Author Topic: Testosterone Gel for GYNO?  (Read 9401 times)

Offline BirminghamGYNO

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I am 22, 5ft 8 and weigh 140lbs. I am in the same position as fp who posted a message about puffy nipples. I have lived with gyno since i was 13 and after watching a channel 4 documentary which made me aware of what it was, i decided to contact a surgeon. The surgeon that i saw did not fill me very much confidence and made me scared about abnormalities and looking work that i do already ( i also can't really afford £2600). Gyno is affecting me mentally that much tho, its really getting me down, so i can't do nothing. I found this website who are selling testosterone gel, which they say can help with gyno. Does this work? Has anyone tried it? Or is it a con and is surgery the only answer?
Please Help.

Offline doddy

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It's not a con, but that doesn't guarantee success. I'm currently using it. It's definitely having an effect at breaking up the gland, but I'm still waiting for a proper reduction in puffyness.

Do a search of the forum for 'andractim' for more info.

Offline kindherb42

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Doddy what day of treatment are you on now? i'm only on day 9 so don't notice much, but it's weird because for some reason when i got to about day 7 or 8 and started thinking it was getting worse or something i think i just thought that because my nips weren't hard at all when i saw them.

Offline vaio

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I'm sure it will break down some gland, but you won't get the desired effect you are looking for you. Your nipple is still going to stick out, and look odd even if it does work.

When they do surgery under the nip, it is open and raw. The compression vest holds the skin against the fat. They heal togather. Which equals the end of excess arola skin sag.
$2,800 = Freedom! p;store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//

Offline BirminghamGYNO

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Thanks for the responses guys, and i will definately look up more info Andractim, but i guess i won't really know if it works for me unless i give it a try (anythings got to be better than keeping the chest i've got!)
Kindherb42 - Bit worried that you mentioned you thought it got worse? How do you worse?
Vaio - would the nipple still be puffy if you used the gel as well as doing weight training and cardio, would this not break down the fat and the nipple just shrink on its own?

Offline kindherb42

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It's NOT getting worse, it's just my mind playing tricks on me since i saw them when they were 100% relaxed~more puffy. according to 3 MDs 1 endocrinologist and 1 PS i have a bad case of body dysmorphic disorder where what i see looks sooo much worse to me then it actually is and i find me playing tricks on myself. im only on i think day 9 or 10, i don't notice much yet although the skin surrounding the areaola seems tighter or something.
btw i'v been serious about weight lifting and i eat an extremely healthy diet( i actually love it, i never knew eating healthy could be so good) for the past 2 1/2-3 months and that seems to have helped a lot, i'm actually very pleased with my body now, just waiting for the nips to not be as puffy. bodybuilding has made me feel better about myself and i love going to the gym, it's not like work like "aw man i gotta go to the gym today...".
If you're interested in started to lift weights and get into shape message boards is a great place, it's like this but about bodybuilding and there are actually lots of threads about gynecomastia(gyno as everyone there calls it, or bitchtits) as it's a common condition in the sport of bodybuilding, i wonder why  ::)

Offline vaio

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Vaio - would the nipple still be puffy if you used the gel as well as doing weight training and cardio, would this not break down the fat and the nipple just shrink on its own?

From what I have heard, the gel will break down the hard tissue and make it soft. Maybe even shrink it. I don't believe it will shrink the areola/nipple skin. You will be left with excess nipple skin if it even does shrink the gland.

People on here say it shrinks it, but there are no cosmetic before and after pictures to even show a change. Still looks the same, just feels different. On a side note, prescription drugs are prescription for a reason. They can have adverse reactions to medicines you are currently taking or have bad reactions with any disorders or conditions you may have. People on here say "take a prostate test and if it comes out good, you will be fine." WRONG. There are many other factors that need to be looked at. Only a DOCTOR can evaluate you medical history correctly and proceed.

Bottom line, taking a prescription drug without a presciption is not good. A prescription is a prescription for a reason.

Offline BirminghamGYNO

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thanks for the advise guys, two very conflicting points of view, i'm still non the wiser. I guess i should really consult a GP first, its just in the past i haven't found them to be very understanding. I had consulted a doctor before, but by the time he got around to refering me to consultant, i'd moved and couldn't make the appointment.
I defineately agree about the heathly eating and the bodybuilding for making you feel better about yourself. I've always eaten healthy, trying to cut out saturate fat, sugars, salts and refined or processed foods and I've been going the gym for over a year now, but its only really in the last couple of months since getting a personal trainer that i've really take it seriously, to the point i think i might be getting obsessed and feel guilty and anxious if i don't go! The way i see it, is if i don't like my puffy nipples at least i can make the rest of body look better and feel good about that rather than focus on the one little bit that makes me unhappy.......they still need to go tho!!!


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Chances are that if your body is already producing normal amounts of Testosterone, the gel will be converted to Estrogen E2 & the breast estrogen receptors will attract it.  Then they will grow larger.

You should get a complete hormone, male/female series, before using any hormone product.  You can cause more growth by applying too much hormones.

If your testosterone is too low & E2 is too high that will cause breast growth.  Just very high E2 levels will cause breast growth.

All males have estrogen & all females have testosterone.  It is just in different amounts.


Offline hypo

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Gine2D is perfectly right to warn of the dangers of testosterone gel doing this.

But you have got a little confused BirminghamGYNO

Easy thing to happen.....

Actually they sell Andractim and it is not testosterone at all but the potent male androgen dihydrotestosterone which is unable to covert to estradiol because it is a non aromatizable androgen unlike testosterone.

All that said, it is not without issues which is why I think this therapy is something that should be used under the guidance and prescription of an endocrinologist.

Andractim has been shown to reduce gynecomastia in 75% of cases and of that 75%, 25% of cases, 1 in 4 were resolved by this treatment.  That also means however that 25%, 1 in 4 people had no reduction at all.

Andractim can only reduce glandular gynecomastia and it is most successful at doing this in the development/proliferation phase.

Get a referral to an endocrinologist or a private doctor with specialist knowledge in this area and I am sure you will be able to get this but in a properly supervised manner.

Send me a private message if you are from the UK or the UK and I will be able to help you further.  


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