Author Topic: Get Levick to fix? Desperate for advise(photos added!)  (Read 4460 times)

Offline Boobicles

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Hello all. I desperately need some help and advise, I'm totally Confused. I had surgery in June this year. I'm 40 years old and very physically fit. I had a mild case but was deeply unhappy with the whole puffy nipple thing. In my opinion i had a ring of glandular breast tissue around my areola and that was why the cause of my puffy nipples. I could not feel anything actually underneath the nipple as most cases seem to. Apart from this area i was relatively happy with my chest. When my nipples contracted i looked great. My surgeon initially wanted to do liposuction only.I asked him to excise the tissue that to me was the problem and he agreed to liposuction and excision.

Now at 20 weeks post surgery i am not happy. Both sides are quite different. The right side is very flat in places and actually has a dent now towards the middle of my chest. Its only obvious when i tense my muscle but its not good. My main concern this side is that my nipple is worse than ever now. Probably the same as before but now the rest of my pec is flatter it looks worse. I can now feel hard tissue above and to each side of the areola rather than all round.(like an n shape) On the left side it is fuller and feels quite hard like there is just gland tissue all over. This side isn't anywhere near as puffy but is still not right in my opinion.
I have been in discussion with my surgeon(who is actually happy with the result) doesn't think i have glandular tissue and is happy to liposuction the left to even it out and then do a partial areola reduction above to tighten the 'puffy' nipples.
Although initially i was happy about having this revision i started to have second thoughts so i started researching more and found this website where i found Paul Levick mentioned a lot so i went to him for a second opinion. Paul said that it is still early days(as did my surgeon) but after examining me said he would not be happy if i were his patient. He believes that there is glandular tissue still to come out. This was exactly what i thought all along. We decided that Paul would talk to my surgeon and tell him what he thought needed doing to correct this. Unfortunately it has made no difference. My surgeon is still happy to revise free of charge but as we discussed. It seems to me that my surgeon believes you should have some glandular tissue and not be flat whereas Paul Levick removes all the gland tissue. My surgeon says to remove all the gland and make me flat would basically be a mastectomy. Is this right? So I'm stuck not knowing what to do or think. I could stay with my surgeon and convince him to 'overcorrect' as he calls it or i pay another 4000 pounds to Paul Levick to sort it out.
The one thing that's sets me apart from other people on here is that i have never had any kind of gland beneath the areola but a doughnut shaped ring around it. I think this is gland but could it be fat as my surgeon says?

If it wasn't down to money then i would prob get Paul Levick to fix it as he seemed to totally understand. Would it be wrong to ask for some money back rather than have a revision which will obviously cost my surgeon. I have basically spent 4000 pounds and am more unhappy than before. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is it wrong to be totally flat? Is being totally flat the only way to stop puffy nipples? I  have also noticed that Paul Levick has had a few bad reviews on here. Can i trust he can fix this? Help please?
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 10:55:01 AM by Waveydavey »

Offline chopper

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I always thought they took 99% of the gland away but left some so the nipple didn't fall in, leaving you with indented nipples  :o which is why if you play around with steroids after surgery gyne can and will come back if you are not careful....that was always my understanding anyway

If your surgeon is offering free revisions then I think you are going to struggle getting any money back from him, I could be wrong.

I hate to say this now, but as far as I'm concerned for gyne surgery it's ONLY Levick or Karidis in the UK

Offline Boobicles

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Thanks for your input. When you had your op did they take everything out? If you examine your chest what can you feel? Any fat or gland? What about beneath the nipple?

Offline Boobicles

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Does anyone have any comments/suggestions!

Offline thetodd

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Its hard to say to be honest, i mean who done the original surgery was it a company like transform?

They leave a tiny bit of gland in, otherwise you wouldnt have a nipple and it would indeed be a masectomy but the surgeon seems to be giving you an extreme option. Hes offering to do liposuction becuase its very quick and easy did he actually excise any gland at all?

Post some pictures, but i think getting any money back is going to be difficult. Dont feel to shitty about it (easy for me to say i know) because you havent been butchered and it seems like this can be corrected unfortuantley its going to leave you out of pocket. But its only money and ive seen lads on here absolutley scared for life with no chance of revisions helping

If i was in your position now, i would get a consultation with Karidis there isnt anything wrong with Levick but ive seen karidis do some great revisions!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Boobicles

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Thanks for your post. I wont say who my surgeon is at this stage it was at one of the spire private hospitals and the surgeon specialises in breast surgery. I did trust him and believed he would sort it out but i'm not happy at this stage. I'm actually worried that it cant be fixed cause the dent is not good at all. My surgen is happy cause relaxed for the after photo's it looks ok but tense my chest and it's quite different. Levick actally thought it might be tethering. Where the skin is stuck where it shouldn't be. I will post my before and after pics later.
Still need some advice people!

Offline Boobicles

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any help people? Photo's will follow honestly......

Offline thetodd

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Youd need to seek legal advice, i know people who have won claims against cosmetic surgery companies. But its an embarrasing process going through court, and surgeys know this. I wouldnt expect to get any money back myself id put a line through it and move onto another surgeon.

You can do fat transfer and stuff to stop tethering, but youd need to go to a decent surgeon not him. You can always ask for a partial refund which he may agree to volunteer his fee. Whatever you do, dont let him do anymore.

Offline Boobicles

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Hi folks,
I went back to see my surgeon to discuss my revision surgery and it seems that Paul Levick has had more discussions with my surgeon. I'm now having most off my glandular tissue removed along with some more liposuction to even things out. I'm hoping that this will sort out my problems. I was totally surprised that Paul Levick had changed my surgeons view on what needs to be done. I had almost convinced myself that i would have to pay someone else to fix this but now i feel that i have to go ahead with this revision as he says he will do what i believe needs to be done. I did actually contact Alex Kardis for a third opinion but he was going to charge me 150pounds rather that the 75pounds that is donated to charity because it was a second opinion. Seems a bit unfair!
So that my update. I'm just waiting for an operation date in jan and fingers crossed. Any thoughts people?   

Offline Boobicles

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Offline Boobicles

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Offline Boobicles

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Before and after pics from front.
None of these pictures show the dent. I will upload a seperate pic for this later.

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Offline kingboob

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I don't see anything really abnormal about your chest at all.  So if there is anything there it must be very subtle and not showing up on the photos very well. In all honesty your pre-op pictures look normal to me as well....

From watching this forum for quite a few years now, it seems to me that guys who are trying to *fix* very subtle or minor issues rarely seem to end up happy in the end.

If I were you then I certainly wouldn't be forking out 4.5k for more surgery, and I would seriously consider whether a free revision is actually a good idea...... there is always the possibility that more surgery can create more scar tissue / exagerate any tethering or whatever, plus the risks of any surgery.

You are 40, clearly very physically fit and already have a chest/upper body that most 25yr olds would be happy with.  - is it worth it?


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