Author Topic: Itchy sensation with pulse?  (Read 4143 times)

Offline Gallego

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Hi guys, I have a question I've been meaning to ask that somehow slipped my mind when I first posted my gynecomastia photos. I suffer from the puffy nipple gynecomastia, and I've noticed that when my nipples are completely puffed out during really hot days or in hot enviroments, they sometimes itch. Especially my right nipple which is  more puffed than the left nipple. Is this common for people that have this type of gynecomastia? When it is cold and my nipples are semi-erect or when indoors with the Air Conditioner on, I don't have the itchy sensation. It only happens sometimes and ALWAYS during warm/hot weather. When this itching occurs, theres usually a pulse or what seems to me like a pulse underneath my nipple where the enlarged glands are located. I've felt this pulse with my fingertips and it freaks me out! Are these symptoms common or can they be signs of something malevolent occurring somewhere in there?

Any thoughts?

Offline Paa_Paw

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The breasts can be very sensitive. Changes in temperature, clothing rubbing, Your cars seatbelt, All these and many other things can be an annoyance.

When you think about what the breast gland is expected to do if fully developed; it is no surprise that the breast has an extensive blood supply. I have rather pronounced pulses in both breasts. This is not at all unusual. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline Gallego

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Thanks for the input Paa Paw, much appreciated. I thought the symptoms were abnormal, and although they've been going on for some time I was afraid to see a doctor. My mind always creates the worse possible scenarios and me being the usual pessimist I thought the worst. It may sound humorous to some but I feared the enlarged glands could have been cancerous  :-\

I'll have have to gather up some courage and go see a doctor within the next few months to finally put my mind completely at ease and get my mini-boobies tested. I do hope for the sake of my fragile mental health and what little is left of my sense of manhood, that the doctor that performs the mammogram happens to be a mature middle-aged male or female with some higher sense of compassion and sympathy. I don't think I'd feel comfortable getting my boobies tested by a younger person. I'd feel too embarrassed and awkward.

Offline Paa_Paw

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You are not alone.

We are all rather wimpy about going to the Doctor.  The Ladies are much more likely to see a Doctor than are uis men.

On average women live something like 8 years longer than we do. Obviously we are not doing everything right.

Offline princerockzz

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hello everyone...i have been looking for a sensation which could cause breast growth all over this forum....i dont know if i am in the right place...well i had gyno from about the age of 13 or 14.... but i started experiencing this sensation a year ago under my right chest nipple.... the sensation is like something trying to come comes and goes..i dont know how to explain this sensation but.... i think it caused breastt growth...i donno if it is because i gained too much fat than actual gyno left chest was compartively was much smaller before that year i mentioned....and i dont actually get this sensation on my left side as often as i get it on my right....maybe its PSYCHOLOGICAL but...

a couple of weeks ago...may 30th... i had my gyno surgery done....i didn see an endocrinologist... had my blood tested for somethings...everything looks fine....but now that i have that sensation again on my right chest something pushing out frm nipple...comes and goes.. and i fear i my gyno will come back on my right this possible? please reply.... the pulse yu mentioned resembles the feeling i has too...

Offline Paa_Paw

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After any kind of surgery, odd sensations around the surgical site are not at all uncommon. The feeling in the area around the surgical site will take some time to feel normal again.

I had an accident with a Chain Saw and did a number on my left hand. I had a great sureon and have full use of that hand but even though the accident and surgery happened over 30 years ago the sensations in my left hand is still, at times, annoying.

It is difficult ot compare a rather gross injury with Breast reduction but there are some parallels. Some change in sensation is to be expected.


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