Author Topic: how about me? Gyno? Fat? please help :(  (Read 3766 times)

Offline hewadd

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Hi guys, I'm 24 years old asian. Im wondering what is my case? do i have gyno? or hopefully just fat?
can i get rid of it by having hormone pills? or is it possible to make it flat by gym work out?
please help me>.<

im not sure the picture is good enough to tell my case.
I appreciate your comment. Thanks.

Offline xelnaga13

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Offline myman237

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looks like a mild case. shouldnt be too hard to hide. just wear tight tank tops and start workign out

Offline headheldhigh01

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...can i get rid of it by having hormone pills? or is it possible to make it flat by gym work out? 
i didn't see the pics but will take myman237's word for it.  hormone pills probably won't help for two reasons:  one, assuming for a moment that in your case some denser tissue has developed (as a guess), then an absence of hormones probably won't make it just dissolve, though a really light case might improve.  working out usually makes it more prominent instead of less unless you're targeting the area above it specifically.  so you probably want to see a competent ps, but not everyone who's done the op is that competent, it'll help to see before and after pics.  welcome to the site. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline hewadd

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Thanks for the replies! sorry for the improper image link, hope this link will work(i uploaded my photo to imageshack)

myman237: yes, it is difficult to hide them >.< thats y i can only wear lose+think shirt
headheldhigh01: may i know what is competent ps? sorry that im lack on knowledge abt all these...

btw, is there any doctor i can refer for consulting about my case? if really necessary. Oh im at singapore
thanks a lot!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 11:01:02 AM by hewadd »

Offline xelnaga13

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PS= plastic surgeon

Is the tissue underneath firm?

Offline hewadd

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PS= plastic surgeon

Is the tissue underneath firm?
Hi xelnaga13, I'm not really sure the tissue is consider firm or not   ???
what if firmed? or what if not?
thanks for your reply  :)

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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It really doesn't make a difference if the tissue feels firm or not.  It is the existence of excess tissue on a male chest that defines gynecomastia.

Fat can be firm or soft and the same is true for breast tissue.

Therefore, I do not quite understand why so many guys on this forum are constantly feeling their chest in a vain attempt to discern what they have.  If you have any excess tissue, you have, by definition, gynecomastia.  It may be small or large, you may want to live with it or not, but it is gynecomastia.

And yes, you do have a mild case of gynecomastia.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline xelnaga13

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It really doesn't make a difference if the tissue feels firm or not.  It is the existence of excess tissue on a male chest that defines gynecomastia.

Fat can be firm or soft and the same is true for breast tissue.

Therefore, I do not quite understand why so many guys on this forum are constantly feeling their chest in a vain attempt to discern what they have.  If you have any excess tissue, you have, by definition, gynecomastia.  It may be small or large, you may want to live with it or not, but it is gynecomastia.

And yes, you do have a mild case of gynecomastia.

Dr Jacobs

Thank you for the clarification.

Offline hewadd

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It really doesn't make a difference if the tissue feels firm or not.  It is the existence of excess tissue on a male chest that defines gynecomastia.

Fat can be firm or soft and the same is true for breast tissue.

Therefore, I do not quite understand why so many guys on this forum are constantly feeling their chest in a vain attempt to discern what they have.  If you have any excess tissue, you have, by definition, gynecomastia.  It may be small or large, you may want to live with it or not, but it is gynecomastia.

And yes, you do have a mild case of gynecomastia.

Dr Jacobs
Thanks for the information! but so sad to know about that i had a mind case of gynecomastia  >.<
Is there any doctor is recommended in singapore? I'd read some of others case, about Dr KC Tan? (if i remember the name correctly)
Btw, if an operation is needed, for my case i need to stay overnight at hospital too? and can i work on the next day or 2 days later?

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Sorry, do not know of any particular gyne surgeons in your area.

Oftentimes the surgery is performed on an out-patient basis -- but some surgeons and in some countries, an overnight hospital stay may be necessary.

One can frequently return to sedentary-type work within 2-3 days after surgery -- would not return to heavy duty manual labor for at least several weeks, however.

Dr Jacobs

Offline hewadd

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Sorry, do not know of any particular gyne surgeons in your area.

Oftentimes the surgery is performed on an out-patient basis -- but some surgeons and in some countries, an overnight hospital stay may be necessary.

One can frequently return to sedentary-type work within 2-3 days after surgery -- would not return to heavy duty manual labor for at least several weeks, however.

Dr Jacobs

Thanks Dr Jacobs for the information. will approach to a doctor as soon as i can affort the surgery cost.  :)


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