Author Topic: My Consultation for Surgery is Feb 17th  (Read 3910 times)

Offline AnotherGynoVictim

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Hello my fellow gyno sufferers... well, it's been about a year since my last post.

Since then, I've had SUCCESSFUL Bariatric Surgery on November 7th, for my whole losing weight process. I started doing my research in February. Start weight was 286. Surgery weight was 236. Today, I weight 190. Total weight loss of about 100lbs. My mother, myself, doctors, and you guys recommended me to lose weight before I got gyno surgery. Well, now I have my first consultation on February 17th with Dr. Silverman in Massachusetts. The time has officially come. By the time that date comes, I should be somewhat close to my goal weight, which is 160. I'm guessing I'll be approximately 180 by the time of my consultation.

Here are some before and after photos of my weight loss thus far. By the way, the scaring around my chest are from scotch tape. :-\ (Which I no longer use.)

Just wondering, how much do you think it'll cost? I'm guessing 5K. I'm within driving distance, so travel won't be much of a hassle.

I can't wait to get this surgery started! Thanks for viewing and God Bless!

Offline AnotherGynoVictim

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Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Congratulations on your weight loss and good luck with your consult with Dr. Silverman -- he has an excellent reputation.

Those photos are great in that they illustrate that weight loss will not make gyne disappear.  The fat component of the breast diminishes but the gland remains.  Therefore the breast after weight loss will be a bit smaller -- but it will never completely disappear.

Good luck with your eventual surgery!!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline pokeweed

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You've done an incredible job!! Way to go! That type of commitment shows how focused you are and how much you want to reach your goal. There is truly no other way to get them. Keep up the great work! We'll look forward to seeing some post op photos!! I'm three month's post op and it's so incredible to reach down and have nothing there! Even went out last night with a t-shirt and v neck sweater on and didn't think even once about how my boobs were sticking out!! Incredible. You'll get there. YOU deserve it!

Offline AnotherGynoVictim

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Thanks for the replies guys! Appreciate the kind words.

Offline Fatboyslim

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I used Rick Silverman for my surgery back in November and I am extremely happy with the results. He is very easy to talk to and I have no doubt that you will be comfortable and confident in him after your meeting. Ironically, I actually have a follow up meeting with Rick on the same exact day (2/17) @ 11:15 AM!  :)

Regarding the cost of the surgery, I assume each case is different so I don't really feel comfortable posting how much it will cost you but I can tell you that the TOTAL cost for the surgery, hospital, anesthesiologist, pre and post consultations, etc. was a little bit higher than $5000. For me price was secondary to the doctor's reputation. If it helps, the hospital he uses (St Elizabeths in Brighton) has FREE valet parking which saves you ~$20!  ;D

BTW, like you, I was also overweight (morbidly obese) and did check into bariatric surgery but frankly the "seminar" scared me off and ended up going a different route (see "My Story" in signature if interested), losing ~113 pounds in the process. In any event, the important thing is that you have lost the weight (congratulations!) which will definitely make a big difference not only for the gyne surgery but also for your life long health. 

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask and again congratulations on the weight loss and on your decision to have the surgery. 


Offline AnotherGynoVictim

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So, I had my consultation. Went really good. I'm confident in Mr. Silverman.

He gave me the total cost. Here is the breakdown.

Surgeons Fee: $5,500
Facility Fee: $855
Anesthesia Fee: $440
Pathology Fee: $82.00

Total cost: $6,877

A $500 deposit is required to book my surgery (which comes out of the total cost). I think it's a pretty fair price. What do you guys think? I should have the deposit money by the end of the weekend. By the way my weight is now 180. I'm getting excited.

Offline Mark102

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Yeah that fair since its within the $5000-$8000 that is normally charged. And since Dr. Silverman is a reputable surgeon, you should be very satisfied with your surgery.

And congratulations on the weight loss! And good luck on your surgery!

Offline AnotherGynoVictim

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Yeah that fair since its within the $5000-$8000 that is normally charged. And since Dr. Silverman is a reputable surgeon, you should be very satisfied with your surgery.

And congratulations on the weight loss! And good luck on your surgery!
Thanks man! I should know by next week when my surgery date is.


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