I had the same fears when my breasts began to grow, I am only a full a cup, which saying that now seems not so bad though when they first grew thinking of that scared the mess out of me, now at 31 and still growing i'm to a point where im like whatever...who cares...though with the concern of not wanting people from across the pool or beach to see you and stare a surgeon actually told me....do you know those poeple who would stare...no...do you know those at the pool....no...do they know you...maybe, but probably not and if they do they either don't matter or don't mind and the only thing i'd suggest is to take what the surgeon then told me and don't mind those who don't matter. We live in a world where everyone has insecurities and we like to focus on others insecurities by mocking, pointing, gossiping etc to take our minds and others attentions off our own. My shirts are beginning to not fit across my chest well, getting tighter each week it seems...My shirts are also beginning to hang out from the waist vs laying flat against my abdomen. Being 5 11 and 170lbs and fairly muscular i'm sure people see me and think pecs, but as the curves get more defined and the chest causes that inevitable crease shouting to the world boobs not pecs i have just begun to thank the Lord for those in my life who don't care and if they did would have respect and are just good people. I assume you have good people in yoru circle as well and just trust in them to not care, cause our cares often will worry us to death, life is meant to be enjoyed, however this world is full of people who enjoy making others feel like crap...if i were you i would show off what you have, don't let it be an insecurity, let it be a security kn regards to being proud of what you have cause when you have courage within an insecurity that insecurity can no longer conquer you