Author Topic: wheres a good and cheap place for surgery  (Read 2891 times)

Offline Gyne-Sucks

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where can i get good result with a low cost

low cost being around £1500-£2500


Offline namsoni

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Hey mate,

I don't normally post, but I've seen some of your previous submissions, and I just wanted to share what little advice and wisdom I have.

With regards to your specific question, if you have had a look around the UK section, then you will know that you won't be able to get surgery done here for the price you mention. You may have options in Europe, so I would advise posting in that section of the forum.

Putting that to one side, I want to also say I understand your frustrations. It's a bitch having gyne. It can consume you if you let it. I have, and as a result, it has meant I have missed some of life's key milestones. You spoke in an earlier post about not getting with girls because of it. But have you read Sawyer's post, and how his gf is supporting him to get the operation? And there are many other posters in relationships. If you want surgery and that will make you happier, great, but don't let it stall your life.

And also be practical about surgery. Assess your own personal circumstances, and list answers to the following questions:
What you can realistically afford atm?
How much more will you need?
Where you would get the money from?
How you will go about earning it? How will you try and get a job?
How much of your free time are you willing to sacrifice working to save up?
Roughly, what date/year you will be able get surgery?
Are you willing to travel for surgery? How far? Who would you tell?
Are you willing to try the NHS? Have you contacted your GP?

Just weigh everything up, make some personal goals, and then go get them. And don't forget the other aspects of your life: girls, school, education, friends, family, career, university, having fun etc. And you will find that there is overlap as well. For example, trying very hard to get a job will not only help you save up for gyne surgery, but will look good on your UCAS form if you decide to go to uni, or will help you get an even better job.

I remember when I was 16, and I probably would find this post patronising. But this is what I would have said to my 16 year old self back then, so hopefully it will be useful for you.


Offline Gyne-Sucks

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Hey mate,

I don't normally post, but I've seen some of your previous submissions, and I just wanted to share what little advice and wisdom I have.

With regards to your specific question, if you have had a look around the UK section, then you will know that you won't be able to get surgery done here for the price you mention. You may have options in Europe, so I would advise posting in that section of the forum.

Putting that to one side, I want to also say I understand your frustrations. It's a bitch having gyne. It can consume you if you let it. I have, and as a result, it has meant I have missed some of life's key milestones. You spoke in an earlier post about not getting with girls because of it. But have you read Sawyer's post, and how his gf is supporting him to get the operation? And there are many other posters in relationships. If you want surgery and that will make you happier, great, but don't let it stall your life.

And also be practical about surgery. Assess your own personal circumstances, and list answers to the following questions:
What you can realistically afford atm?
How much more will you need?
Where you would get the money from?
How you will go about earning it? How will you try and get a job?
How much of your free time are you willing to sacrifice working to save up?
Roughly, what date/year you will be able get surgery?
Are you willing to travel for surgery? How far? Who would you tell?
Are you willing to try the NHS? Have you contacted your GP?

Just weigh everything up, make some personal goals, and then go get them. And don't forget the other aspects of your life: girls, school, education, friends, family, career, university, having fun etc. And you will find that there is overlap as well. For example, trying very hard to get a job will not only help you save up for gyne surgery, but will look good on your UCAS form if you decide to go to uni, or will help you get an even better job.

I remember when I was 16, and I probably would find this post patronising. But this is what I would have said to my 16 year old self back then, so hopefully it will be useful for you.


thanks mate, i like how relaxed and layed back you are and how you can reassure me, thanks,sadly im not going to uni as i am too late to apply for sixth form and although im not thick my grades arnt A's im actually intelligent i will get C's and B's at GCSE...

but enough about my education and back on subject, i went to my gp about a year and half ago and he sent me to a peditriction, yes! a kids doctor :/ and all he said was do exersize and you will work it off which is frustrating. the GP said to me the other day that i should see the pedritrion as he can do bone tests and stuff to work out thing.... no idea what the hell hes going on about here with bone tests and stuff

how do i go about getting someone who will recommend surgery?

or is there anyway that i can just ask for surgery?

Offline bomberman

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until you can get surgery you can get something like this, helped me a bit before i got it done ht    tp://
Surgery with Dr. Karidis, 16th August 2011: currently recovering

Offline fingerit

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Good post bomberman, sometimes the simplest things can make a huge effect on confidence. No harm in trying.


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