Author Topic: Can I go for weight loss after Gynecomastia surgery??? PLEASE Advise...  (Read 4055 times)

Offline Robot

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This is Raja and am 26 years old. I am suffering from gynecomastia since the age of 14-15 years and it seems that with every passing day, the size of my breasts is increasing. Kindly advise if surgery is the only way to get rid of my gynecomastia. Also, after I have undergone surgery, is there any way gynecomastia will be returning back?

I am 5 ft 8 inches tall and weigh 95 a lil on the higher side...but this gynecomastia is really depressing....hence I intend to go for the surgery first and then go for weight loss by indulging in strenous exercises like swimming, running etc....I had earlier joined a gym but that did not help much as the size of the breasts remained constant.......Hence please advise if I can go for weight loss after Gynecomastia surgery and will it be a proper thing to do....Due to my condition, I was/am unable to go for swimming/running etc as it involves taking off you shirt....Of course, I will be going for these exercises after the full completion of the recovery period.....Please advise...

Anything update coming from youe way will be welcomed and I wil be grateful....

Offline gyneco_1001

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Before surgery is an option, your gynecomastia should be stable for at least a year or else you'll just end up where you started... you should monitor your gyno more closely to be sure that they are indeed growing rather than it simply being in your head.. and if they are then obviously you'll need to wait for it to stabilize... you might also wanna see an endocrinologist in the meanwhile to get your hormone levels checked and monitored... you can also buy some compression garments which can help a lot while you're playing the waiting game.


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