Long ago I observed that it takes a real man to deal with this condition. My opinion has not changed. A sissy will simply suffer in silence.
That's not a fair statement to make Dan... The word '
sissy' is a tad harsh don't you think?
When a guy grabs a m
(o)(o)b and says very loudly in a room full of co-workers, "Look at the t.i.t.s on this guy!!!"... and then everyone stares and laughs... I mean what's a guy to do in that situation? Don't let the fact that a room full of co-workers just stared and laughed at your m
(o)(o)bs bother you? All you want to do is to crawl under a rock and die...
Public Humiliation is very powerful... How can someone just '
shrug-off ' being publically humiliated? Public humiliation is so powerful, that years ago (
and not so long ago), it was used to humiliate those who had committed crimes and to deter them from committing crimes in the future...
Mel Gibson was quoted in a newspaper about a year ago... "What we all fear the most, is being laughed at"...
FEAR... Fear makes people do things and 'think' things they normally wouldn't....
We are all different... we all handle our feelings differently... Yes, I'll admit that I
31 years... I suppose that makes me a 'sissy'?
I did 'try' once tho... many years ago, a g/f and I went to the beach with her family. She wanted me to take off my t-shirt layers. I was reluctant to do so but wanted to '
man-up'... so the top came off... I had to endure all the stares, smirks and comments the entire afternoon...
What a horrible experience!!!Anyways... what I am trying to say is that we must be respectful of each others feelings. As the saying goes... 'To each his own...'
I'm not trying to dis you here Dan... I just feel that using the word 'sissy' is a tad harsh...