Author Topic: Do I have Gynecomastia?  (Read 1554 times)

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Hello, I know this question is asked 100s of times per week on this forum, but I need to know what I'm dealing with. I'll start with a quick introduction.

I am 18 years old, and I first noticed abnormalities with my chest area when I was 12 years old. For the past 6 (nearly 7) years, I have not taken my top off in any public place. I purposely avoided swimming at school. I was bullied quite a lot for it in secondary school to the point that I attempted suicide when I was 16. At the moment I do not wear just t-shirts in public, I always have to wear a jacket. I fear that it shows up more when I'm just wearing a t-shirt. I can't even take my top off around my girlfriend since I am that embarrassed, and it is causing some minor problems in the relationship

No matter how much weight I loose, it does not change in appearance. I am just in the overweight category in my BMI, but my GP has said not to worry about that since I cycle competitively and my legs are mainly muscle. The 'boobs' do not feel fatty, and they have a hard, lumpy tissue in them. I have had a look at a few pictures of Gynecomastia online, and there are some similarities. I cannot afford to have private surgery, and I have heard that the NHS are reluctant to offer the surgery as well, so am I stuck with this through what are meant to be the best years of my life?

Any advice is appreciated, especially any advice on the surgery area.

Thank you.


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Yes, it does look like gyne, but please don't let it ruin your life! I know that you are young and sometimes it does feel like it is damaging your self worth and even more we all have been there!

I hope that you will find a way to get the surgery! Talk this over with you folks if you have not. Let them know how this is making you feel. as a father I would want to know if my son was having any kind of problem that would make him want to kill him self. I lost a child 23 years ago from an accident (he was 6). Believe me, no parent wants to go through that. So, please take the time and open the dialog with yours.

Surgery will take care of it and hopefully someone with NHS experience will jump in and help you with that, but in the mean time, I want to remind you that those lumps of fat, breast tissue and skin do not and should not define who you are as a man! There is much more to a man then that, and if your GF really cares for you, those lumps will not mean shit to her. I never had a GF or even a female friend that gave a damn about my breast size, even though I to was bigger then most guys. I just beat all the other guys in personality!

Bob aka Hammer

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I'm on the southern coast of California and I suspect you are in England. If I'm right, then you should check out the requirements with NHS. We have heard from several people who got their surgery that way.

In the short term, a compression vest could help.

My wager would be that the girl has no care of what is on your chest but has a great deal of concern about what is going on between your ears. Gynecomastia is our problem, not the girls problem. If you are acting shy or withdrawn that would be her concern.
Grandpa Dan


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