Author Topic: Gynecomastia NHS / Karidis  (Read 4901 times)

Offline timotei

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Hey Guys

I had a consolation with Dr. Karidis last week, and it went really well. He was very nice, and explained everything from risks to benefits. He was very genuine and I felt more like a patient than a customer.

The price I've been quoted is 4,250, which as you can imagine is a huge sum for someone that doesn't earn that much. I can cover the costs through a credit card and other bits and bobs, but it's cutting it very close to rinsing me dry. I've been thinking going to my GP to see if I can get the operation on the NHS instead, but I have serious doubts whether a) I can get the op fairly soon and it'll be stress free in the process b) if the result will be good. I've read stories on here but they seem to be almost all negative.

I suppose the question is whats the deal in getting a cosmetic operation done on the NHS these days, what with all the budget cuts and everything? I've been hearing it's not all that common to be accepted. I'm going to the GP in the next couple of days to inquire but I'd thought i'd get a collection of views first.

Offline emanresu

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Don't bother with the NHS mate!

I've just been turned down for the 4th time, after waiting TEN months to get the decision. Yes, it take a VERY long time with the NHS and they'll probably say no anyway.

Definitely go with Dr, Karidis if you can afford it. At the end of the day, the financial hit won't kill you and it'll be a small price to pay for getting a proper job done. Even if you are accepted by the NHS, they'll only do lipo which normally isn't good enough for this condition.

Best of luck whatever you choose.

Offline odt52

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In direct contrast to the above, give the nhs a go. If you have geniune gyne there is no reason why you won't get accepted. Also if its related to anything else, like mine was, it's more likely to be picked up on. I would give it a go, you've got nothing to lose and could save 4k. I had my surgery yesterday (lipo & incision) at Addenbrookes in Cambridge and couldn't be happier. My surgeon also does private surgery.

Had i not have had an underlying condition the whole process would have taken 3 months.

Good luck

Offline emanresu

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odt52, I have genuine gyno but the NHS has turned me down several times over the years nonetheless. Not only do I have gyno but I have a mental disorder (agoraphobia) caused by the gyno which my doctor told the NHS panel about. I honestly think it's luck of the draw when it comes to the NHS. Some NHS authorities are more likely to fund the operation than others.

Offline Reverence

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I didn't get turned down by the NHS and i only had puffy nipples and they still removed a ton of gland, results are much better than before but still healing i guess.

Offline emanresu

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I didn't get turned down by the NHS and i only had puffy nipples...

Frankly I'm amazed. I went through hell to try an get the NHS to accept me for surgery; several trips to the hospital; several long delays in the whole process; and I provided reams of psychological reports from my doctor and psychologists. I even told them about my suicidal thoughts and yet they STILL turned me down.


Offline Reverence

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Well first i went on a trial with tamomaxifen (however you spell it) made my chest tingle but didn't see much happen to it for the 4 weeks i took it, then i got lucky with a GP who sent me to get my chest checked at a breast clinic and the guy really tried to put me off getting the surgery but i still wanted it and they look much better than before.

Gotta keep trying i was trying to get help since i was 18 currently 23 now, mainly they thought i had self esteem issues which wasn't the case.

After care is pretty bad though.

Offline emanresu

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Well I'm glad you're finally sorted mate. It's good you got the operation done relatively young.

I've had it with the NHS because they've turned me down 4 times in 10 years. I'm now 32 and I've decided to go private with Karidis.

Offline odt52

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Emanresu - Sounds as though you have been through the mill mate. You've done well to hang in there for 10 years, it's no suprise you have lost faith in the nhs regarding your gyne. Given your situation I am very suprised you have not been accepted. How bad is your gyne? Are you overweight?

Alot of posters mention a postcode lottery when it comes to the nhs. However I would say that if your accepted for surgery in one part if the country you should be accepted in the other parts. This would surely apply with other conditions. You have a genuine problem and for my money the nhs are not fufilling thier obligations towards you. It seems that all GPs have differing opinions when it comes to gyne. The nhs would do well to review how they deal with it. I can understand turning people away who are overweight, but I feel strongly that genuine cases should always be processed.

It seems I have been lucky in getting mine dealt with effectively. However I stand by how impressed I have been, from start to finish, with the nhs. Physically I look 100 percent better and I'm only 2 days post op! 

Offline emanresu

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By the sound of things you've been pretty lucky with the NHS, odt52. How long has the whole process taken you from the time you first mentioned it your GP until surgery? Also, how's the post-surgery experience been for you?

Yes I'm a little overweight; about 1 stone, but I have quite bad gyne' even when I'm at my ideal weight of 11.5 stone. It all started when I began drinking heavily aged 18. And yea, the past 14 years has, at its worst, been absolute hell and brought me close to suicide. I'm so relieved that I'm finally getting it sorted by Karidis.

The ironic thing is that my father, who's paying for the operation, is suspicious that I'm scamming him because I keep the gnye' so well covered up. LOL

Offline odt52

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Lol, it's amazing the lengths you go through to keep it covered up. I use to get all sorts of questions when I was wearing thick hoodies in the middle of the summer. People used to ask if I was hot and I'd say "no", but actually I was sweating something feirce!

I am about stone and a half overweight. I am 6ft 3 and weigh 15st 8lbs. I am very big boned and carry my weight well. My gyne was hugely out of proportion to my belly. I will post some pics soon but mine was far worse that most of the other posters on here who post pictures of puffy nipples. I could easily have filled a c-cup bra.

I first saw my GP 12 months ago. As a formality I was sent to an Endocrinologist for hormone test and was found to have Idiopathic Hypogonadism (unexplained low testosterone). Fortunately this had only manifested itself in the form of Gyne, and also me being quite lethargic. I was prescriped Testogel to boost my Testosterone levels and my Endocrinologist thought this may cure my Gyne, but after months of Testogel still no joy.

I then went back to my GP who reffered me straight away for surgery. The application was refused but a simple letter from my letter to the local PCT explaining my plight meant I was soon accepted.

From the first refferal to the surgeon to the op was 3 months which is very quick and only due to a cancellation.

Aftercare was good in the hospital. If I had to criticise I would say that the surgeon saw me about 15 mins post op so I was so out of it all I did was nod and smile (and dribble), but now I wish I'd had the chance to ask some questions.

As I have said in another thread, I now have fair bit of bruising and swelling, however the soreness is getting less. Swelling should reduce over the next few months!    

Offline emanresu

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That's amazing that you were accepted for surgery with such little fuss. I had my doctor + psychologist + myself submit detailed psychological reports to the PCT and (after MANY MONTHS of delays) they still refused. It's definitely a postcode lottery.

Dude, I know what you mean about wearing heavy clothing! Wearing a T-shirt AND a shirt in the middle of the summer... Effing nightmare. From Sep until March everything's fine because you can cover up; but as soon as the weather starts getting warmer you begin to freak out.

I'm curious to find out whether the surgery has improved your mental state, even though it's early days yet and there's a fair bit of swelling?

Offline odt52

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It has not had a huge impact on my mental state yet. However I predict that it will once the swelling subsides and the summer arrives!

Currently I am slightly concerned at the level of swelling and bruising. Never happy me!

I think the key is to accept that if you have it bad, like me, that you are stuck with it and that any operation or procedure, no matter how expensive or inexpensive it may be, is a huge blessing. Even if I end up with only a small improvement I am going to be happy and it means I am going to be able to enjoy my life slightly more than I already did.

Offline emanresu

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Yea dude, thank f*ck you weren't born back in the days of the Roman Empire or something. Then you WOULD have been screwed! ;D ;D ;D

I agree, a small improvement is better than none at all. I'm sure you'll look much better once the swelling has gone down.


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