Hey all
I've been meaning to write on here to discuss my gynecomastia, and how I will go about solving the issue that has plagued me for so long.
It's really starting to bother me greatly. It's visible though my clothing and i'm constantly aware of it and people glancing at my chest. I walk along the corridors at work constantly scratching the other side of my shoulder to cover the area up.
It started about 3 years ago where I felt a very small lump just under the nipple on my right hand side of my chest. Within a year it was visible, and another 6 months it was visible through clothing. It got quite big quite fast so I saw my GP and he referred me to a breast clinic in case it could be something bad. He mentioned that it's unusual for someone of my age to get gynecomastia on one side at a young age (i was 24 at the time).
The breast clinic took a blood test (it was fine), and an ultrasound and concluded was that it was nothing to worry about, and will go down in a year or so. So I left feeling relieved that it wasn't a horror story.
So since then, nothing much has happened. It deflated a small amount (enough to notice anyway), but has gone back to it's original size again quite recently. Certainly hasn't "gone down in a year or so" like I was told. Im 26 now.
The thing is about just over half a ping pong ball in size, with some hard tissue to the right and some soft fat tissue around the nipple. The hard tissue is a new formation and had got me worried as it shows all the signs of a tumour (tenderness, locally movable and hard), but Im thinking this is just a normal part of Gynecomastia because A) Hard tissue formed in an area different to this one before it deflated, now in its present form that area is soft, B) The breast clinic gave me the all-clear, even with the previous hard lump.
I don't have much money, but I'm feeling like I need surgery now, and this Dr. Karadis (excuse the spelling) seems the best option. The problem is that i've been seeing surgery prices of 4k on this very forum which is way too much money. I don't know how he works, but do you think for me it would be slightly lower considering i've only got it on one side? Heh, I don't think he charges per boob as such, but I hoping it would be a little less.
What do you guys recommend? I'm sorry, but you probably get tons of the same messages every day here, but i just need some clarification on my condition and options open to me.
Photo attatched - you can clearly see it on the left here.
Many thanks