Author Topic: New here - suspecting gynecomastia  (Read 2323 times)

Offline Kral

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Ok, so this is my case...
I'm 25 years old, and my breasts grew a bit when I was around 13 (it was a bit painful but the process ended in a few days, maybe a week or so). I've been a bit overweight (BMI 26 to 28) from 12~13 until last year so I thought it was because of obesity.
With a diet and a bit of exercise, I got down to an optimal weight (according to my nutritionist, I had almost no fat but a weird amount of liquids - checked my renal functions and they were OK).
The man-boobies remained. The breasts themselves are approximately 6 cm deep, with a radius of maybe 8 cm, slightly pointed and a bit bulgier towards the sides. Nipples are roughly 3 cm deep and 3~4 cm side to side when they're "puffy"; they seem to harden at random times (temperature/emotions/clothing, I suppose) and they get way smaller, with a way more defined areola/glans distinction. Usually the left one is hard and the left one isn't, but sometimes they both harden or get puffy. Color varies a lot from a state to the other, from pale pink to very dark brown. The slightest touch makes them hard but I don't feel a thing.
Tried self-exploration and found a hard, disk-shaped structure halfway between ribs and nipples; it's slightly bigger than the nipple and centered on the same axis. This structure is bilateral and symmetric.
Other sexual traits seem normal: body hair, grave voice, broad shoulders... Relevant surgery includes a varicocele one at 18 (the varicocele itself was not severe but extremely painful) but there have appeared what might be more varicoceles (painless this time).
I've had small vase circulatory problems during the last few years, with episodes of full-body livedo reticular, Raynaud's and lots of chillblains. Blood tests revealed nothing abnormal, doctor said it might be just a somatic response to anxiety (I've had a severe anxiety disorder since adolescence).
I have 2 extra undeveloped nipples (both on the right side) but they don't exhibit any of those characteristics - they're little more than dark patches with hair.
So I'm suspecting a link between circulatory disease->varicocele->gynecomastia, with maybe anxiety being either the cause of the first or the result of the last.

Opinions? I've tried to include any info that might be even remotely related to the subject, but if you need anything else I'll be glad to tell. You can use medical terms here, I'm a podiatrist but we have a general knowledge of medicine. In fact, medical jargon would be preferable to "normal" language as I'm not a native English speaker.
Thank you in advance!

Edited: After some more exploration, I found similar structures under both extra nipples.
First extra nipple (under the right one, same height as the xyphoid process; a small patch of dark skin): Small bodies that feel like grains of rice (something similar was surrounding the gland in both "main" nipples); they don't appear on the left side where there's no nipple. Not attached to bone or skin. Maybe they're just lymphatic nodes.

Second extra nipple (under first, same height as the belly; an even smaller patch of pinkish skin with some relief): There's something small and hard that hurts under a bit of lateral pressure (pinch); it's actually bigger than the nipple, maybe the size of a nail. Doesn't appear at the left (non-extra-nippled) side. Not attached to the skin.

Those extra nipples are not associated to a protruding breast like the others, so I couldn't care less about them, but I'd say both reacted to hormones within their limited capabilities. They're, after all, undeveloped.

pictures here
« Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 11:13:55 AM by Kral »

Offline Dr. Cruise

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Upon reviewing your pictures, especially your oblique pictures, it is clear that you have "Puffy Nipples." This may very well have been caused by all the excess estrogens that were present at the time you were overweight. This is actually quite common. I'm very impressed with how well you articulated your condition, however the fact remains there is no medical treatment (medication) to correct the excess gland once it has formed.  It sounds as if you've taken the appropriate steps to rule out other medical causes for your gynecomastia. It is not uncommon as most gynecomastia does not have a clearly definable cause.
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia


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