Author Topic: new to site: Male Mastectomy???  (Read 3137 times)


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I am now in my 50's and have had gyno since Jr. High. Was teased constantly about having bigger breasts than some of the girls. It's been a cause of shame and embarrassment for years. I've had them lipo'd but they are as big as ever.  Was even a finalist in the "Body for Life" competition in '06. but, as you all know, the breast tissue remained.

Haven't posted a pic, but I can literally grab a fistful of tissue/fat on each breast and have that egg sized bulge at the armpit.

I've seen two surgeons so far and I'll see one tomorrow and one next week. Trying to weigh my options and opinions before moving ahead.

HERE'S MY QUESTION.  One Doctor went through three different options including the donut procedure, a laser lipo procedure and finally a Mastectomy, much like a woman would have...complete removal of the nipple with reattachment once all the tissue is removed.  He said part of his recommendation of that was due to my age and excess skin that would be left behind. I would have two half circle scars, one under each breast.

Has anyone out there done that?  Is that a safe option for men?  He said it was the one sure way to end up flat.
He is reputable and has a great medical facility.

Thanks for any input. I appreciate this site. Seeing all the photos of varying levels helped me solidify my decision to move forward.


  • Guest
I am now in my 50's and have had gyno since Jr. High. Was teased constantly about having bigger breasts than some of the girls. It's been a cause of shame and embarrassment for years. I've had them lipo'd but they are as big as ever.  Was even a finalist in the "Body for Life" competition in '06. but, as you all know, the breast tissue remained.

Haven't posted a pic, but I can literally grab a fistful of tissue/fat on each breast and have that egg sized bulge at the armpit.

I've seen two surgeons so far and I'll see one tomorrow and one next week. Trying to weigh my options and opinions before moving ahead.

HERE'S MY QUESTION.  One Doctor went through three different options including the donut procedure, a laser lipo procedure and finally a Mastectomy, much like a woman would have...complete removal of the nipple with reattachment once all the tissue is removed.  He said part of his recommendation of that was due to my age and excess skin that would be left behind. I would have two half circle scars, one under each breast.

Has anyone out there done that?  Is that a safe option for men?  He said it was the one sure way to end up flat.
He is reputable and has a great medical facility.

Thanks for any input. I appreciate this site. Seeing all the photos of varying levels helped me solidify my decision to move forward.

The male chest can be distorted by both Gynecomastia Male Breast Enlargement. Drooping or Ptosis is a frequent problem of the aging male chest, after massive weight loss, or deflation of massive muscles.   

Posting Standard Pictures to Show Male Chest Extra Skin Issues can help others better understand if the loose skin component is a factor.

Low areola and sagging skin do not give a good contour to the male chest.  Surgery to deal with both the residual contours of gynecomastia and loose hanging tissues can be combined.  Male Mastopexy Chest Lift for Drooping Chest or Ptosis can consist of many different Surgical Options for Excess Skin of the Male Chest.  A Short Scar Skin Reduction Chest Lift hides the scars under the pectoral muscles and around the areola.  In other cases, leaving the loose skin behind is a better compromise. Free nipple grafts darken badly and tend to end up looking strange. Donut mastopexy is particularly difficult on the smaller diameter male areola and can result in unnatural wrinkling.

This is an art form. Understand your surgeon's skills with this particular sculpture by carefully examining examples of their results is very important.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Male Mastopexy Chest Lift for Sagging Tissues

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Men in their 50's with gyne face several decisions when considering surgery.  First, there is no doubt that surgery can remove the underlying excess tissue -- whatever it is.  Second, no-one (not even a surgeon) can predict how much your skin will shrink after the tissue has been removed. 

I have operated on many men over 50 and have oftentimes been surprised at how well their skin has tightened -- without additional incisions (and resultant additional scars).

Most men that I know would rather have a result that is 90% better and with minimal scars than to have an absolutely perfect chest with lots of scars.  In the latter case, those guys would still not be happy to remove their shirt in public while the former guys would be content to do so, albeit with a chest that is not quite perfect (but which looks much more "normal").

Suggest you consult with some additional gyne surgeons (hopefully with lots of experience) for additional opinions.

It would be helpful for us if you could post some photos.

Best of luck.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline pokeweed

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Thanks Dr Jacobs. 
I had an excellent meeting yesterday with a different doctor. He plans a half circle incision in the natural line below the breast and removal of the breast tissue, which he said there was quite a bit of. He will also lipo the bulges at my armpit area. He thought my skin would bounce back nicely, especially since I'm in good shape otherwise. I felt very comfortable with him and his $quote was great.  He's also been picked as Top Plastic Surgeon in our area two years in a row in a magazine here that has a yearly poll on everything from doctors to ice cream! That gives me some confidence, too. Moving ahead.[/b]

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Good for you -- hope it works out to your satisfaction.

Dr Jacobs

Offline pokeweed

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Hey Doctors...posted pictures on the Photo wall. THANKS!


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