Author Topic: Before and After Pics, Opinion needed! (pics finally uploaded)  (Read 2842 times)

Offline ukmale

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Hi all.

i need peoples opinion. I had my op on 07/05/11 and below are the before and after pics. Although i am alot smaller than i was, im still not happy.

Opinions please.



Offline kingboob

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I think that is a pretty decent early result to be honest.   The scars look quite tidy...I think the scar placement is good........ the scar I have from mine goes right across the length of the chest but is above the nipples rather than below, which in all honesty requires a revision as I'm still not totally happy with it.  

You don't appear to have total flatness yet but this type of surgery creates a LOT of damage and swelling to the tissue....... at this early stage I think you should be happy that your wound has healed nicely and your nipples have survived.. (they can literally die and drop off when they are relocated like that if the blood supply is compromised).

There are limits as to what a surgeon can achieve in one go, you may not be totally flat but it may not have been possible to get total flatness in one go.  You may want a bit of lipo at a later date in order to flatten everything out even more, but then again you may be quite happy once the swelling goes down.

Also, without meaning to be rude, you are quite overweight and in all honesty your chest is now in keeping with the rest of you but without having obvious moobs.

Offline Raider Fan

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I agree that the results you are showing right now look relatively good, considering where you were.  It will be interesting to see how your nipples/areolas look in a year or so.

To tell you the truth, I'm surprised that the surgeon operated on you prior to losing a significant amount of weight.  Many surgeons make it a prerequisite for very obese patients to get to an acceptable weight before they will initiate surgery on them. 

Offline kingboob

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I agree that the results you are showing right now look relatively good, considering where you were.  It will be interesting to see how your nipples/areolas look in a year or so.

To tell you the truth, I'm surprised that the surgeon operated on you prior to losing a significant amount of weight.  Many surgeons make it a prerequisite for very obese patients to get to an acceptable weight before they will initiate surgery on them.  

To be honest I don't think weight loss would have cured the problem anyway... not when you look at how big and droopy/saggy they were anyway.   From personal experience I would say that weight loss would have just left the moob deflated but still in need of correction.

I think what a good surgeon should / would have done is make the patient completely aware that a totally flat chest is not possible from such a starting point (at least not in one surgery anyway)...... and also be completely upfront about the very significant scarring that is involved when correcting a large case like this.

Offline ukmale

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hi guys,

thanks for all your responses. One of the main stumbling blocks for the NHS not doing the op was my weight but the surgeon who i was referred to at my Hospital and the person who wrote my recommendation to my PCT was the same surgeon who did my op privately. Strangely he really wanted to do it and even lowered his usual price. Id lost about 4 stones in the previous 15 months before my op but lost no weight or shape around my chest and that was one of the main reasons he conducted the op. I know by losing more weight i should see better results but i was just hoping for something a little better than what i now have, although when you look at the before and after pics you realise how far Ive actually come.

I suppose my biggest worry is that even if i continue to lose weight my chest will still be the same size and after suffering with the problem since i was 11/12 (im now nearly 30) i think i was expecting a miracle.


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