Author Topic: Gland removal / lypo / Just excercise Please advise  (Read 2432 times)

Offline Raider Fan

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Welcome to, sam.

I really see no problem with your chest.  As a rule of thumb, when people ask about the severity of their gyne condition, I usually think in terms of...."Does this guy's chest resemble (in any manner) that of a female?"  If I can answer "yes" to that question (no matter how mild the condition might be), then that is generally an indication that, in my opinion, the person does, in fact, have a problem and needs to think about having something done about it. 

But in your case, I just do not see a problem.  Let me put it this way, if you were out in public without a shirt on, I don't think anyone would give your chest a second look....other than it looks good.  And that's the goal for most of us around here.....not to stick out in a crowd because of our gynecomastia.  I see no reason for you to worry or be concerned at this point. 

Offline sam_1978

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Thank you for your comments Raider Fan  :)

This is the first time I have asked about my condition. I am confused if my condition is Pseudogyne or if I have gland aswell.

I think it is something hereditary. I have always seen my father with a loose chest, it didn’t seem to bother him, I don’t think he even knows that it is a condition. He has always been a bit overweight (80kgs for 5feet 4 inches).

But this condition has made my life miserable. I have not had a relationship with any woman ever. I have never asked a girl out for date in my life. Everyone thinks I am weird. I always had a loose chest just like my father, it is when I stared putting on weight since 16 that it started to trouble me. I didn’t know what to do or who to talk to. My older brother has a chest any man can only dream to have. I always though something was wrong with my body.

Beginning of 2010 I was 82 kgs in weight and after reading advise on this website about loosing weight, I decided to reduce as much before I start seeking doctors help. I shed 22 kgs in 6 months and my weight is stable for the last 6 months. Also my chest looks better as I believe I lost some weight on the chest area and also the exercise seems to have toned my body. I just do light resistance training 3 times a week, but made a drastic changes to my eating habits. Have not had beer in a last one year.       

My chest is still a bit loose especially when I slouch, but I am going to exercise hard and try and tighten my chest for the next 6 months and see if this still troubles me.

I would be greatful to have comments / advise from other members and doctors as well.


Offline frinkz

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I don't see anything at all ... You definitely don't have gyne.

If you're worried about your chest, work out and put some muscle on there.

Offline sam_1978

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Thanks Frinkz I really appreciate ur opinion and feedback  :)


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