Author Topic: The strange case of the incurable Gynecomatia?  (Read 6329 times)

Offline Donald parton

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Hello there,

I am hoping someone here can shed some light on this vile condition for me. - My story briefly is this: at around 12 my Gyno developed, although looking back on it, it was not really all that bad and I could still wear most tops and it would be unnoticed... although I would not be comfortable topless.

When I hit 30 it seemed to develop more, even to the point where it was clearly visible through most of my clothing. I decided then to have something done about it & through much research I opted to have Vaser lipo conducted.

In December 2010 I had the surgery done, and although there was a reduction it was still visible. The surgeon agreed that it had not been effective and booked me in for a repeat surgery (Free of charge) 6 months later, by this time the Gynecomastia had developed to the same size as before surgery. 

The 2nd surgery seemed to do the trick and although there was a tiny amount of breast on the right, the left hand side (Which was the larger one) was completely flat.

However within 6 months it developed again to the same degree and now I find myself back to stage one. My surgeon can not explain why this is recurring and suggested that the next procedure should be injections of a substance designed to break down the fat. However, before I do this I need to find out why my body appears to be undeterred by my efforts to get rid of my man boobs and what I can do to make sure any future treatments are more effective in the long term.

Has anyone been through this or can anyone identify the problem from this brief little rant?

Thanking you in advance.

Offline Hi_Top_Guy

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Hi Donald, I'm not a doctor but have you had your hormones checked? Perhaps that's what's causing the breasts to continue to grow and develop, even after surgery.

Offline Miguel Delgado MD

  • Miguel A. Delgado,MD,FACS
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  • Miguel Delgado,MD
    • Gynecomastia Specialist San Francisco, California
This is not common at your age unless you are gaining lots of weight, taking steroids or very young.  I would advise seeing a endocrinologist and explain you case.  He will most likely order lab test to see if there are abnormal levels of hormones.
Miguel A Delgado,MD,FACS
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Fellow,American College of Surgeons
450 Sutter, San Francisco, California

Offline coorsbright

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Johnsons soap is believed to bring it out again.. i havent used soap around the area knowing the feeling.. the buds always felt alive, growing and shrinking.. you can directly feel their size with your mind.  change soaps , I'd go with body wash. i know for a fact if you use medicinal.marijuana some of the chemicals (probably not flushed out) are flower/budding boosters.. these things do open your inner budlet floweruse only use organic cannabis to reduce this.. its possible your surgeone missed some..  theres not  much known about gyno..i believe they are connected to the brain and even the thought of them makes them. grow or intesifies the nerves around them.  i feel your pain bro. if mine return i will carve them out.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Gynecomastia cannot be cured because it is not a disease. On the other hand, it can be a symptom of several conditions which are diseases. In that perspective, the underlying conditions can be treated. The treatments should prevent further growth but will not usually have much effect on existing breast tissue which would require surgery to get rid of it.

the hormonal problems that can cause Gynecomastia make a long list. The diagnosis and treatment of some of those conditions require the skills of an endocrinologist and, in some cases, even a bit of trial and error.

There are no easy answers to your problem. Go back and re-read what Dr. Delgado said. His advice is absolutely golden.
Grandpa Dan

Offline princerockzz

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hello you have assymmetrical gynecomastia? one larger than other? and is the one coming back the larger one? i want to know coz my right was bigger than my left and i had surgery on may 30th..well mayb its psychological..but i feel a sensation under my right nipple...i have this thought that my right will come back again....a doctor's thought on this would be really helpful ...thanks :)

by the way am 21.... i had gyno frm abt 14 it was small...until 2 years ago wen it became very noticeable... is it because the body is growing? or fat increasing or actual gyno growing?

Offline Donald parton

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Hey good people,

Thanks for all the responses here. Still not much to report, they have returned to the same size and the compression garment is now on full time, - on the down side this is effecting my dating life but on the plus side summer in ireland consists of the same weather found in the winter so the compression garment is only a mild irritation!

@Miguel, thanks for your advise here, I have made an appointment with one of these Endo-whatsits, alas there appears to be one in the country and the wait to see her, even privately, is taking months!

In the meantime I have had two complete blood tests run, the 2nd just to confirm the first for my own reasons, - nothing odd was found apart from finding my body is producing anti thyroid peroxidase, although not in vast quantities, - This is interesting as it has been mentioned that this could be thyroid related, although I don't know how plausable this is?

Just is reference to your post, I'm ever so slightly over weight (Nothing that 6 weeks at the gym won't sort out) but i'm not drastically putting on weight, nor am I a drug user... Hopefully the endocrinologist can offer a solution.

@coorsbright: Cheers matey, this is doing my head in, feel like I'm missing out on living at the moment so really need to sort it out!

@princerockzz, Yes would appear so the left is more developed and clearly larger than the right, - Hopefully it doesn't return for you!

Again thanks for all the feedback, I shall update this when I have seen the endocrinologist

Offline princerockzz

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bst wishes bro and keep us updated.... :)

Offline Alchemist

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Hey good people,

Thanks for all the responses here. Still not much to report, they have returned to the same size and the compression garment is now on full time, - on the down side this is effecting my dating life but on the plus side summer in ireland consists of the same weather found in the winter so the compression garment is only a mild irritation!

@Miguel, thanks for your advise here, I have made an appointment with one of these Endo-whatsits, alas there appears to be one in the country and the wait to see her, even privately, is taking months!

In the meantime I have had two complete blood tests run, the 2nd just to confirm the first for my own reasons, - nothing odd was found apart from finding my body is producing anti thyroid peroxidase, although not in vast quantities, - This is interesting as it has been mentioned that this could be thyroid related, although I don't know how plausable this is?

Just is reference to your post, I'm ever so slightly over weight (Nothing that 6 weeks at the gym won't sort out) but i'm not drastically putting on weight, nor am I a drug user... Hopefully the endocrinologist can offer a solution.

@coorsbright: Cheers matey, this is doing my head in, feel like I'm missing out on living at the moment so really need to sort it out!

@princerockzz, Yes would appear so the left is more developed and clearly larger than the right, - Hopefully it doesn't return for you!

Again thanks for all the feedback, I shall update this when I have seen the endocrinologist

Hi Donald,

There is a long-shot hidden in all this.  A combination deficiency of mb12, adb12 and methylfolate can really screw up hormones.  They are also associates with thyroid problems.  Usually people have other things too like angular cheilitis (sores at the corners of the mouth) and IBS, peeling fingertips, abnormal fatigue, skin problems, other problems but not always. 

My gynecomastia blossomed, maybe coincidentally, maybe connected, when my diet was changed to include folic acid and cyanocobalamin, right at puberty, neither of which my body can utilize and the folic acid blocks active folate in me causing paradoxical folate deficiency.  So who knows whether that has anything to do with it.  Possibly because of the same deficiencies my testosterone fell off to that of a 100 year old man in my 30s.  I have been on testosterone replacement therapy for 12 years now.

None of the medications I have taken or anything  else has ever affected my gyne except for gaining and loosing water and fat, and that only a little.

Offline Donald parton

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Well just an update a year later... and sadly nothing more really to report. Finally got to see an endocrinologist (These guys appear to be able to write their own ticket in terms of working hours in Ireland as even paying top notch for private, took around a year) - Unfortunately I was less than impressed.

He seemed to dismiss any history I had in relation to this and instead within 4 minutes of meeting him advised surgery. - This for those not wanting to read the thread in full, is something I have now had done twice. Aside from the wisdom of 'surgery might sort that out' - He also suggest that these unsightly masculine boobs maybe tumours.

Regardless I left feeling hustled. I am currently waiting to see another endocrinologist in Dublin in the next month or so, failing that I shall invest in either a trip to the UK or US in an attempt to get this sorted once and for all.

In the mean time the left booby has returned to full size with the right doing its best to catch up and I'm relying on compression garments to hide their ugliness, not ideal in this current climate.

Again any new thoughts or suggestion or ideas are welcome.


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