Offline thetodd

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No salmon or garlic? why you worried about ya breath ;)

What youve done is good, id say no to training the day before and the only reason for that is because you cant drink/eat 12 hours before the op. Last thing you need is to be still burning calories for hours while you cant eat/drink, just relax and take it easy the night before because youl be a bit nerve racked. Get a few dvd's and just chill.

dont worry about anything regarding the op, your in good hands. Youl be in and out in hours simple as. Youve got a telly in your room so i wouldnt bother taking stuff to entertain yourself. Get to the hospital in plenty of time so you dont panic and get a nice baggy shirt for when you go home ... i do mean baggy if your a medium go and grab a Large/XL because its hard to life ya arms up.

and thats that. As for training dont set a date. Just wait till you feel good and take it really easy.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline chad1721

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I have woken up today with a really sore throat, I have felt ill all day and have had a head ache, it feels like the start of a bug or virus, will it effect the surgery if i am ill on the day of the day? i have only got 5 days to go now.


Offline thetodd

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ive forgot the exact name for it but your basically getting a cold by worrying/thinking about it its phsycological. Dont worry you will be getting the surgery no matter what. When i was leading upto surgery i was getting really paranoid and started to move out the way of anyone sneezing or coughing. Was a worrying few weeks for me :)

Offline chad1721

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Only 3 days to go and then i'm heading down to London, I am glad England are playing in a friendly the night before, it might help take my mind off it!

I have started to eat what i want again to build up my strength for Thursday, all being well i should be posting pics this weekend!

Offline chad1721

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Surgery complete, all went ok, i have taken some pre op pics, will take some post op tommorow and i am going to write a detailed report of all my experiences which i have to say have been totally positive, There is one thing i need some really quick advise on,

My vest is very tight, i have changed my dressings today, i have had to undo the vest for 10 minutes tonight as it is so tight, i have it on the slackest setting but t is still really tight, has anyone else had the same problem? am i ok to take a couple of 10 minute breaks from the vest a day or not? any help will be really welcome!!!!!!


Offline Nomoregyne

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Hey mate, I don't think taking little breaks would be too awful but I would phone the office and get their advice. Better to be on the safe side.

Anyway, do put up some pics and an experience write up....I'm going with karidis in a few weeks (about 9 or so) and would really appreciate the input.

Good luck with the recovery and congrats on being gyne free!

Offline Nomoregyne

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Great results mate! Karidis did what he does best which is getting rid of that 'pinch'.

Keep updating them as you go along if you can

Offline chad1721

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I will do mate, I am going to do a full write up including the whole experience later today, you have got nothing to worry about, Karidis is definately the man for the job!

Offline chad1721

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Well I am now 4 days post-op so I thought I would do a quick write up of my experience with the genius that is Dr. Karidis.I have

I travelled down to London on the day of surgery, I left Stafford at 530am and arrived at the hospital of St John and St Elizabeth at 915am. I reported in at reception and my name was ticked off the list, I was asked to take a seat on the leather sofas in the waiting area. After about 5 mins a bloke in a suit came and showed me to my room, I filled out a few forms and then he left me to settle in.
I was really impressed wititg the nurse that I was having a nice dream, by the time my eyes could focus on the clock it was 1230pm. I was wheeled back to my room, I was starving so I asked if I could have some toast and a cup of tea. I spent the afternoon watching sky sports news and crappy day time tv. I had a really nice meal, tomato soup, beef sandwich and cheese and buscuits. At about 3pm Chantelle came round to see how I was doing, she gave me all the post op advise and said i would be able to go home soon.

At 4pm the nurse came round and said that I was able to go home. I had an ok journey home, not too much pain. I really struggled to sleep on the first night, I think it was a mixture of drugs, adrenaline and the tight compression vest.

The next day I changed my dressings and saw the results for the first time. My chest looked unusually flat but I think that was down to the compression garment, I had been warned about this so I wasn't too shocked. I have to say I was really impressed with the reults! I know it's early days!

The next couple of days I really struggled with the tightness of the compression vest, especially in the evening when my stomach gets bloated. The swelling seems to be peaking now and i haven't had to take any pain killers for the last 2 days. I am just taking my Arnica and pineapple. I have been taking a 10 minute break from the vest twice a day to keep me sain!

I will be taking the plasters off on friday so I will take some more pictures and post them then.

Offline Nomoregyne

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Hey mate, hows your recovery progressing? Still happy with the results?


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