Author Topic: Help =(  (Read 3925 times)

Offline zbstats

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Just another one of you guys who can't take their shirt off without knowing that everyones staring.
It has ruined my self image, confidence, etc.
About to be in the military in May.
I want to get surgery done ASAP because I feel like once I'm in, it's too late. My job will require me to physically train daily in preperation for deployments- no room for surgeries like this. I'm still trying to gain the confidence to ask my parents to finance it until I can pay them back.
They know I'm self conscious about my nipples but I don't think they understand the toll it's taken on my life.
Although I'm desperate, I still feel selfish asking with everything else they have to pay for and worry about at this point.
I guess I'm just looking for some opinions.

How long have some of you guys had to wait between consult and actual surgeries?

Tell me what you think- Will gynecomastia surgery flatten out my nipples? Will I be able to get back to my necessary routine of pushups, pullups, situps, running, swimming (ughh), and weights in a reasonable time for me to keep my fitness up?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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    • Gynecomastia Surgery
You are young, slender and have a mild case of gyne -- mostly puffy nipples.  If surgery is done within the next 2-3 months, you should be perfectly ready to enter the military in May without worrying about it.

Would recommend you research an experienced gyne surgeon, however, in order to get the best possible result.  There are many good surgeons around the country.  If you are interested, I would be pleased to provide an email consult for you for free.  Kindly send me your direct email addy via a personal message and I will send you appropriate information.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline ManBoobahs321

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Open laporoscopic surgery of the chest is disqualifying for six months following the surgery. The source below is the medical standard. So, get the surgery done, wait the six months and go through MEPS processing.
Reference: AR 40-501: Standards of Medical Fitness, para. 2-23

It says from the time you have surgery, u are dq'd for 6 months. As in get the surgery, wait 6 months, then go to meps.

I dont know how it would work since you already went to meps.

Offline zbstats

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Wow, I should have figured. I never really researched that because up until now I didn't have the courage to go through with surgery. I want to kick myself in the head for waiting this long! The DQ is not an option for me and I cannot wait that long to get going with my career. I appreciate your knowledge and concern. Looks like I will have to live with this for a while longer. I have read on these boards that some military members have had success with tricare covering the operation. However, I have pursued my dream of being a special operator and am under a Naval Special Warfare contract. My job is more physically demanding and I doubt I'll be able to take the time off to have such a surgery. I guess I'll have to weigh my options once I am in. Thanks again for your concern.

Offline zbstats

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Dr Jacobs,
I also appreciate your words of wisdom. Unfortunately, the military's rules on surgery and needing waivers etc. will prohibit me from going through with anything at this time. Keep doing what you do and changing lives for the better. Thanks.

Offline ManBoobahs321

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You are young, slender and have a mild case of gyne -- mostly puffy nipples.

Exactly, i would love to have your chest haha.

By the time you finish SWCC school or Buds you will be on top of the world. You probably wont even care about your puffy nipples.

And yes i said "you finish"

you better not quit, never, never quit!!!
you dont want to regret it and let all your family know you quit in BUDS

Offline zbstats

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SWCC school is where I'm headed.
I'll be back here to let you know when I get my pin!

"I would love to have your chest"
- Like I mentioned in the first post, I often feel selfish for even worrying about my gyno.
My brother had a severe case and actually had surgery at 17- turned his life around.
I can't help but dwell on my nipples, but like you said after all I'm about to go through
they will probably be the least of my worries.

Best of luck to you man

Offline ManBoobahs321

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SWCC school is where I'm headed.
I'll be back here to let you know when I get my pin!

My brother had a severe case and actually had surgery at 17- turned his life around.
I can't help but dwell on my nipples, but like you said after all I'm about to go through
they will probably be the least of my worries.

Navy's Best Kept Secret

I have a friend who i played varsity football with back in high school shipping out 20110208 for Swcc.

About your brother tho,
how does his chest look? pre and post op, was he over weight? thats my thread and pics

Offline ManBoobahs321

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Hey zb,
I saw your other thread in the ask a doctor forum.

Look at my username,
321 here bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sucks living next to the beach and not ever wanting to go there huh?
I too will be looking at Dr. Pope in the near future.

who was your recruiter? that jamaican guy? hes hilarious

Offline zbstats

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Wow what a small world.
I'm almost embarrassed it came back to real life lol! Didn't even notice 321 until you said something.
Yeah Beckford the Jamaican guy was my recruiter but he actually just got orders to Japan so
I'm with another guy now. Beckford was a trip, so funny. Have you decided yet if you're joining? What branch?
I bet it seems ironic that I'd be choosing the Navy specwar of all things when I'm self conscious about having my shirt off.
Not gonna let this bullshit stop me from doing what I want to do.

Let's keep this thread local as in between the two of us hahah. As if it's not obvious enough how embarrassing it is.

About my brother- He was a little bigger than you.  As for his case of gynecomastia sooo much worse. I don't have any pictures or anything but let's just say he had full on breasts. Kids in school literally called him breasts. So sad. He never seemed to get angry but he hunched his shoulders and kept his head down worse than anyone I have ever seen. Those guys with flat chests just don't understand what it's like. It's easy to make fun of someone... but it's not easy when you have to live with something abnormal that god gave you. My brother was so depressed before he got the surgery- I think my mom was actually the one who brought up the option to him. Even after the surgery he suffered depression but it was a serious positive change. Even with plenty of legit doctor recommendations and clinical tests all proving his breasts were a direct factor to his depression, insurance wouldn't do shit. My mom paid in full. I can't even imagine what he went through. My nipples have always been able to be covered with undershirts. No matter what he wore, you could see his breasts. Sad, sad stuff. Glad he got it taken care of.

As for yourself.. This is no bullshit and I'm not trying to make you feel better, but you look fine. I honestly don't think anyone would stop and think twice about how your chest looks (apart from yourself). But I know exactly how it feels bro.
"both of the breast feels like its on fire" ..TELL ME ABOUT IT.  I can never stop touching them and cupping the extra fat and nip thinking "whyyyyyyy".

Let me know how your buddy does with SWCC. Just curious do you know how he does with the PST's?

Offline zbstats

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Oh yeah and my brother post op his chest was flat. Almost so flat that it didn't go with his gut, but not really. Also pre-op he had those nipples that were big and puffy and looked almost like unattractive female breasts. I was so amazed when i first saw his chest and it was flat and his nipples were so freaking normal looking. He kind of just looked like one of those guys who are overweight but none of the weight seems to go to their chest. He got motivated to lose weight, and did, and he just looked like your normal guy with a shirt off.

Offline ManBoobahs321

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Orders for Japan huh, I actually went to Japan over summer, stayed at Naval base Yokosuka. Dont know if Asian girls are your thing, but omg the school girls omg!

I was talking to recruiters my senior year and he was the guy. I had braces at the time and couldnt join.
I was at my peak in terms of physique. I was jacked and the nips still would protrude b/c there was no fat. I too, was told that it would go away  :(
Come college, and ive gained some weight. Not working out as hardcore as the football workouts and the cardio it provided.

Yea im turning 20 soon, and its still there. I feel more depressed than I do back my freshman year of hs or even middle school with changing out in PE.
Middle school is when the nips started getting big. I wish my parents would bring up surgery to me.
Ive yet to talk to my dad about it. IDK what to say. or how to even bring it up. I dont know what hed say as soon as i would take my shirt off. IT SUCKS. Wed go fishing out on the water and id have my shirt on whole time :( Hes seen them before but that was a long ass time ago.

and youre just blowing smoke about my chest ***hole lol
im so embarrased. I only go to beach with my bros. No girls. Even then its embarrassing with your best bros. Id rather lay out on the beach then play a game of beach football. just so i dont look ridiculous with out a shirt on.
Ive never laid a girl with my shirt off. I cant imagine what would happen

As for the military,
lol you know the games they play. Trying to get you to sign for retarded jobs. I told them ill wait  for the job i want and ill come back.
 I aced my asvab and they think im retarded and that ill take any job just to get out of boring Melbourne. So right now im in college, Im pretty damn close to my AA. and i will try again come October.

October is the new fiscal year for the military. When all the jobs open up and when contracts open. if you didnt know.

Offline zbstats

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Same about the military. Beckford was cool but he was still a recruiter. Tried to get me to go nuke. FUNNKKK THAT! I went to meps, got phys. only. Passed the pst's and then went back to sign my contract for SWCC. Don't settle for anything less than your goals. What kind of job are you interested in? Do you want to see combat? I'm the type of guy who isn't satisfied with doing what your typical person would do.

Offline Dpw

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I realize this topic is old but if you are s :-\till around did Nepal accept you after surgery. I'm hoping I can get tricare to pay for it as that's my insurance right now thanks to my wife, but I'm scared I will be disqualified, I have lost 105 lbs to join the navy over two years and wouldn't want this small surgery to dq me after all the hard work I did .

Offline ManBoobahs321

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as long as you dont hide the surgery during your trip to meps you should be good


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