Author Topic: I still have them after surgery  (Read 1552 times)

Offline hakonek

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I had a gyne surgery like 10 months ago. Actually i had two operations. First i just had a liposuction and 2 months later when i told the doctor that i'm not happy with the results, he made another operation and he cut my nipples and removed something from inside, which i believe it was gland tissue.

After the recovery, he checked them and told me it's done now, but i also have to lose some pounds and start workout to get the perfect shape. I started playing tennis and i lost more than 10 pounds over 2 or 3 months. My boobs have never been perfect, they have never been flat but there was really a huge difference before and after surgery. At least i could wear t-shirt without any visual problem (which i still can do).

When it was summer, i have gone to holiday, first 2 months it was great. I have tanned, worked out and i was really feeling that i got rid of them completely. But the last month, due to some problems i started drinking alcohol, eating too much without exercising and i have gained over 6 pounds.

As a result of that, i can see my puffy nipples again. Of course it's nothing like before the surgery but they are not like 2 months ago. I started playing tennis again, also got in a diet and i'm pretty sure i will be in shape again but i'm very scared of having gyne again and having another surgery. Is there a possiblity that you can gain gynecomastia again when you gain some weight or you think they will just go again when i lose some pounds again ?

ps: I have never massaged after surgery. I have read in this forum that we should do that after the surgery. When i do that now, i feel a very little pain inside of my nipple and i feel that there is a hard tissue  just under the place the doctor cut my nipple and it goes flat after massaging. Do you think there is a possibility that it is because scar tissue ? I should also say that my chest was flat just as i desire after the surgery when i was wearing the vest. After i leave wearing it 1 month post op, my nipples blended again.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 07:16:07 PM by hakonek »

Offline gemidude

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i know how you feel, i feel like even though the results are better than before, i am 4 months post op, and it still looks like i have gynecomastia.


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