Author Topic: Surgery done 9/4/11  (Read 4624 times)

Offline emanresu

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it's psychological most people feel ill leading up to the operation, it's part worry and stress! Even if you went in with the flu theyd still operate dont worry ;)
That's absolutely true. The night before the operation I couldn't sleep and was up all night with a runny nose. I swore I was coming down with flu or something, and spent the whole time shitting myself that they wouldn't operate.

Offline MG12

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So I got it done yesterday. It's definitely not a bad experience. I was a bit nervous about the anaesthetic as id not had surgery before but that was a breeze, one minute you're talking to the anesthetist the next the ceiling is dissapearing into the distance and then you're waking up in the recovery room.

Bit sore today, especially low down on my rib cage on one side which I'm surprised with, it's no where near where he marked me up but I guess it's all connected. Going to take everything off tonight and have a shower, will take some after pics and put them up here with the before ones I took Friday.

I had 350ml of fat from each side, and 31g of gland from the right and 32g from the left taken out. Looking forward to being fully mobile again and seeing the results.

Offline MG12

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So I've just taken the padding off and put the waterproof plasters on but I've noticed I've got some dents on my chest above the top corner of each nipple pointing towards my armpits. Is this normal? Will things level out over the next few days?

Other than that I'm really flat and really pleased n

Offline thetodd

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If the waterproof plasters are uncomfortable your probally having an allergic reaction to them, just leave them off as long as the incision points are scabbed over.

Dont even bother looking at your chest now, my chest had dents in it one day post op but the camera just didnt pick them up. Its swelling thats all
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline MG12

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That's good to know, so it all levels out in the end? I know it's going to swell up over the next few days but when was the first time it felt close to an end result? I'm figuring 3-4 weeks.

Offline emanresu

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Small dents in the chest are nothing to worry about. The compression garment should take flatten things out nicely. The day after my op it looked as though the left nipple was caved inwards. I'm now 6 days post op and my chest looks awesome.

Offline MG12

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Thanks emanresu. I'll leave it a few days and worry about it then. Glad to hear everything is looking good with you. How's the pain and the arm movement?

Offline emanresu

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Thanks emanresu. I'll leave it a few days and worry about it then. Glad to hear everything is looking good with you. How's the pain and the arm movement?

It's only really painful around the nipple area, and only then when driving over a bumpy road, or walking too quickly down the stairs. Other than that, no pain whatsoever. I just find the compression garment a bit of a pain in the butt. Oh well, only another week and then I'll be wearing it at night only.

As for the arm movement, I'm making a conscious effort not to raise my arms above my head. I did that in the shower the day after my op and it sucked my nipple right into my chest. Scary. Everything's looking good now though. Huge smile on my face!  ;D

How's things going for you?

Offline MG12

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Pretty good. I was a bit bumpy on day 1, even in areas other than the nipple but I'm guessing thatll settle down in the next few days. The pain was quite bad yesterday trying to stand up but better today. Managed to get through it without taking pain killers so not too bad.

I'm the same with the arm movement, trying to keep it to a minimum but I've noticed it get easier today. 

The vest is a bit of a bitch isn't it. Getting used to it but I'll be glad to be rid of it too.

Only thing I'm apprehensive about now is going back to work, I know people there used to notice it and I haven't told anyone I'm getting it done (bit self conscious about it all) so I reckon they're going to notice when I go back with a flat chest. Dont really want anyone making a big deal about it.

Offline emanresu

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The vest is a bit of a bitch isn't it. Getting used to it but I'll be glad to be rid of it too.

It is for sure, but the one positive aspect is that it makes your physique look nice and flat + toned. I'm a bit overweight so it's nice to have everything sucked in.

Only thing I'm apprehensive about now is going back to work, I know people there used to notice it and I haven't told anyone I'm getting it done (bit self conscious about it all) so I reckon they're going to notice when I go back with a flat chest. Dont really want anyone making a big deal about it.

You think you have problems? I'm a van driver and deliver to multiple shops. I made the stupid mistake of telling some of the women in the shops about it! You know what women are like when it comes to keeping secrets. "That's the guy who had his manboobs sliced up..." I might even change jobs because of it lol.

Still though, I'm pretty f*cking happy right now :)


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