Author Topic: Surgery consultation this afternoon, help!  (Read 1346 times)

Offline scrabble

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Hi, so I'm 18, but I've had gyne and puffy nipples since I can remember. Having endured all manor of BS from people who should be more than just friends to me, having endured constant torment from bullies and girls at school, having read countless posts of "I wish I'd had it done sooner", well, I'm getting surgery.

This is a certainty, the only variable is with whom: I've made two appointments with seperate clinics/surgeons - the only two in my area, and even then I have to travel about 50km - and one of them is this afternoon [made the appointment today, as the next time he's in the city is next month!].

What questions should I be asking, especially in regards to my puffy nipples - I certainly do not want cave ins, and I do not want remaining puffyness. What's the process in all this?
« Last Edit: May 20, 2011, 07:03:17 PM by scrabble »

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The main thing you need to know is if the surgeon has much experience at correcting gynecomastia.  If he/she doesn't, it's not in your best interest to let them cut on you.  This type of surgery requires someone who has a wealth of experience at correcting gynecomastia.  It is truly an art. 

Whoever you go to, you also need to ask them for as many before/after pics of previous patients as you can get.  Ask them to specifically show you pics of people who used to have gyne similar to yours.  The pictures are important, because they show what kind of results you should expect for yourself.  If you don't like what you see in the pictures, don't use them.  Go somewhere else.  The first gyne surgery is your best chance to get good results, so it's important that you pick the very best plastic surgeon you can find. 

Offline scrabble

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You'll never f****ing believe my luck. Or the lack of it.

They want my dad to provide a letter of consent w/ sig + copy of ID... I'm 18. What the f***? They said there were cases of parents suing surgeons despite the kids being 18... despite the fact I'm 18. They asked me where my money came from, and I said my life savings... showed them a cheque receipt from my dad - my dad gave me  £4+k last week for this [used to have all my savings in bonds, due to investments being my dad's profession], and these guys deny me my first chance at being normal, simply because of my age?!? I answered all their questions truthfully, and even gave my dads number as next-of-kin [not in the deathly sense I mean]. Distrust should not be the way to start this procedure, and I feel hurt by it.

To rub salt in my wounds, he speaks rough English [he's Italian, specialised in plastice and reconstructive surgery at uni] and has had 4 years experience, in comparison to the second surgeon [won't see for another 2 weeks] who has 15 years exp. The price this surgeon I've just seen offer me is low - less than in mainland UK [where I'm assuming there's an even stronger market than the Costa Del Sol?], so I'm suspicious now as to how confident he is with his own skills at achieving an expectation I found difficult to communicate.

Thanks for your advice, I'll keep it in mind for this second doc in a few weeks. All this Italian doc showed were jobs he'd done on women, went through about 5 or 6 before and afters and although they looked very good, none of the befores had puffy nips. TBH he never even mentioned the risks of the surgery, I had to bring them up - ie, caving in nipples, or returning puffyness [too much Vs too little removal].

FML. Born with puffy nips, now this? :/ Sometimes I swear I'm the unluckiest guy on earth, right now I feel just as done over as when I was 13 and was getting bullied for have gyne. What should I do? Rahter, how do I tell these people I don't want to have surgery from them? I haven't paid the booking fee, and the consultation was free so should I just not get in contact?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 08:59:42 AM by scrabble »

Offline scrabble

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Booked in for surgery on the 27th of June :D Perhaps a bit later than what I preferred, but the only other dates were during my exams :/ Still, I'm all booked in and very chuffed; gunna go with this more experienced doc, his price was £1200 greater but in a way this is more comforting.
Feels good to get this porblem sorted, hopefully first time round.


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