Author Topic: Dr. Lista Sugery next week! Anyone with encougragment/advice for post ops  (Read 5731 times)

Offline nighthawk

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I'm quite excited and a little bit nervous for this upcoming surgery.

It something that just makes sense to do. I have been psychologically suffering for So many years because of this condition. At this point it would be a "Dream" really to take my shirt of and  experience freedom. Even in a t shirt i am dying to have that freedom in itself. As a child I never had a problem. This developed at a adolescent stage and has stayed for much to long! Haunted me for to long.

I was totally ignorant and clueless to! I thought that it was adipose fat! I never knew about the permanent gland or glandular tissue stuck there!

Anyone out there who has any advice or comments please do! Especially Post ops advice please. I can jog over it this weekend and know what to kind of expect after the surgery. I also need the encouragement and Positivity thanks!

Any tips and advice I would really appreciate! Thanks to everyone. I'm certainly sure You all can relate to my inner pains... Especially all these years with bearing with this horrible condition.

bonus advice from Dr. Lista's Patients thanks again!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 01:21:29 AM by nighthawk »

Offline nighthawk

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OK great lets stay in touch! Dr. Lista is extremely professional and no non sense straight forward person. I was refereed to him by a top Toronto Doctor that I have had the privilege of knowing for 20 yrs! And he says Dr. Lista is  "the best"! After hearing that and meeting with Dr. Lista I was like very impressed.

Also goggling him and him watching you tube lecture and explain his procedures you will find he is very experienced and that's key!

Dr. Lista's web site is Excellent also quite informative and helped me also with my rather easy decision after seeing what kind of a top gun I'm dealing with here! I felt like I got my 2 expert opinion's one being the Doctor who initially Referred me that started the ball rolling and 2. second one Dr. Lista himself who is extremely professional to say the least of it and extremely knowledgeable.

Have your questions handy that's what i would recommend no matter how absurd they may seem Dr. Lista is very compassionate I found. The consultation went great and you can call back a patient coordinator for any further questions you may have! His staff is extremely professional and friendly. The office is very posh and clean I was very impressed. Over all I had a strong feeling with confidence after meeting with Dr. Lista.

Yes I'm a little nervous surgery is surgery... But I'm really excited positive and looking forward to this. I have been living with this horrible condition for to long!  

I will continue to keep blogging through the next few weeks and hope for some Positive discussions thanks to all!


« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 07:37:25 PM by nighthawk »

Offline nighthawk

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I tried everything! I lifted lots of weights! Lost so much weight and still they were there to bother and trouble me.  ??? >:( :(

Offline nighthawk

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17 days post op things are looking much better. My chest is starting to look way better and defiantly much better then 1 week swelling post op! The swelling is coming down thanks God. It is really progressing. Big difference from 1st week post op with out a single doubt!

I really still hope when all the healing is finished I can wear that t shirt freely without any embarrassment. Without a t shirt would be an absolute Miracle I Pray for.   :)

« Last Edit: June 18, 2011, 05:03:10 PM by nighthawk »

Offline nighthawk

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In a t shirt would be a real dream for me in itself. Without a shirt to feel comfortable I will have to see to believe! lol

Some personal info on me.
I'm not fat I would say a touch over weight. The gynecomastia came at approx 9 to 12 years old and stayed haunting me in many ways. From the way I dress daily, (trying to mask it),,, to my sexual life, and defiantly taking off a shirt on the beach that was a killer for me.  Embarrassed  :(  :-[  :'(

I lifted weights hard for a few years. And then tried the cadio till i was 160 pounds. Eating right the entire time. All of this just to rid the gynecomatia! None of it worked for me!!!  I was ignorant of the fact that there was a gland stuck there!

I'm 3 weeks post op things are defiantly getting better. I Pray that the swelling will eventually dissipate to the point of a normal looking chest. In and out of a t shirt.


Offline nighthawk

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OK just over 5 weeks post op and my chest is getting better weekly. It is really evolving for the better thanks God. I will keep updating as this transcends...

Hopefully for the better. My nipples are still popping out but as long as I can be free in a t shirt and with out one I have to wait and see that will be a Miracle really. I really and honestly can say I feel like its getting there!

This is probably the hardest part of the surgery from what I read from others post threads is the wait and be very Patient mode and time. Thanks for the support from some great people on here.


Does anyone advise to start working out or walking at this point?? I'm a pretty big believer in REST and let everything heal and after plenty of time to train since I do have the experience there after so many years of weights and cardio to rid this horrible condition.

Offline hmm512

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hey nighthawk, been a couple weeks since your last post, how's the progress?

OK just over 5 weeks post op and my chest is getting better weekly. It is really evolving for the better thanks God. I will keep updating as this transcends...

Hopefully for the better. My nipples are still popping out but as long as I can be free in a t shirt and with out one I have to wait and see that will be a Miracle really. I really and honestly can say I feel like its getting there!

This is probably the hardest part of the surgery from what I read from others post threads is the wait and be very Patient mode and time. Thanks for the support from some great people on here.


Does anyone advise to start working out or walking at this point?? I'm a pretty big believer in REST and let everything heal and after plenty of time to train since I do have the experience there after so many years of weights and cardio to rid this horrible condition.

Offline nighthawk

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For me I want to wait this out, until 3 months then 8 months and then 12 months/ 1 yr before I pass total judgement on this. I mean am I better then before the surgery..... YES! way better. But I did my homework and I found that many if not all of Dr. Lista's Patients have a similar to same pattern... on there thread posts.

That being after 6 to 8 months over all they are pretty happy and some are extremely happy also with the job done. Prior to that however many are withheld and even iffy and critical over if enough was taken out or not.

So that being said I'm going to wait this out and hope for the best. And not be to critical , and enjoy the improvements which have been obtained already.

This surgery should have been done years ago when I was 19 or 20 or at least in my early 20's. The hardest part is the wait and see Patience after the surgery and to see how much freedom in a t shirt and without you will have. I have just started working out lightly. Walks and light weights with high reps nothing exhilarating!



Offline Nutsandbolts

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Hi Nighthawk

 My question to you is about your training. A large concern for me about this procedure would be the down time from the gym. I see you are back to the gym in about 6-7 weeks correct? Could you have returned quicker? Is there any restrictions with cardio?

Good luck with the recovery!

Offline nighthawk

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Actually it has been quite a few weeks more then 6 or 7 weeks post op.

I'm not the one to ask about that question on training or recovery post surgery. Mind you every person trains completely differently. A Doctor only should answer the questions that you just asked me. Especially your Surgeon who is an expert in this surgery and knows all the details. Good luck.

My previous post mainly was about the struggle with Patience and to wait at least 9 months to 1 yr before passing a critical judgement of the surgery.

And to enjoy what has been obtained and sit tight and hope that the any residual swelling goes down. And see how the skin takes time to tighten naturally.

Many get a post surgery obsessive compulsive thinking and worry quite alot. And its hard to wait really to see the final results after the 1 yr point will look like. 

Offline nighthawk

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From what I have read and myself included, many get depressed after the surgery. And thanks to the history of this threads left and a few of the supporting members messaging you, Really helps you get over the hump. And makes you look at things in a positive perspective. Also seeing the gradual improvement helps also of course.

Offline shaknbake

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Hi nighthawk!  It's been 8 months since your surgery, how your you say things have healed up for you?  Are you satisfied now with the results?  I'm going in for surgery with Dr. Lista in a little less than 2 weeks.  It's great to be able to speak with others who have had surgery done by him already.  Thanks!
Shakenbake baby, SHAKE N BAKE!!  Ya, that just happened.

Offline nighthawk

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Have You not already had surgery with Dr. Lista? Is this a revision?? 

Offline shaknbake

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Actually, I just had surgery for the first (and hopefully last) time on Thursday.  I'm 3 days post op now, and doing great.  I was following your progress before my surgery to get an idea of what to expect from my own, and so far, it's right on track with yours.  I'm more swollen on the left side than the right.  Mostly along the side of the chest under the arm.  I think it is more swollen on that side because the point of entry is more towards the back side of the breast area, where my right side has it more forward.  With all the tugging and pulling of the liposuction cannula, it's bound to swell a significant amount!  I'm quite happy with the results so far.  After listening to your progress, I know that it will improve even more as time goes on.  I'm a very patient kind of guy, so that won't be a problem for me to wait it out.  Especially when I fully expected to have to.  How are things with you now?  Fully and completely recovered?


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