Author Topic: Almost to my Weight Loss Goal but still unhappy  (Read 1369 times)

Offline zado611

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I have come to the conclusion that we, as those that suffer with moobs, probably have the hardest time in our weight loss journeys, because in my own case I have lost ALOT of weight but along the way and presently I get/am discouraged because of my chest size. I can't celebrate my losses bc the main thing I started out on this journey to lose is still there, fluffy as it ever was. I've went from 290-234 in 6 months(6'4 18 years old). I started on this for ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY to lose my chest fat(like i was advised by the doctors on here and by my parents), but instead my journey has come to the culmination of what i thought all alone it won't go away by just losing weight even though i was obese at the time I knew that wasn't the reason, but some people you just can't convince so i lost the weight. To be honest, I really haven't dramattically changed on any part of my body, kinda weird since ive lost 56 pounds and seems like i feel worse about myself than when i started. I was hoping that before summer i could have lost enought weight that my moobs would be gone thats why i started in December so I could have a fun and enjoyable summer(bc i have longed for that for forever: to be able to ENJOY the moobless life). To my disappointment however, I have come short and my boobs are just about the same. I want surgery but got alot planned for the summer and my parents are understanding but its still a weird situation bc my mother doesnt think i really need it. Plus there worried well what if you cant get a job, what if this, what if that, what if this, what if that.... a bunch of what ifs.. seems like they would put me as a priority over all that BULL. I've just come to a point where I've ran out of options. I'm at a lost.

Offline hatemymoobs

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Hang in there and tell your parents how it is effecting your mental health. Sounds like you are down about it, and it will only get worse with time, unless you somehow come to peace with it and accept your moobs.

I'm 28 and have had very mild case that seems to have gotten worse over the last couple years- perhaps from weight fluctuation. I'm going to consult with an endo and a few surgeons to find out what to do. I hope you have the opportunity to do the same, but at your younger age. I wish I had discovered gynecomastia was actually a medical condition when I was younger...

Offline gynogynoman

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You will probably find the fat in your chest will be the last to go, I lost a lot of weight like you but the chest weight didnt go until the end (unfortunately there was gland as well, so I had to have surgery but I did so with no excuses).

Do you know what your bodyfat percentage is? I didnt start losing my breasts until about 10%


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