Author Topic: any experience buying tamoxifen online?  (Read 3108 times)

Offline me_montreal

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Hi everybody,

very interesting to read your stories.

I had Lipossucion a few years ago to remove my gyn, and worked, for a while...

Then they grew back, sadly. So today my doctor says that I could use tamoxifen to reduce them. A 5g a day dosage.

Tamoxifen is prescribed for people that have breast cancer, so my dr. can't really prescribe them. He suggests I should 'look' for them.


1- Anybody has experience with tamoxifen?

2- I am tempted to buy them online. Of course, I know there's a lot of scams out there, online pharmacies that takes your order without prescriptions.

Any of them real? Is there one site that actually delivers the real thing?

Thanks a lot

Offline Raider Fan

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Welcome to, me_montreal.

Any doctor that would tell you such a thing should lose his license, IMO.  

If you are wondering if Tamoxifen could benefit you, your best bet would be to go to an endocrinologist.  Typically, family doctors won't prescribe this type of med, but endo specialists will.....IF they are warranted and they think it could help.  

Speaking for myself, I would be scared to take a powerful med like Tamoxifen that I simply found online.  If you find a med like this online, it's not even pharmaceutical grade medicine.  Who knows who made it or where it comes from?  This kind of Tamoxifen and similar meds are typically what body builders opt for when they are desperate.  It's hard to imagine people who are so concerned with their bodies taking questionable quality meds like this.  They are generally overly concerned with what they put into their bodies, yet they will agree to take a powerful med that they know nothing about.  It doesn't make sense.  This is medicine that affects your hormones.....certainly not anything to mess around with.  

Tamoxifen is only effective in the early stages of gynecomastia....when there is active growth going on.  This is typically when men experience pain/tenderness with the condition.  If given early enough in the process, Tamoxifen has been shown to help with the pain and tenderness, as well as to stop/reverse the growth of the gland.  

But if gynecomastia is well established or "burned out," as they say, then Tamoxifen won't do anything to help the condition.  Once the tissue becomes fibrotic, only surgery can remove it.  

Offline me_montreal

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Very wise answer, indeed buying online seemed a little shady...

thanks for the info on Tamoxifen. I will go see a endocrinologist like you suggested.

Offline me_montreal

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BTW, this dr. is really close to me. He is the one that did the Lippo and is a generalist as well. He is very good.

That's why he was open to talk about this option, more like a  friendly talk.

I would still be interested to know if some of you had experience with Tamoxifen. Because a lot of body builders that have used stereoids have not only take it to stop gyn from getting worse, but actually REVERSE the effects and get rid of it.

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My son took the kind of Tamoxifen your doctor told you to "look" for.  I have no idea where he got somewhere. And it wasn't even in pill was a vile of liquid that he drank. 

In any event, my son is a health nut and is heavily into working out.  I wouldn't say he's a body builder, but he's definitely very health conscious.  For some reason, whenever he slacks off on the weights and goes back to them, he seems to have gynecomastia crop only one breast.  This has happened too many times to be a coincidence.  I have also seen other men on this board report that their gyne began soon after they initiated a weight/exercise program.  This even happened to me and that is why I am on this board.  I began a weight program in my home, and shortly after beginning it, my left breast became tender and started to grow. 

In answer to your question about Tamoxifen, my son has used it on two occasions, and each time, it led to the stopping and actual reversal of the gynecomastia.  He started it as soon as he noticed symptoms, which is the key when talking about this medication.  If you start it too late in the gyne process, and the tissue actually becomes fibrotic, there's no going back.  Surgery then becomes the only answer. So with Tamoxifen (and meds like it), timing is everything.  That's not to say it's ALWAYS going to every circumstance and for every person.  All a person can do is to try it and see what happens.  That's exactly what my endocrinologist told me when he prescribed it for me.  After looking at the side effects, however, I elected not to take it. 

Offline me_montreal

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Thank you for taking the time to reply, very helpful. I get what you are saying about timing.

Offline collstu77

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Yes. I did. I was 16 at the time*. The 16 year old idiot I was thought that I could control my gynecomastia with a quite powerful combination of tamoxifen and arimidex. The tamoxifen would block estrogen at the site, and arimidex (anastrozole) would interfere with estrogen production systemically. Well, I got them online then a few weeks later in the mail in a photo mailer in bubble packs with intact seals and legitimate-seeming markings (from generic producers in india) , took them for a couple of months, and noticed nothing. I used the recommended dosages for breast cancer I found on google scholar.  Even 16 year old me expected some increased aggressiveness from the loss of the moderating effect of estrogen on behavior (smart kid, eh?), but it didn't happen either. Don't spend your money on that. I know its tough and tempting. Also, I would urge anybody that knows a teen with gynecomastia and is in a clear period of suffering and distress to make yourself available to talk to them. At the time, I thought this was the best idea in the world...

*now 21


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