Author Topic: WEIGHT LOSS NIGHTMARE  (Read 2930 times)


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In a few topics I posted before I went AWOL for a little while I had said that I was doing a lot of walking and was losing weight,I am still dieting and watching my fat intake but since my T levels had dropped so much I am finding it much harder to get out and go for my walks,I just don't have the drive to do them,I force my self to go but start making up ecuuses like oh I really don't feel like walking today I will make up the 3 miles I missed today tomarrow but tomarrow would never come,I would wind up having to not only make the 3 I missed yesterday I need to make up the 2 I lost today,I forced my self to get out and walk a little today but cut it real short..

Now my weight as gone up AGAIN,no matter what I do my weight just roller coasters,at one time I was going to go in for weight loss surgery doing the lap band system,but already having a spinal cord stimulator impanted in my back I backed out because I did not want another foreign thing in my body,I know I need to lose weight,I am back up to 284 pounds and NEED to drop at least 100 of those pounds and with my testosterone levels as low as they are,i dont know how I am going to do it,I dont even know if I should diet,I keep thinking that maybe I could use the extra food just to keep my energy levels up..

I am thinking about weight loss surgery again,but I look into other options,the lap band is out,a bypass is out,I think that is too radical and is er aversable,the other option I was considering is the gastric sleeve,that's where they cut out part of the stomach making it a lot smaller..

I know if I lose the 100 pounds I will feel much better it should also help bring my T levels back up,it might make my boobs look way more noticeable but who cares witch will bring me to another topic I will post in a little while..

Right now I would like to hear some opinions on this subject,is it a good idea,would you concider some thing like this if you where in my shoes maybe you might have another option I can explore??????



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Joe, I am I your shoes with the weight! I put mine on once I started using insulin. I always ran about 220lbs and once I started the insulin I shoot up to 330lbs.

I have had both knees replaced and 9 hours of back surgery so the weight lose is a great thing for me as well! I will not have anything to do with the stomach staple or lap band. I have been working hard for years just watching what I eat and I am down to around 270. I have been stuck here for a while but I am still working at it. I have just lowered my intake again so I pray that I will start going down again. If I could go for walks that would help, but that isn't posible so I have to do it by watching what I don't eat! Which really isn't much at all!


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my turn,Bob I know you said you had both knees replaced,you have to get them working staying off them is doing you no good,I was once like you I could not walk from my bed room to the kitchen or bath room,it just hurtway to bad,but I also knew that I had to get my body working again or I would never be able to walk again,I started off real slow some times wondering if it was doing any good going that slow,no matter how bad it hurt I would walk from the bed room to the kitchen then back to the bed room just to do it again,this was about the only time my pain meds came in handy,i walked around the house till it hurt then took a pill and walked some more,after a while I started walking out to the mail box,after doing that for almost 5 months I started purpously forgetting the mail so I would have to go back,I took baby steps for months,then started taking normal steps inbetween the baby steps,it took a long time,more than 3 years till I could walk some what normal,but I never gave up,I just had to keep telling my self the pain will be worth it,now today with my T levals so low I am still forcing my self to get up off the bed and walk,even though it's getting harder....

Offline xelnaga13

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Have you considered going to an anti aging clinic for TRT? The down side is it's pricey, but the upside is they will treat you and it may hold you over until you get a competent endo.

There was a great story on TRT on cnn a few months back. The doctor featured acknowledged that losing weight can correct low T, however he doesn't wait for the patient to lose weight before getting them on a TRT regimen. His reasoning was similar to what you expressed above. With low T is nearly impossible to find the motivation to do much of anything.

Ive mentioned my father on a few occasions in relation to the benefits of TRT. He suffered from metabolic syndrome... About 8 years ago his personality changed drastically. Depressed, pessimistic, no sense of humor, and generally crabby. Eventually he got on the test gel and everything changed for the better. He had a list of about 6 different ailments that went away after starting TRT... psoriasis, headaches and such.


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my primary doctor said he wanted me to start on TRT again but when I said that I wanted to see an endo he seemed to have  gotton insulted saying then I will leave it up to the endo to give you the precriptions,(great now I have to wait months for them as well) I have a cript left over from the last time I was on TRT and asked my doctor if I should start using it again I asked him 3 times and he never answered me(if he keeps up his baby games I am going to find a new primary,it wont be the first time), but did say he would give a referal to who ever I find if the endo he recomended was to to long a wait..I am thinking about saying F*&ck it and use up the script of andro gel I have since he said he wanted to restart me on it anyway...


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Joe, it isn't my knees that keep me from walking, my knees are great now that I have new ones! They are what helps me go as far as I can. My problem is I have bad feet from the diabetes along with still other problems due to years of not knowing that I had diabetes because I have a rare blood disorder that masks diabetes so the Ac1 test do not work.

All the physicals I use to get to stay in the service never detected that I had the diabetes and for years it was doing all kinds of damage to be without my knowing that it was going on! So now I am like I am and I have to live with it!

I work very hard at keeping my sugars at the normal range of 80-120 so It dosnt do anymore damage and I really want to keep my eyesight! I can handle losing a leg or both, but I want to keep the eyes! So far my eyesight has even improved over the years!!!!


Offline coko222

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Joe, I am I your shoes with the weight! I put mine on once I started using insulin. I always ran about 220lbs and once I started the insulin I shoot up to 330lbs.

I have had both knees replaced and 9 hours of back surgery so the weight lose is a great thing for me as well! I will not have anything to do with the stomach staple or lap band. I have been working hard for years just watching what I eat and I am down to around 270. I have been stuck here for a while but I am still working at it. I have just lowered my intake again so I pray that I will start going down again. If I could go for walks that would help, but that isn't posible so I have to do it by watching what I don't eat! Which really isn't much at all!
Hello dude..its just a very gopod information for me that you work hard for the loss weight because i thought to surgery but now i also use your guide line..just watch and control the food which i eat and loss the body weighjt...

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'm sure you mean well but you are seriously overlooking the fact that these men are talking about very complex matters. Good diet is important of course but it will not cure the complicated medical issues these men deal with. I suspect these men are actually on more precisely controlled and monitored diets than you might even imagine. My brother has diabetes and he has to check his blood sugar several times daily altering his intake of carbohydrates several times a day depending upon the test results. This need makes a simple weight reduction diet impossible.
Grandpa Dan


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Thank you Paa_Paw! That is very understanding of the daily life of someone that really tries to control his/her blood sugar at a near normal level! It isn't a picnic! It also does make losing weight a very hard task, and even harder if one has trouble with mobility!




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