Author Topic: do i have gyno or pseudo gyno?  (Read 7836 times)

Offline zado611

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i am 17 years old and was wandering which do i have i know im overweight about 265 6'4 but i've had man boobs since i was 9 or 10.. when i was 14 i lost 50 lbs from a severe illness however i lost none in my chest.. which do i have?? (picture is attached) :(

Offline zado611

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some added info i left out.. sometimes my nipples burn.. is this significant with gyno

Offline OneLife

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It could very much be just fat (pseudo), as you are overweight. Unless the PS can feel your chest, it is not easy to confirm if it is real. If it is pseudo, you may try to burn it by exercising or by a lipo surgery. In case you have some gland, then both lipo+excision are needed. Either way, your PS might ask you to burn some fat before the surgery. So make a consultation to confirm your case and mean while try to work off some of the fat (makes you more eligible for surgery)..

Offline xoxoxoxo

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why don't you lose weight??  ::)

Offline zado611

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well considering ive already lost it an nothing happened in my chest.. so i doubt losing weight would help my chest but it would make me a healthier person.. its just hard to get started when u have those things getting you down and feels like you can't push through every day life

Offline burntoast

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I hear ya zado611. My story is similar.. Unfortunately I waited until I was 26 to start losing the weight and missed out on some potential awesome times during my late teens to early 20s. Don't let that happen to you! Start losing weight now! Your life will be infinitely better. If you want tips or anything, just message me.

Offline xoxoxoxo

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I agree.. lose some weight.. you may not lose gyne for losing weight but it could make you feel good and you could easily it could make you hide those things easily.  ;)


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i am 17 years old and was wandering which do i have i know im overweight about 265 6'4 but i've had man boobs since i was 9 or 10.. when i was 14 i lost 50 lbs from a severe illness however i lost none in my chest.. which do i have?? (picture is attached) :(

I don't know whether i have pseudo gyne or gyne but if i have pseudo is there a surgery for that the reason i think i have pseudo is b/c i am a lil overweight so that may be causing the man boobs.. however when i was younger around 14(now 17) i got real bad sick and lost 40 pounds but lost none in my chest

Pseudogynecomastia is a bad term that is supposed to be fat only gynecomastia. The problem with that "classification" is that in almost every case of gynecomastia I have seen there is some component of gland.  This gland can be very small, but it is present almost all the time.  So do you have Pseudo gynecomastia when there is a 1%, 10%, 50%, or 90% deformity from fat?  Reality just does not work that way.

Weight loss is the first place to start for making oneself feel better about one's body. Weight loss is a coarse tool, you cannot pick where the fat goes on, nor where it comes off. Male Body Fat Distribution tends to put fat on first on the belly and chest bands and takes it off those regions last. Early surgery is a bad gamble before weight loss. If you have early surgery, and then lose weight, and if the weight comes off in a male pattern, it may look like the gynecomastia has recurred. That is why as a surgical sculptor I prefer to use a coarse tool first and reserve the plastic surgery for refinement. Early before weight loss compromise surgery can never make an obese person not look obese. They are still cursed with global fat and breasts, just breasts of a smaller size.

For my patients I recommend that they get to a weight / body fat that they are comfortable with, let the skin compensate as much as it can, then consider surgery. During this weight loss No Surgery Body Shaping Garments are a fantastic tool as a temporizing contour measure that many of patients, even those living in hot environments, use to put off the stress of body contour issues while they stabilize a problem or lose weight.

There is no magic trick to get the weight off. It is usually a combination of dieting, exercise, and hard work. But being patient can produce a better final result.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline zado611

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Gosh how i wish i could get one of those design veronique models for free because i dont have the money being 17.. i got a tri top from underworks but you can still tell my boobs are there :/.. is design veronique better than underworks?

Offline zado611

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Yea to be honest about l
I agree.. lose some weight.. you may not lose gyne for losing weight but it could make you feel good and you could easily it could make you hide those things easily.  ;)
  yea losing weight would be cool but to be honest my stomach isnt what bothers me @ all just my boobs im not self conscious for being fat in my stomache

Offline G_D

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why don't you lose weight??  ::)

Why dont you get some tact?

What a shitty thing to say to a 17 year old kid, who is here for some advice.

Buddy, it doesnt matter chest wise if you lose weight as you will still need some sort of surgury due to size/ shape of your chest. I HIGHLY recommened you do lose weight as this will help somewhat, but generally if you dont do something about this very SOON your chest fat will become fibreous.

You should also know that excess body fat makes your body secrete estrogen, making your boobs grow quicker.
You very young and if you get on top of this now your problems will be minimal. So eat well and exercise your bum off, then once your at a good weight speak to your doc.

Offline GymJunkie510

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I'm jumping on the bandwagon and suggesting weight loss (and weight training) as well, though I think in the end, surgery might be the option. While 6'4" 265 is large, respectfully, it doesn't seem extreme enough to justify your condition (size, sagging, etc). Best option is to lose the weight and then see if what's left is tolerable or not.

Offline xoxoxoxo

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why don't you lose weight??  ::)

Why dont you get some tact?

What a shitty thing to say to a 17 year old kid, who is here for some advice.

Buddy, it doesnt matter chest wise if you lose weight as you will still need some sort of surgury due to size/ shape of your chest. I HIGHLY recommened you do lose weight as this will help somewhat, but generally if you dont do something about this very SOON your chest fat will become fibreous.

You should also know that excess body fat makes your body secrete estrogen, making your boobs grow quicker.
You very young and if you get on top of this now your problems will be minimal. So eat well and exercise your bum off, then once your at a good weight speak to your doc.

well hello, considering that he's boobs are very noticeable, he must lose weight.. he need to try everything to compensate.. losing weight is a must 'coz you can't be a good candidate for surgery if you're didn't tried exerting just a little bit of an effort for your weight..


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