Author Topic: Karidis surgery yesterday 03/04/12  (Read 1757 times)

Offline Pecs_not_boobs

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As a long time lurker on this forum, while deciding whether to go through with this procedure I found other peoples accounts to be very helpful.

So thought I'd post finally, now I've gone through with it.
I have not yet removed the dressing for the first time, but am looking forward to it.

The surgery itself was a breeze under general anaesthetic as you'd expect. Needle going in was barely noticeable. I later woke up with a sore throat (wish I brought cough sweets with me). I'm guessing this is due to the tube that goes down your throat while under. Again nothing major. And was dressed in a tight compression garment - which didn't take long to get used to.

Room was very nice and clean, staff very friendly and helpful.

Some minor pains at night, but that's what the pain killers are for.

My case of Gyno was brought on in puberty, and has fluctuated up and down over the past 12 years or so. Having gotten into training in the gym sometime after this, I learned from some resident 'roid heads that it is actually gland development, not just fat that can be burned off.
I had spent ages loosing fat, only to find my chest gets pointyer. It's quite off putting, and I would often 'fall off the wagon' with regard to my training.

I sometimes feel that my case isnt as extreme as some on here but it depends on alot of factors what my chest would look like at a given point of day. The attached pic of me trying to pose lol, apologies :P, is the only pre op one I have at the moment - til I ask for the pic Karidis took.

Its not massively obvious here. But when warm or towards the end of the day, things looked pretty bad. You'll see when I get the Karidis' pics (assuming he releases these to patients).

I'll try get some initial pics up of the first time.

Can't wait to get free of the initial aches, and get back to training. I am down from 18st to 15st, and am leaning up. Looking forward to having the body I want this summer / autumn! Stoked.

Offline rasputin

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Lol, I have to say I thought the picture you posted was post op - was slightly confused why you escaped any bruising or bandages :D Appreciate nips get worse in the warm weather.

Congrats on the op, should seen some excellent results, I'm guessing Karidis didn't give you any lipo? I've just booked my consultation with him, but I'm having to wait 6 weeks. Let us know how you get on.
My Trip Report (Preop & Postop pics).

Offline Pecs_not_boobs

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Yesterday evening was the grand unveiling. Over all I am ecstatic with the results. I know the months ahead will be a 'roller coaster ride of ups and downs' as things scar and heal, but if this is the side profile i'm gonna have at the end of it - every penny well spent!

The actual act of getting the dressing off wasn't so great. Why oh why didn't I shave my pits and chest!? Anyone with a hairy chest reading this about to go through with surgery take heed.

I'm currently having a week and a half off work, while recovering. This time next week I have my car driving test (I'm biker by nature). I'm hoping things wont be too sore by then, not that they are now. Fingers crossed I don't get an 'emergency stop' on my route - that could smart somewhat!

I'll periodically update here with more pics if people are interested to follow.


Offline dexs

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Excellent results mate!  You have a good physique so the results once the swelling goes down are going to be great.  I'm so glad i shaved my chest and pits before surgery.  Even though taking off the tape was horrible it was no where as painful if i had hair on my chest and pits.

I'm exactly 1 week since surgery and the vest feels fine and results look great.  I'm just wondering when i should take the plasters off for the incisions.  i'm paranoid that the incisions have not healed.

All the best on recovery

Offline ChestMan

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Pecs, great results. Please do keep us posted. I have my surgery next week so keen to know how other guys are recovering.


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