Author Topic: If the bra fits wear it  (Read 21479 times)

Offline Del

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Despite beng discrete whenever possible !what comments I have had have come from women, and they usually refer to the size in compairison with themselves. So yes I also know what it feels like when your breasts are looked a in that way. Butt that is life..


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I must have looked pretty good because she thought I was all woman till I opened my mouth and asked for a beer. Don't get me wrong. She was very complimentary of my chest. At least she was trying to be. But how can a girl tell a guy that he has great cleavage without feeling weird? To her credit she pulled it off. I was blushing, she was smiling and we all had a good time that night. Hey, for once it felt good to let the girls out an show them off a bit. You all know the saying "if you gottem
Flaunt em"  well...that night I did.

Offline Del

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Sorry but discretion whenever possible is always my motto.


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Sorry but discretion whenever possible is always my motto.

I'm with Del on this one!

The only times they hag out there other then home or a doctors office, is in times like deer hunting when I'm wear nothing on top but under armer long underwear winter tops, no bra and who ever is hunting with me and my brother then finds out in built like a "brick shit house" but I really have no choice in this kind of setting! If they don't like it, they can find a new hunting party.

I don't go through a bunch of trouble to hid them, but I keep them covered, as I'm not proud of them or anything like that, I didn't grow them on purpose!


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Well, live and learn. I thought that when I left the house that night that I was all set but I had to keep on pulling up the top part of the dress until I had a few too many and didn't care. What the heck.'s Halloween.

Offline phm

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Have not posted on the website in quite some time.  Hammer!  You Yankee rascal.  How the hell are ya?  Been reading about the question of wearing a bra for support. I have not been wearing any sort of support since March.  Shingles!!!!  For the last three days, you city boys bear with me, I have been on a old cultivating tractor. This evening when I came in the house, I could not lift my arms above my head and could not turn my head from side to side. It even hurt to take a deep breath.  Ate supper.  Took a shower and put on my 46E support.  Pain is still there but not near as bad.  Movement is back to normal. Bottom line!  Hell with the stigma.  If it makes you feel better, do it!  Y'all have a goodun.  Oh and Paw Paw.  I still want to be like you when I grow up.  And my Grandson has started calling me Paw Paw.


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Great to hear from ya Mr. McGuire! Shingles, I'm very sorry to hear that my friend! I keep forgetting to ask my doctor for that vaccination.

Funny thing, my grandkids that live in Cheyenne call me Paw Paw too.

It's good that your getting into the fields down there, we're still dealing will a lot of rain and even snow in some parts of the state. Duluth had 4" of snow yesterday! The high for today is 60 and their calling that the "bright spot" because the highs go back down to the high 40's to low 50's for the next ten days!

Damn I hate globule harming!


Offline phm

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Hey Hammer.  Trying to beat the rain so I'll make this quick.  GET VACCINATED FOR SHINGLES!  NOW!  i SAY AGAIN. NOW!  Have a goodun Hammer.


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DEL, I saw that hammer had posted that he was going for a fitting today. I think that's great.  I'm very happy for him and I hope it's a good experience for him. I feel that it's so important to have a bra that fits and gives you the support needed to be comfortable with your breath especially when you're in the DD+ class like we are. Like the title says. ...If the bra fits, wear it!

Offline Del

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Good luck Hammer with that fitting you will not regret it. I agree with Aboywithgirls that at our DD size a good bra is essential.


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Thanks guys! I'll be picking Debbie up after she's done with work and going then. I'm looking forward to it, and looking forward to being comfortable in a bra. Right now I'm wearing a front close DD with the top hooks left open to give me more room, but I hang out too, and it feels so tight!

I'll post after I'm done and let you all know things went!



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Good luck hammer. I think you'll be very happy with the experience as a whole.


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Well I had my fitting today and as everyone said it went great! I was measured to a 46H and then fitted to a variety of different style bras. Some I needed 46H, some 46G, while others 48F and I found one that I really liked that was a 46F that fit very nice. It isn't a underwire, however I did find one underwire that I did like, so the plan is, I bought one without the underwire (I'll post the picture, then if I like it I'll order two more). I will hold the one with the underwire in reserve, as that one made me stick out even more, but was very comfortable too in size 46G.

Heres a pictures, I'll also post on "I'm much bigger then I thought"!


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Very cool hammer, congratulations. Last time I went for a fitting, it wasn't a matter of finding something I liked, it was narrowing it down to what I could afford. It was a bitter sweet day having a couple of great bras that felt great to wear but wear a cup size larger than I was fitted for a year ago. I just turned 40 and it really makes me wonder if or when I'll be fitted for an H cup.


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In our case the kids are all on there own, the house has been paid off for a few years now, we have no bills, no car payments, my wife is an accountant, and with my Social Security disability, The question of what I could or couldn't afford wasn't an issue, just comfort, however, when you think about $60.00-75.00 or more for a bra, kinda hurts, but then a bra that hurts isn't good either!

The one great thing about getting older is your life style can improve, and your bank book will grow, however, your tax liability also goes up too when you no longer have those deductions! I'm also a strong believer though, if you make the money, you pay the tax, so we also pay more taxes too!


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