Ok guys here's my URGENT situation that I'm kind of stuck in..
So my whole MAIN idea plan was to get gyno surgery done mhmm next week in California... I have the money $7000-8000 USD and am willing to pay that much to get this disgusting thing off my chest. I was a click away from purchasing my flight, hotel etc costs until I had talked to a relative who's older and what not. He came off as saying... "your stupid".
He said normally what people do is go to the gym, try to build as much muscle first and lose weight then go get surgery to get BETTER results. If you go in surgery with the way your going in now, yeah sure you'll have a decreased chest, but they might be 'saggy, hanging' with the extra fat when you do lose more weight after then that might have to reconsider a second surgery. Therefore, you not receiving the best results. Obviously the surgeons in California and wherever in the states are saying do it... they're like any other sales men, if something goes wrong you'll have to pay more for revision surgery.
It's true throughout my life, I havn't really been a dedicated person to the gym so meaning I have not actually once went 4-5 months straight working out and building muscle. What he said kind of did get me thinking, but then again I don't know what to believe I need to make an action soon. I'm not obese or anything, just have like a beer belly type.
The following is not a picture of me but ideally somewhat the stomach looks like imo, but my breasts different and bigger.
http://100percentpeople.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/overweight-man-300x198.jpgMy ideal skinny weight used to be 160 pounds, but now I'm at 190 pounds.
So honestly, help guys I need an honest opinion from all you since many of you guys are knowledgabe and I want to do what's right and help me save the money and 'bad/good results'.
Will me proceeding with the procedure mess up the results and then me losing weight later on change everything and might have to do reconsider surgery.
Should I wait and actually start working out, building muscle, losing weight and then get surgery.
I have not met a surgeon locally or in person, and majority of them said for me it's a 'gland' ..and the following procedure will be done
- lip/excision/and 'donut procedure'
What are your guy's thoughts on all this?!
Save me