Author Topic: deciding what way to go !!  (Read 1459 times)

Offline rayden

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I am 30 yrs odl and I have been having social issues for a very long time…around the time I was 20….recently it reached a point where a gy almost touched my chest and asked me questions as to why I have breasts and I almost hit him. I decided to have it checked out to confirm if I have gynecomastia.

I stay in a small place in middle east and options out here are very limited.
I went to doc 1 and he said that I have glands and surgery is a must to get rid of gyne. According to him he will make an incision under the arm and through that he will do lipo as well as remove the glands. This will cost 5000$

To be sure I went to Doc 2 and he asid that he will make an incision as well and that will be only for lipo. For glands he said he will make a small cut under the nipple and remove the gland. This will cost 4000$

I wanted to know if any one has done the procedure where gland and fat are removed via the incision under the arm pit.
Is it better than the cut-under-the-nipple procedure?I have also mentioned the prices for both the procdure but at this point I am more concerned about the job well done than the price !!
Also is any one of the methods, harmful than the other?
I am going to schedule my surgery for the end of the week and I am very confused which doctor to choose.

Thanks guy…I really need your help on this !!

Offline thetodd

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Both methods are tried and tested, i had it done with lipo via armpits and nipple incisions for the gland.

Ask to see some before/after pictures from both surgeons and compare them.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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