Author Topic: Will my minor gyno recede or improve in appearance?  (Read 2290 times)

Offline Chronic

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Hello I'm new to this whole gyno thing, but I'm trying to cope with it as best I can. I believe I have estrogen induced gyno, I hardly even noticed I have/started getting it for about 2 months, I had a kinky gf at the time who messed with my nips a lot & slept on my chest, so I didn't think much of it :( & now I'm paying for my ignorance.  I'm on an eblocker now, bout 2 weeks in and they already seem to have softened up, but my question is if I continue e blocker for a while, try to build my chest, eat right, I heard fiber & green tea help, will any of this help the appearance at all?  I can barely tell I have it unless I bend forward or look at my chest from side. I feel like if I can just tighten my chest up a bit, especially along my armpit area, it wouldn't look so bad, but then I can also imagine my muscle growing, but the basic form staying the same :(:(:( Now that it's softened up all I can feel in there now is a small gland bout the size of a marble, some sites say gyno lasts forever, and surgery is only option, but then other sites say pea size is reversible, marble size is more "semi-permanent". I'm jus wondering if I have any, ANY chance of being able to clear or cover up my gyno.

Offline xelnaga13

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What e blocker are you taking?

Also your kinky indulgences did not contribute to your gyno.

You need to get to an endocrinologist and have a complete blood panel done to find the cause of your gyno.

Fiber is beneficial for ridding your body of toxins, but will not directly help gyno.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The first response was well stated but I would add only this:

The adjusting/balancing of hormones is not a do-it-yourself job. There is little chance of you helping your condition but a great chance that you can complicate things if you are self medicating. Even an Endocrinologist would not attempt to alter your hormone levels without Laboratory monitoring.
Grandpa Dan


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