Author Topic: Take a look- I would like some feedback  (Read 4541 times)

Offline getthegun

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I am a 25 y/o male 5'7 165lbs. i have recently started working out again, and was a lot more muscular while i was in the military.  I have thought over the years that maybe i had this condition, but never really knew there was a name for it. I will post some pictures so that you guys can give me some feedback. postive or negative, just need some second opinions. thanks!

Offline chronicjohn

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Looks to be a pretty minor case to me, do your nipples seem to poke through your shirt? If it has been bothering you, you should look into surgery. I hear you though about not even knowing what it was called for the longest time.

Offline **Gynefor**

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I'd say it is quite a minor case of gyne but there is some gland in there. I'm no specialist again but for me, there is something.


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I am a 25 y/o male 5'7 165lbs. i have recently started working out again, and was a lot more muscular while i was in the military.  I have thought over the years that maybe i had this condition, but never really knew there was a name for it. I will post some pictures so that you guys can give me some feedback. postive or negative, just need some second opinions. thanks!

Limited views just do not tell much of the entire story. I prefer Standardized Photographic Views, which can show more.  Subtle contour problems show much more on oblique and posterior oblique images.  In addition, some gynecomastia shows up much more when the muscles have tightened and fat compressing differently than gland.  Viewing the chest in motion is important.  I treat many body builders.  It does not take much to interfere with the cut look of a male chest.  Each person has their own view how much is a problem for their own contour.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture

Offline danilolopez

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i believe u dont have nothing at all, u have a great body, read my post about my problem and  specially the last comment i posted, you'll be surprised, ask for opinions with the people u are in contact with

keep positive

Offline nope1

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Yes, you have a little bit of gland and a little bit of fat.

I would have the surgery if I were you.

Just make sure you find a good Plastic Surgeon!

Offline getthegun

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Sorry for the delay, been working a lot. Thanks for all your feedback. I would think about getting the surgery I just am wondering is it covered by health insurance? do "they" consider this a medical condition. Also if i werer to have consultation, the Dr. i would need to consult with would be a plastic surgeron? or are there other Dr. that with one look and a poke could say yeah or no? Would me Primary care physician be able to diagnose and then refer me out? I know there are many cases out there some ranging from worst case and others not so bad, i think bottom line is though as a guy for all of us anything going on in the chese area that isnt "normal" no matter what degree it is, tend to feel self conscience.

Offline Achilles

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My doctor "diagnosed" it for me (I was sure it was gyne but he just confirmed it) and they set up a consult with a PS for me (July 26).  I've also booked 2 other consults with PS's to get an idea of what's out there (but I am leaning towards Dr. Fielding right now).  Go see your doctor just so you can get a professional opinion and go from there.  Good luck!

Offline STILLgotIT

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Looks like pretty clear gyne to me. It isn't the worst case ever, but it was as bad as mine ever was... and I chose surgery. So, surgery gets my vote.  ;)

Offline STILLgotIT

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Sorry for the delay, been working a lot. Thanks for all your feedback. I would think about getting the surgery I just am wondering is it covered by health insurance? do "they" consider this a medical condition. Also if i werer to have consultation, the Dr. i would need to consult with would be a plastic surgeron? or are there other Dr. that with one look and a poke could say yeah or no? Would me Primary care physician be able to diagnose and then refer me out? I know there are many cases out there some ranging from worst case and others not so bad, i think bottom line is though as a guy for all of us anything going on in the chese area that isnt "normal" no matter what degree it is, tend to feel self conscience.

You'll have better luck getting it covered by insurance if you go through your GP or a regular doctor. Play the "pain and severe discomfort card" and tell them it hinders your life physically.

Other than that, you're looking at a slim to none chance of insurance coverage based upon my years of studying the issue.

Most people pay out of pocket for the op.


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