Author Topic: effects of weightloss/musclegain on gyne  (Read 3037 times)

Offline DK1981

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Hey everyone, I have a minor case of gynecomastia/puffy nipples.  When it gets cold my nipples get tight and look pretty normal, but when it is hot out it is bothersome to me.  I know it isn't a bad case and I should feel lucky, but I am still self conscious about it.

I have a lean, athletic build, about 5'10, 160 lbs, so I know it isn't just fat.  However I have been working out lately and I want to know if losing the fat/gaining muscle in my chest might make the puffy nipples more noticeable.  If the skin is less fatty and the muscle pushes the gland toward the surface, I am worried it will become more pronounced - the best example I can think of is laying a bowling ball on a mattress and draping a blanket over it, vs. laying a bowling ball on concrete and pulling a blanket tightly over it.  Does that make sense?  When an already-thin person loses even more chest fat, does it usually help or make it look worse?

Also I should mention this.  I am 24 years old and have had puffy nipples for probably 5 years.  I also still struggle with acne and do not have hair on my chest or stomach, just legs, armpits, etc, which I didn't get till later than most guys.  Is there any possibility I am just "stunted" and may grow out of the gynecomastia (like when I start getting chest hair)?
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 03:09:05 PM by DK1981 »

Offline brama

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Well Im new here but Id say post a pic if you wanna know if your really have it.
IMO the gyne. looks worse when someones overweight (its just more fat to add to "unnatural" breasts), but looks "better" on someone who obviously works out.
hope that helps...

Oh, and at your age Im guessing people will say no, you wont just grow out of it.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2005, 03:26:54 PM by brama »

Offline kindherb42

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It's possible i suppose for it to go away, although i dno if hormonal changes can make the gland shrink back up after 5 years.

I bodybuild religiously and i too have a minor case and whenever i tell someone my chest bothers me they think i'm crazy, but i definitly have the puffy nipples and little bit of fat around nipple also.  I think working out has helped a lot, but if i were you i'd focus on building muscle, rather than doing cardio all the time and losing muscle and fat.

If you wanted to lose fat on your chest, then you'd have to just lose fat in general, because you can't spot reduce fat.

If you go to the gym, i'd definitly shy away from decline bench press, keep flat bench to a minimum, but work it hard on incline bench because incline bench/dumbell press hits the upper part of the pecs more and will help make your chest look more "even".


Offline DK1981

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that's a really good idea herb...i really like declined but i never thought about it that way - it hits just the spot i dont want getting bigger.
i dont have a camera right now but maybe a pic will be forthcoming.  from how you explain it, i have a feeling my problem is a lot like yours.
i guess what i want to know is that in your experiences, in general, if an already-thin person loses the little remaining chest fat that they have, does the gynecomastia become more noticeable or less noticeable?  
« Last Edit: August 03, 2005, 11:41:48 AM by DK1981 »

Offline youngster

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awww man, I'm trying to build lower chest muscle

Offline Paa_Paw

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At 160lbs/ 5'10"  your weight is where it should be.

Exercise and weight loss will probably make little to no difference in your case.  But you may have the right idea in the hormonal area with the clues of slight to no body hair etc.

It is time to make an appointment with an Endocrinologist who has an interest in reproductive issues.

Good luck.
Grandpa Dan


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