Author Topic: Surgery Feb 8th 2012 - pictures  (Read 11232 times)

Offline jb123

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Thanks! Hopefully it stays looking this way and I don't get any puffiness in the future.

Offline siphon

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looking good so far! how did you find dealing with dr perron? did you have to wait a long time to get your surgery done?

i dont think he was too keen on doing excision because another dr had done it before, but dr haugrud is willing to do a revision for me at no cost, but will charge for the lipo.

having a tough time deciding either way! dr p was quite a bit more expensive, but the work he did for you looks great man.

any thoughts or advice?

Offline jb123

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Offline jb123

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Sorry for the late response, I didn't notice that there was a message.

Dr. Perron was really good to deal with. Everything went smooth.

I got in for a consultation in mid-january and had my surgery 3 weeks later so the wait was not long at all. It did take a few months for my consultation, though.

Offline siphon

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looking great jb! your nips look super flat and can barely tell you had surgery. have you noticed any puffiness at all? looks like a great job by dr P.

hows the healing coming along? were you able to get back into the gym or exercising yet?

Offline jb123

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Thank a lot! They are quite flat but still slightly puffy as there is a bit of scar tissue underneath that pushes them out but no one would even notice that. He did a good job with the incisions, they are right around the edge of the nipples so they aren't very noticeable and hopefully be completely healed in a few months.

Healing is going well. I've never really had any pain and virtually no swelling. If you check out my earlier pics, I did have some bruising but that's about it.

3.5 weeks after surgery I got back into basketball. I'm exactly one month out of surgery now and going to start weight lifting again this weekend. I'm just going to do arms, shoulders and legs and wait a couple more weeks before I do chest workouts.

The nipples are still sensitive from the scar tissue, I got bumped in my last bball game and it kind of hurt.

I've been wearing my compression garment just at night to prevent any swelling.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Offline anelka9

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its amazing how different your chest looks with surgery  ;D

in your first pic, you had a nice chest anyway, but i just cant help look at your nipple area because of the gyno!

bet you feel like taking your top off anywhere you go now :D

im in for surgery in a couple of weeks, just an incision like you, no lipo, so im really hoping its as successful as yours, as well as straightforward. want to be at work within a few days

Offline jb123

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Thanks! The nipples don't look that great unless they are kinda perky. Otherwise they are still a bit puffy (hopefully reduces once the scar tissue is gone) and kind of deformed from the incisions. They're obviously bigger than what they would have been if I never got gyno in the first place but hopefully once the scarring has reduced, they look normal.

Once the interior and exterior scar tissue is healed I will post some more pics!

It is quite straight forward. Not even as bad as having my wisdom teeth removed. Work should be fine depending what kind of job you have!

Offline FZ2H

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looks great mate! like seriously the scarring is not noticable!

(ps. i've had my wisdoms out - so its great you've put something up to compare this to!)

Offline jb123

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Thanks! Yes the scars are hardly noticeable and I imagine in a few more months, even I won't be able to notice them.

I still just have some scar tissue underneath that I hope goes away soon.

Thanks for your response.

Offline siphon

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hey JB hows everything going with your nipples? im meeting dr p today and going to discuss some options.

Offline jb123

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Not bad. There is still a bit of puffiness and scar tissue underneath but not very noticeable. Dr. Perron said it will take up to 6 months for me to heal so I'm hoping they will be perfect in a couple months. He was awesome, highly recommended.

Offline siphon

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thats good to hear! my second consult went great with him, and was given dates to book my surgery. definitely feel confident about his ability and his knowledge seemed quite good on the subject, especially since he's done tons of these surgeries.

just a question, how noticeable was the compression binder that they gave you? since its getting warmer out, i'm wondering if i should wait until the winter so that i can hide the binder easier, or just screw it and get it sooner. could you see it under a t-shirt? how long did you wear it and was it 24-7?

thanks again JB for all the updates and progress pics! i'll be sure to do the same once i go through with it.

Offline jb123

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Good to hear!

I wore the compression garment for like 3 weeks 24/7. It wasn't that noticeable. I would wear dark golf shirts/polos to work and you couldn't really tell underneath that. As as long as you wear dark, loose-fitting shirts, it probably won't be noticeable. If anyone notices just say u hurt your back and it's a back brace or something.

I still have some scar tissue left but today i went and played some football with my shirts of without any concern. I was a little self conscientious because I'm so used to having the puffy nipples but I know they look fine now and my friends would have mentioned it if they looked puffy.

Offline The Dane

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Had my surgery today.. just sitting here reading about post surgery experiences. Your chest looks great mate. Must be very happy with the result. Bet your life changed dramatically after the OP.
I know mine will :)

Do keep posting updates..

Greetings from Denmark


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