Author Topic: Has anyone ever attempted self surgery?  (Read 7157 times)

Offline jlach

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So I was at a potluck with a lot of microbiology grad students last night talking about how to grow Probiotics without milk or soy. Everyone asked why not soy and I replied it's bad for guys. They all wanted to know why and I said estrogen and just saw everyone's eyes look at my chest.

Im 22, and have been wearing at least two shirts for more than two years. In Texas, this is pretty award in the summer with temps over 100 degree, and I am often questioned on why. My parents wouldn't allow me to wear two shirts in high school, so I used to try and sneak another in my backpack.

I've looked into surgery, but it is awfully expensive. I have a premed background, and was thinking of attempting a self surgery. I won the best suturist award in high school and in college.
I was thinking I could rub some oragel ( the tooth numbing stuff) on the nipple, making a small incision on the underside of the nipple and pulling it out with tweezers. I have an autoclave to sterilize everything. I know its awfully risky, but it seems so easy.

If anyone has any experience with this, please share it or your thoughts on methods and such.

Offline texastoast88

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Uhhh, I hope you're kidding. From all the research I've done, this specific procedure is pretty challenging - and that's when it is performed in an operating room with you laying back while someone else works on you. There is a reason these guys get paid so much - because they do a great job. I'm afraid if you actually went through with it, your chest would look even worse than before honestly, no to mention the risk of infections or other complications. Additionally, a professional plastic surgeon will ensure that the healing process is done correctly to achieve optimum results. No, the best option for anyone with legitimate gynecomastia is to start saving those coins and get it taken care of by a board certified plastic surgeon. I think any of the doctors on here would agree that that is 100% bad news waiting to happen - self surgery.
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Offline gyneco_1001

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Dude... doctors who are plastic surgeons themselves would not perform this surgery on themselves... I have no idea why in the world you would even think of such a thing... if money is an issue then wait.... it isn't something you can just pull out with tweezers.... the surgery involves a lot more skill and knowledge than eyebrow tweezing and knitting... and to top it all off... Oragel... really? that definitely does NOT have a potent enough concentration of numbing agents needed for surgery involving incisions... bottom line... if you're still seriously considering doing this then I suggest you go see a psychiatrist first cuz there has got to be something seriously wrong with you.

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*sitting here wondering why people respond to people who make stupid posts on message boards because they are desperate for attention*

I think idiots are best ignored. Giving them the attention they seek only reinforces them.

Offline texastoast88

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Offline kwl04

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Be sure to post pre and post pictures so the other morons on here that are thinking about doing surgery on themselves can see why you need to leave that stuff to the pros.  I'm not wishing anything bad upon you, but come on dude.  Get a job or get a second job and do this thing the right way.


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So I was at a potluck with a lot of microbiology grad students last night talking about how to grow Probiotics without milk or soy. Everyone asked why not soy and I replied it's bad for guys. They all wanted to know why and I said estrogen and just saw everyone's eyes look at my chest.

Im 22, and have been wearing at least two shirts for more than two years. In Texas, this is pretty award in the summer with temps over 100 degree, and I am often questioned on why. My parents wouldn't allow me to wear two shirts in high school, so I used to try and sneak another in my backpack.

I've looked into surgery, but it is awfully expensive. I have a premed background, and was thinking of attempting a self surgery. I won the best suturist award in high school and in college.
I was thinking I could rub some oragel ( the tooth numbing stuff) on the nipple, making a small incision on the underside of the nipple and pulling it out with tweezers. I have an autoclave to sterilize everything. I know its awfully risky, but it seems so easy.

If anyone has any experience with this, please share it or your thoughts on methods and such.

Please note the date of this prior question and my answer back then:


Question for Dr Bermant,

Your regarded as one the best gyne surgeons on this board. If not the best.

However, if you developed a case of gyne, would you operate on yourself?


P.S I think I know the answer to this question  ;) However some people are so darn stupid. Perhaps you could answer it for them...
No, I would not operate on myself.  There is an old saying in medicine:

The doctor who has himself (herself) as a patient, has a fool for a doctor.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Unfortunately, I have seen the results of real desperate patients who have tried the self surgery route. I currently have one case I am planning to put on my web site to demonstrate the disaster that individual created with his own attempt. The example shows the limitations the prior misadventure can have on my  revision gynecomastia surgery.. The first operation is working on virgin tissues and is the best opportunity to have the best result.

That is one of the reasons I chose to demonstrate the effectiveness of Body Shaping Garments as a temporizing measure until people could stabilize their problem, lose weight, or save money for surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia

Offline Paa_Paw

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This is a subject which comes up, not too frequently, but with some regularity.

My first inclination was to dismiss this as a joke, Obviously I was wrong to do so. The fact that the idea reappears, often in a post that is seemingly quite serious, leads me to believe that that the question is serious.

It is not beyond belief that there are people who feel such desperation that they are willing to attempt such a procedure. Others, thinking that the cost of surgery is beyond them may resort to such an attempt in the hope that having started, they would then qualify for emergency intervention to properly complete the procedure.

If such were the case, the individual would be in for a rather sad awakening. About the best you could hope for would be a trip to the Emergency Room where your wounds would be closed by someone with minimal skills. Scars and disfigurement would be the most obvious outcome. Trying to maintain a sterile field would be nearly impossible so infection would be a common result.

Years ago, I was in the USAF. Not a medical professional, I was a Medical Corpsman and for several years I served as the chief Medical Tech. in a Hospital Emergency Room. Based upon my experience, I would say that no one actually qualified to perform such a procedure would attempt it on themselves. The Doctors that I held in highest regard would not even treat members of their immediate families.

One of the things a Doctor needs is the ability to be totally objective. I do not believe it is possible to have the necessary objectivity when dealing with yourself or with someone with whom you are emotionally involved.

The procedure of male breast reduction is not difficult to describe, but it requires the skills of a surgeon coupled with artistry of a sculptor. This is definitely a job for a professional and not a Do-it-yourself job.
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Offline Enterprise19

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I've seen it done. I have pictures. The dude has a better incision than I do (not saying much though mine is shit).

Offline Paa_Paw

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There are nerves involved and the area can have a lot of vascular development. leave well enough alone and see a professional.

Offline Raider Fan

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Well, there are always nuts out there, but these silly posts occur fairly regularly and I think 99 out of 100 of them are not serious, but are simply seeking to pull a gag and get attention on a message board. Considering that, I think it's best not to respond at all.  But if someone chooses to respond, I think Dr. Bermant's response is a good one.  It answers the question but doesn't go overboard or give the person more attention than they deserve.  

You can tell when the person isn't serious because they will typically make only the one post or follow up their silly question with other questions that are equally absurd....just to keep it going.  

It's really a pathetic thing for people to do this.  They are basically playing on good hearted people who are trying to help someone, then laughing at them if they DO try to help.

Offline TheOregonKid

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It is normal to feel desperate about your gyno.  Self-surgery, however will NEVER work.

Are you being honest about your gyno?  How much weight do you HONESTLY need to lose....are you doing everything to lose that weight?
Have you invested the modest sum needed to purchase a few quality compression garments to wear beneath your clothing?
Are you sure you are seeing yourself for how you really are?  Body dismorphic disorder could be causing you to percieve you problem as far worse than it actually is.....the fact that you are seriously considering self-surgery suggests that it would be worth talking to your doctor about your mental health.


I saved for YEARS to get my gyno surgery and am finally getting it in a couple of weeks.  Compression garments have been a quick fix in the interim and my closest friend say they can't notice when I have them on.

This is the website I order mine from.  I would order a few 'strengths' to see what fit is best for you.  I wear the light fit.  The medium felt like I was getting squeezed by a python.  I think the heavier fits are for men with severe, large breasts.

Good luck.
“Whoever despises himself still esteems the despiser within himself” -Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline kaka

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LMAO... You must be joking right?? That will be number 99 out of 1000 ways to DIE!  ;D 


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