Author Topic: Anyone else embarrased to go for a consult?  (Read 2937 times)

Offline Xavier

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My case is quite severe and after 7 years of hiding my severe, female-like gyno, I will have to show it to the surgeon I made an appointment with next week.
I didn't tell my parents or anyone I'm going for a consult and maybe even surgery after that if insurance covers it.

Offline mrnomoobs

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I felt the same way you did.  The consultation is a breeze.  The doc has seen it all before.   Its not like you will be sitting there shirtless the whole time.  The doc will ask you permission to view and will feel around your chest for a min to see what is actually there.  Fat or Gyn or both.  Just listen to your doc and ask a lot of questions.

I went to my consultation several weeks ago.  Now I am booked for surgery Aug 22nd.  Can't wait!


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Are you bigger then double "d"s? I have had them for years and have had several surgeries (none for the boobs) and when you are getting ready for surgeries you are nude, and people all around you putting IV's in, catheter, nurses getting the room ready, anetheologist telling you about what he or she is going to make numb ect...........

I have also had a mammogram and altasound done on them too, so going to a surgeon that does this all the time should not be a problem. He or she will not make you feel uncomfortabl at all.

Good luck, and relax!

Bob aka Hammer

Offline Xavier

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I felt the same way you did.  The consultation is a breeze.  The doc has seen it all before.   Its not like you will be sitting there shirtless the whole time.  The doc will ask you permission to view and will feel around your chest for a min to see what is actually there.  Fat or Gyn or both.  Just listen to your doc and ask a lot of questions.

I went to my consultation several weeks ago.  Now I am booked for surgery Aug 22nd.  Can't wait!

That's good to hear!

Are you bigger then double "d"s? I have had them for years and have had several surgeries (none for the boobs) and when you are getting ready for surgeries you are nude, and people all around you putting IV's in, catheter, nurses getting the room ready, anetheologist telling you about what he or she is going to make numb ect...........

I have also had a mammogram and altasound done on them too, so going to a surgeon that does this all the time should not be a problem. He or she will not make you feel uncomfortabl at all.

Good luck, and relax!

Bob aka Hammer

Not sure how big they are exactly but they aren't as small as many of the people who post their pics here. My case looks more like the "I cant believe it" user (see thread below)

Offline canadianmoobs123

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A couple of minutes of embarrasment at the doctors vs a lifetime of that same embarrasement gone, and a normal chest? I think we both know the better choice !

Offline TheNWS

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You shouldn't feel this way it's his job, he won't make fun.  Once you have the surgery like I did trust me the embarrassment will go and you will be fine looking back at pictures etc.  It's all worth it!


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It is easy enough to see how big the double d's are,  just look at "my story after all these years" and you can see my pictures.

I will agree that there are a lot of guys that come here and ask "how bad am I"? And they have not got a problem at all!

I have managed to go through life without much problems with having the breast! I know not all guys are able to do that! I have had a lot of things that have trumped the boobs in priority so that is a big reason they I never gave them much thought. There are a lot of us on the forum who have been able to accept having large breast for many reasons and live very happy lives.

I wish the best of luck finding a good doctor to help ease your anxiety.

Bob aka Hammer

Offline 46bboobs

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I still havent been to see a gp about it yet.

Offline mechhitman

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Im gonna consult a surgeon tis week... im scared more than being embarrassed.... whether I would get a surgery date, whether my insurance will cover surgery(if so i get one), well there are so many things in my mind now....

And Ive hid my moobs for nearly 9 yrs.....

 hope all goes well for u man....

Offline Paa_Paw

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The questions such as: How bad is it? cannot be objectively answered. Mine will always be worse than yours simply because it is mine and I have to deal with it. Yours, I can ignore.

I liken this to an explanation of major vs minor surgery that was given by the late Bob Hope. I do not recall the exact words so I will attempt to restate rather than quote. Surgery on me is always major, on someone else it is usually minor.
Grandpa Dan

Offline grotesk_uk

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I hated speaking to my GP about it. Then I had a couple of appointments with an endo, which was horrible (although he was very pleasant) and now I have an appointment to speak to a surgeon in 3 weeks.

I am half-tempted to not show up, but I have come this far so I must be strong and see it though.


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