Author Topic: 17 Year old before Pictures and story( Need help/advice please comment)  (Read 2406 times)

Offline TheNWS

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Hello I will keep my self unknown through this but will guide you through my long battle with Gyno.  It all started at the age of 12 where I was chubby, I eventually got bigger by the age of 15 but I generally had all round fat(family say it was puppy fat) so my chest was not highlighted to me at the time.  But during the age of 15 I decided to drastically lose weight, by this time at age 15 my weight had reached 218 pounds - 15 stone 6.  after 8 months of hard work in the gym 4-5 times a week I lost 4.4 stone - 61 pounds( I have been told I lost it fast).  But my chest did change I lost mostly all fat as I have been told but was left with Gyno and skin.  I am now considered skinny by friends and family and weigh 156.8 pounds in weight.  So long story short because of my problem I decided to go private and have surgery done which is scheduled for next Wednesday 4TH July 2012.  I am considerablly calm and want to move on with my life but I am unsure if my chest will be flat and if my nipples will shrink because they are considerabbly big! here is my two before pictures before my op next week! please comment below about my case of gyno and if I can expext smaller nipples and a flat chest!  I am aware that I will have two scar lines at the side of my chest due to excess skin!
Before Pics of my Gyno before surgery next week!:

« Last Edit: June 26, 2012, 11:27:28 AM by TheNWS »

Offline bigmanc

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Hi well done losing the weight.

If I was you I would start the gym and work on gaining mass. This will over time when you devolped at muscluar chest help hide the excess skin. Stay away from roids tho.

Offline TheNWS

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Yeah I'm having surgery and that's my plan to get in the gym and gain muscle because I don't have a lot.  Still waiting on a doctor to help me with advice :)

Offline bigmanc

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Good luck. Try keep your body fat low while gaining muscle. It will take a while but few years down the line when you got a a muscluar chest and body it will be worth it.

Offline unhappy123

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I'm 17 too. You're lucky, I have my surgery booked 8 days after you  ;) My doctors have said lipomastia, or just fat not breast tissue so that maybe what you have since you were overweight. I was never overweight, I just developed it  >:( Curious, Did you surgeon just say you're going to have just lipo? Good luck with your surgery and keep us updated. I'm just a few days behind you and I can't wait to turn a new leaf!

Offline TheNWS

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Minimum Fat there the surgon said.  Mostly excess skin and little breast tissue.  Good luck can't wait.  Just would like one of the experts opinions on my Gyno and answer my questions :)


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