Author Topic: My story after all these years/ update/02/03/18 back surgery yesterday  (Read 71980 times)


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Aug 28th 2013 I had my second appointment with my new primary care doctor at the VA. The good news is all my blood work look good. I am also in a weight lost program there under the watch of another doctor and the loss is only about a pound a month, but it has been steady moving down since I started! My primary knows that I can't walk or run to help speed that up so she wants me to start swimming! Now being that I was a driver for the Navy, I love the water and swimming, but all the arthritis I have does limited my movement along with the shyness of removing my shirt in public with a slightly larger then double d breast!

She asked me what would I think of a women who stood in front of the mirror all day because she thought she was so good looking? I said she would be vain! She than said wouldn't that be just the opposent, and wrong?

I asked her if she were to grow a 6" penis and a pair of balls would she continue to wear a tight fitting swimming suit? After some thought she said, "I get your point, I think I understand".

Now, I wear just a t-shirt and you can see if you look (and the reality is not many do) you can see I have big breast! I have no problem taking my shirt off in doctors office, in my hospital room while recovering from surgery, in front of family, but not in public.

Then on exam she said you really have a lot of weight in these breast as they are very large! I really think you should consider wearing a bra. I then said that I do, and have been encouraged by my wife and daughters to do so and I have also been open with some of my closest family members about it, but I have a hard time wearing one all day or all the time due to the way they feel! She of course recommended a privet fitting then and said that I should wear one as much and often as I can!

Back to the swimming! I found from a female to male sex change site about how to hide breast. They  recommend a "rash swim shirt"! So I have ordered one of them. My local community center charges $183.00 a year for senior membership, so I'm going to give it a go!

With hard work and Gods Grace,  I hope to drop the weight a little faster, but I also need to work to keep it off as well!

Offline Bman41

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Great!  I am working on losing too, stopped drinking calories and I have lost 3 pants sizes already, only about 10 lbs, but my wife says not to worry about the weight, but the size.  I have noticed my chest measurements have dropped band (down to 39), but not bust much at all yet (fluxuates 45-48, could me measurement error too). 

Big muscles burn more than little ones, so swimming is good, work em as much as you can.  My wife and I were walking the dog at night before bed, but she hurt her foot so that has slowed us down, I am doing it alone, but hate to be without her, and she hates not going.  And the dog even tries to insist she goes too. 

Keep us posted, losing weight in any way is good.  I know I need to.  I have long term goals and short term, so hopefully I can keep to them.  Might start working on walking at work at lunch again, it is hard to do in the high humidity and temps, I don't like being sweaty at work all day. 


Offline Paa_Paw

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Before you lay out the cash for a fitness center, check and see what your medical insurance will cover. Some will cover membership as a health maintenance expense. Even if they only cover part it could be worth looking into.
Grandpa Dan


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I don't have insurance! I only have Medicare and go to the VA!

At the price of $183.00 I have no problem paying that! Our home has been payed off now for about five years, Debbie is an accountant and does get a far pay, and with the kid grown and gone are expenses aren't to bad either, so we do alright with the finances.


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Judy and I are retired but we opted for an alternative to medicare and it does cover a fitness program. You need to look into some of your choices during the open enrolement period.

In the area where I live, few peopleactually use medicare. Most local Doctors don't like it because of many reasons but mainly the alternatives pay off better and quicker. There is almost nothing the government does that private enterprise can't do better.


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I totally agree and was very reluctant to go to the VA at first, but at the time it worked out to be the best thing to do. Debbie had lost her job which did qualify me not to wait for special enrollment, however I did qualify at the VA as well. I am at the highest co pay at the VA, but with no insurance policy payment it is saving a hug amount of money! The co pay are very low even though I'm at the highest!

My co pays just for my meds use to run me over $300.00 per month plus our out of pocket for our share of the insurance cost was around $700.00. Now I pay around $100.00 or so average per month.

The care I get is good too! I have the same back doctor that I did at the U of M. I have a doctor that I'm working with for weight loss. My primary made sure that I got a new manual wheelchair, diabetic socks, and any other personal needs met all at zero cost to me! I have email contact anytime with my doctors. I order my meds online and most are 90 day supply mailed to me so I don't need to go get them with med co pays at $9.00 for any kind of med.

If I loss the privilege of the VA care due to budget cuts that would still be a qualifier not to have to wait for special enrollment. I hope that it never comes to that! Every year I have to do a "means" test to requalify for the VA. I need to give both Debbie's income and mine plus bank account statements. Owning your own home is not counted against you as assets as far as having "to" much money.

I looked into the VA years earlies, but didn't qualify as my income was to hight at that time! I was on disability then and we were making a lot less money back then! Since then the whole way the the VA qualification works had changed! I had found this out from my youngest sons father-in-law while visiting. He had told me about the "new way" so I'm proof that you can get in with making higher incomes.


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Bman41, congrats on losing the pants size that has to be a great feeling! I havn't come down that far for awhile. I've lost a total of over 60 pounds, but that started in 2006!

I bought some new sweats not to long ago, the last ones I bout were in 2006 when I had my first knee replacement. Then I got size 2X large, when I got the new ones that size fell right off, or I ended up with just size large, however, we must remember that sweats run large anyway. It made me feel good about it though!

Offline gotgyne

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Aug 28th 2013 I had my second appointment with my new primary care doctor at the VA.
Then on exam she said you really have a lot of weight in these breast as they are very large! I really think you should consider wearing a bra. I then said that I do, and have been encouraged by my wife and daughters to do so and I have also been open with some of my closest family members about it, but I have a hard time wearing one all day or all the time due to the way they feel! She of course recommended a privet fitting then and said that I should wear one as much and often as I can!

This confirms my own experience that female doctors are much more open-minded in such matters as their male colleagues.


A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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This confirms my own experience that female doctors are much more open-minded in such matters as their male colleagues.


John, I totally agree with you! I've had breast exams from male doctors but non have ever said anything about support.

My new doctor also said bras are for supporting breast, what does it matter who has the breast! I told her we say that here on the forum too.


Offline Alchemist

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Swimming is good.  Breasts float and require no support in the water. It takes all the strain off of ones back.  I have a really messed up back.   I went to a female doc for about 10 years.  The question of my breasts NEVER came up.  This was back in the 1980-1990 period.  She avoided them like the plague.  In one 1.5 hour group exam I had there were 5 pain specialist docs and pain specialist physical therapist, 3 males and 2 females, doing the most complete physical exam I ever had, detailing every pain and joint mobility and everything standing, supine and sitting with a pair of socks and briefs. They missed seeing the muscular deterioration in my neuropathic  .  There were more hours with a PharmD, PsycD (MMPI 2) and other evals.  However, in the physical exam one of the ladies asked when my breasts grew.  When I said starting at 11 that was the end of it.  The male docs would probably would never have asked if I didn't say anything.  My internist, a male, has never said a word about them, but the first time he saw them he pretty much stared until he realized it, and appears to figure that if there were changes or problems I would bring it up since I bring up everything in complete detail.  He is far more interested in how I got my metabolism going to melt off the fat.

There is the "Silver Sneakers" program that is included in many of the Medicare Complete plans that have prevention programs.  The enrollment in the program at participating gyms is $20/month and the plan pays that benefit.  There are some facilities with pools and some without in my area.  There are something like 5 participating facilities within as many miles of where I live.

I am so totally different from when I was at 285 pounds 10 years ago I can't even attribute what was due to a lower body weight.  I took off 85 pounds of water, 40 pounds of fat and put on 50 pounds of muscle.  The last 20 pounds this past year is almost entirely loss of fat with more exercise and slightly modified eating, ie NEVER a second large mug of coffee, cream and sugar.  While the subcutaneous fat has reduced a lot making my stomach a mass of wrinkles and stretch marks, my breasts have lost at least a cup size with a reduced fullness in all directions.  However, my pecs just add to my apparent breast size unless the pecs are flexed when they pull up and are seen separately.  So now since a layer of fat has disappeared from under my breasts they actually stick out even further than they did when I weighed 220, 240, 260 and 285. When the stomach sticks out 6 inches further nothing else seems noticeable. When a mans breasts stick out 3 or 4 inches more than their stomach under a shirt, nothing else gets noticed.

A group of friends and I did an experiment in a supermarket.  One of us would walk in front, not seemingly connected with us.  The rest of us placed all around and observing watched what other people's responses were.  The beautiful young woman got everybody's attention.  The almost 7 foot tall guy did the same.  I got everybody's attention whether my breasts were visibly sticking out or my stomach and only slightly less covered by a heavy winter coat obscuring all details.  Those who had nothing to grab the attention were generally not noticed.  We repeated this several times with different clothing.  It was the people who got noticed for some reasons.  There were others who were completely unnoticed.

  Just looking around at a lot of men, I probably am in the 5% most muscled that doesn't do body building, just gardening and carpentry mostly.

At public pools and beaches, most men just avoid me now, at least the fat bully types, because they are far more vulnerable as currently fat than me as formerly fat.   The women on the other hand pay a lot more attention and really scowl at me, perhaps for shaving my chest.  I got a lot of dirty looks and double takes after doing so.  However, I am not embarrassed or shamed in any way by these breasts or any of the rest of my body these days.  I've come up with the verbal things that will shut down any bully, male or female.  However, there are plenty of goodhearted people out there that need an explanation. Often they are wondering about their son or husband or brother and what to do.

The nudist club is different.  This year, having revealed where it was for the Breast Cancer Charity events we put on, I have had local Denver men, 2 of them on an open house day, come up to me, look pointedly at my breasts and then their own, winked and smiled. Clearly I was "made". They were both very pale and had spent no time with their shirts off in the sun.  It was obvious that they recognized me and this forum is the only one with a description and photos.  Overall once again there were more men with larger breasts again this year over last year.  There is some kind of trend going on.  As far as compared to the public beach or pool, there are perhaps 10x the percentage of men with obvious gyne at the nudist club.  Sunshine and water are not known to make breasts grow unlike plants.  I'm thinking next year I want to do some public vs nudist rates of obvious gyne at pools, perhaps with size rating to see how much size does matter in this, if at all, in what men avoid showing their chests.  If I do it right it ought to be publishable.  We talk about these ideas in various ways all the time but have no idea with any exactitude.

If anybody cares, perhaps we could talk about experimental design on it's own post.


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Well now that I started my second week at the pool I know that it will be Mon, Wed and Friday. I did the three days in a row last week and could hardly move by Friday! Debbie warned me not to do that, but you all know that I'm bull headed! With all my " its just arthritis " I find swimming very hard to do! One of the other older gents said that walking forward then backwards the full length of the pool has worked great for him over the years, so that is what I'm doing.

Well now, as for the gyne, no one has me beat! There is not a man any age, and we have them all ages from 55 to WWII and all sizes but no one even comes close to being as big as me! In fact very few of the women do! I can't tell you how many people have told me that I'll see all kinds of men like me at the pool with big breast because as we get older they all get bigger! Oh well, it is what it is.

Alchemist, I can see the who notice who experiment! It would be kinda fun to put that on Candid Camera, so that others or the ones staring can see just how they react.


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Yesterday October 3rd I had what will be my last SI joint injection! I had good luck with the last, the one and only that worked of many over a period of about three years or so. After talking to my back surgeon about my fears of fussing the SI joint, he explained to me that it was extremely easier then the nine hours of back surgery that I went through and most patients go home the next day. I said fine then, but not till after deer hunting as I missed the last two years due to this damn pain and I will go this year if Debbie has to take me piggy back! Now mind you she is a tiny woman 115lbs soaking wet after a big meal! So I got an ATV for hunting now! It is a used one but it is much easier to pay cash for a used one without feeling guilty then buying a new one even though it was really hard to talk ourselves out of the new one when Debbie said, go for it! With a shoot from the vehicle permit all I can say, is WOW! God is great!

What had happen after the July 2nd injection that worked and made me feeling great as far as my back and left side and left leg go was going really good until July 25th. My daughter and son-in-law were moving to the dairy farm that they started renting and having no one to help move as my daughter just graduated college and everyone was gone mom and dad needed to step up. Dad being bull head and stubborn ended up doing one of his falls and messed everything up, and even more!

Well, we got them move, but I was no more help so the son-in-law finally talk his folks into driving the two hours to help (it's to far for them to come and see their grandson and they are younger then us too) but we go almost ever other weekend and it is an  1:50 min for us! Oh well, some people you gotta love just because their God children!

Anyway, the farm is fantastic! Great views of great low lands, high lands, and they are on very high land over looking valleys. The farm is completely bordered by a state wild life refuge. They also have 80 acres that they contract with the state in the refuge that they harvest 60 and leave 20 standing for the wildlife! So hunting should be great!

No matter what life deals out we must try to make the best of it, so if life gives you lemons, make lemon aid!

May God bless you all!

Offline Paa_Paw

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I have not been hunting in nearly 30 years and I will admit to being jealous.

Have fun.


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Dan, I know how you feel, as I went several year without going! You would be more then welcome to join us if you would want to make the trip to the north country!


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I know that some of you may read the update headline and think, "Bobs get gynecomastia surgery"?  No, I'm not I'm hoping to get rid of some pain surgery AGAIN!

The VA called today to schedule my SI joint fusion surgery. I had said in a earlier post that I wanted to wait after deer hunting because I had missed the last two years because of this damn pain and that I got the ATV for hunting this year. Now, we also found out our youngest was coming home on leave too and was hoping to be here as well, so I requested after thanksgiving and as requested I'm going in the second week of Dec! So I will get hunting in and just maybe my daughter will still be here as well.

As any of you know that live with chronic pain you never can rid yourself of all of it, you just hope to get a break from some of it, and that is what I'm hoping for. I know that I'll have some of this forever, but if I can do something to help some of it I have to at least give it a try! I'm good at dealing with surgery after all that I've had.

I tell my kids when they say, "dad I wish you didn't feel like this"! The day that I wake up with no pain is the day you can plan my funeral, because it will be the day that I died.


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