Author Topic: Episode II attack of the gyne, These questions  (Read 2983 times)

Offline BringExtraDragons

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??? :-[
Hi guys, just wanted to snap a little question up. If you have "puffy" nipples does that  sure fire mean you have a  gynecomastia problemo? Is it possible that a little bit of fat has pushed them out and puff-ified them? I'm still trying to figure out my case and it's boilin my brain. I'm starving for more information so I'll toss a few little easier questions up. A lot of people have been describing feeling hard lumps directly under their nipples when they try to feel out their gyne. I just wanted more specifics, like do these lumps actually feel "hard", and are there more than one lump? Ive heard "lumps" a lot. I can't seem to feel any hard lumps anywhere but I do indeed have the infamous puffy nipples and questionable area of soft fatty material around the nipples. If you do feel something Fibrous or Sinewy, could it possible be a muscle/tendon of some kind?  I just want to 100% confirm this so i can rest easier with assurance ( even if it is bad news like this ) Hell I'm not even 100% sure if the nipples are "puffy" I'm still not fully sure what "puffy" nipples are. I do know mine sick out through every damn shirt i get and I'm stick of wearing this Large wolf shirt i found at the thrift store ( it has a wolf howling at the moon and in cursive text above, it says " Lone wolf" how beautifully cheesy! Whoops i get distracted easily, so anywho, If i wanted to 100% find out if i have a glandular problem should i skip the Doc and see what a PS has to say about it? There is a plastic surgeon down in seattle named Richard Baxter and i want to talk to someone who will know for sure, no bs. I'm currently doing cardio for 45 minutes a day/every other day. It's only been a little more than a week of this, i have been working out as well..but i've pretty much avoided chest exercises.  I know this post was kind of unorganized but I'd be so thankful if there could be any input on any of the subjects above. My fluttering with frustration lately! i must lay at peace even if its real bad news. I do have pictures posted in the photo's section
« Last Edit: August 08, 2005, 12:18:05 AM by BringExtraDragons »

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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hey man. i haven't seen your pictures. but from what you described, i can give you a few of the answers that you are looking for..

yeah, people describe the glandular tissue as being lumpy.. in my case its not like a marble or a pea thats resting behind my nipple, but its more like a muscle-ish, or a tendon-ish sort of tissue that is behind the nipple.. one thing is that the nipple, and the thing that i feel behind it are completely separate. its like the nipple forms a little 'tepee' over the gland..

usually, if you have puffy nips.. thats a sign of presence of glandular tissue..

my best bet would be to skip the GP (cuz they can give you a bunch of crap and mess with your head) and go see this plastic surgeon of yours.

goodluck. and hope this helped.

Offline nothingworse

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I saw your pictures and am 100% sure you have a very minor case of gyne. If your saying puffies then there must be some gland or harder tissue somewhere in that region. Don't always look at just the nipple and 1-2 inches away from it on each side. I have glandular gyne under my armpit, even under my pec muscles, in the middle of my chest 5 inches away from my nipples it can be pretty much anywhere around there. My gland is everywhere on my chest and is a really messed up condition. So make sure you examine everypart up there go everywhere every space and everything to rule out whether there is any presence of gland or hard tissue anywhere. And yes I would see your PS doctors can give a lot of crap about a minor case. If your looking for insurance to cover it would be hard unless you have a gyne understanding insurance company or a medical case. But, see a PS get the cash or whatever you have to do and take care of it if it bothers you. Remember if it bothers you do something about it. Based on your pictures though there has got to be some gland/maybe a little fat or something in the surrounding region. Feel every millimeter or tiny space if you have too. It will be worth knowing more in the end. Just figure everything out and rule out what is causing your puffies. Although I am not a doctor I cannot tell you about your condition or what you have but, there is most likely something small or minor there. So go finish your investigation so you can get treatment. Good luck my man and search every inch. No one talks about it on this board they just say feel 1-2 around the nipple gyne can be everywhere in that region.

Offline BringExtraDragons

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Thank you VERY much nothingworse, I do feel some tendon/muscle like object beyond the nipple, not under. I'm 99.9% sure i have a very minor gynecomastia problem and I want to get it solved no matter what. I will schedule a date with richard Baxter in seattle to confirm, i will save up enough in the next year or more. I thank you very very much for responding and helping me confirm this demon, truly.  I feel NOTHING nothing under the nipple besides some pudge, but beyond the nipple i feel a slight " string" like muscle  that comes close to the nipple and I do indeed have puffy-like nipples. I wont ever be at peace with my life until i get this solved, so i'm grateful to the helpful folk at this forum who help me out.

Offline BringExtraDragons

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AND c3ntralp3rk , two very insightful members of this wonderful forum. I am now sure i have a minor gene problem and that is enough to get me riding towards fixing this lifetime problem. I will start saving now and I wil lalso see a PS "richard Baxter" in seattle, as soon as possible. thank you people very have set me on the right path and i cheers to you bigtime.

Offline nothingworse

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As surgeons have said even the most minor of gyne cases can greatly affect male chest contour. The string sounds like a line of breast tissue or one long small line of glandular gyne. Another thing I can tell you is you said you feel pudge under the nipple most likely a little fat but, gland could even be under the fat a little between or just a softer form of glandular gyne mixed with fat. Glands can be rock hard or almost fatty soft. Either way you aren't going to lost the gland whether it be hard or soft. I think lipo and a little excision in your case is probably what you are looking for. Also ultrasonic lipo could probably work well in your case as well since if there is gland it is probably soft and can easily be broken up with a little more effort than it took to suck up the fat. It just sucks I got to say people make fun of people with gyne no matter what size. You eventually hear it all. My puffy nipples seem to be getting worse and very uncomftorable feeling and the glands are getting more painful but other days aren't as painful. It was some imbalance that caused it to become painful and it is not going anywhere and hasn't for the past 3 years and they were painful freshman year of high school. The usually have a 3 month to 6 month period like on average a lot of kids get it when there 12-13 and it can be painful for a while while they are growing. But, now I am officially done. Reached my maximum height my weight is always stable and only fluctuates between 1-3 pounds difference and never goes higher. Everything on my body is functuning perfectly normal and I am done growing and 2 years ago I finally got all the hair grow I could on my body. Everything is complete but the pain is still hear. Mine is a weird but possible case. The specialist said the only thing to do is wait for insurance to cover it and remove all the glands and make sure to get everything out. My puffy nipples are now 1 1/2 inches to a maximum of 1 3/4 inches long on an average day. I hate these and used to remember my nickel size pretty average sized nipples. Now they are like half dollar to smallest to those full size dollar coins it is rediculous. I am not going to take my shirt off again until this is all corrected and can no longer weight lift until this is corrected. This has just messed up the last 7 years of my life the last 3 painful years were the worst. Thank god surgery is coming soon another year of this pain and I would seriously pend suicide not because I am depressed but, sometimes it is almost unbearable. I thought this would go through a bit faster based on finalized provement of medical need for this. Medicine didn't work nothing did now this is the last option and I can't wait. I want to wake up another morning not throbbing and extra puffed nipples. And feeling so tired that I don't want to get up because I can't sleep because of this. it wasn't cancer but, feels like crap everyday. I have a feeling if I kept this longer based on whats already happened and how strange my case has went along it could turn into cancer. Anybody looking to try Tamaxofin, or testosterone cream and don't really have a hormone problem can't tell you what these will do for you. I am not joking about the next thing I am going to say but, medically a medicine cure that is not natural is just not possible for this unless you have a severe hormonal problem or syndrome. Natural cures and now starting to take work on the market and I am telling you that there has got to be a natural cure for gyne. There is a natural cure for tumors but, the medical companies perscribing all the not very helpful medicines are just profiting to much they just don't want people to know that there are practically medical cures for everything and what there isn't will someday be descovered by the people who as far back from the 50s created natural cures for things. We beat polio with one quick tip of the needle and eliminated it whose to say someday there will be a natural elimination of gyne and I am not joking. And I hope within the next 10 years a lot more people get the hint and start turning to natural and totally possible cures. I hope they find one for gyne. I am going to do more research on that but I believe they haven't. This isn't BS the only reason you don't see more natual cures out there that could even save many lives is because even though the FDA knows it they are just protecting the profits with pills and other medicine making people believe they have to buy those 500 dollar bottles of pills to live. The FDA or goverment medical officials would fight this too the end because then it would be known to more people you could spends $5 on something that works and cure it and never have to spend another dime on that condition again they just wan't all your money and will fight and do anything from more people finding out the truth. I just wish I could find something out about a natural cure for gyne. Someday there will be one and once that happens that bastard gyne will be destroyed once and for all just like polio.

Offline BringExtraDragons

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Ok good peeps, i have finally confirmed the gland! ( blast it! ) It is very elusive in my milder case,,, I've been touching and feeling for days and nothing! but finally i got a good angle by putting my arm against the wall and leaning. I find just one small gland under the areola, It feels like a little string or something. It is very small and there are only one for each areola region. I feel at ease now that i know for sure. Hey, do you think my future surgeory will be a breeze since my case will be easy to work with? I have very little glands ( so elusive i couldn't find it until weeks later after touching and feeling for it almost all the time ) and also, very little fat, I'm trimming down way more. I want to be pretty slim and cut by the time i'm ever ready for a surgery session to make everything easier for the PS, if possible. To tell you the truth, I'm a bit excited now that i've accepted this gene, i was in denial for a long time but now i know i have something to work on and get rid of for sure. Thanks.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The glandular tissue tends to be more fibrous and some people will tell you that they can easily see or feel the difference.  I suspect that they would lie about other things as well.  

The truth is that most Gynecomastia consists of glandular tissue which is growing through and surrounded by fat.  Sometimes even an examination by a skilled surgeon is inconclusive as to what is present.  Sometimes a surgeon is only truly sure after the surgery.

The person who has the greatest interest in the success of your surgery is you!  Likewise you are the person who has the most to lose if everything does not go well.

It is important that you have been checked (Preferably by an Endocrinologist) and if there is an underlying hormonal issue it has been dealt with.  A visit with a Psychologist  would rule out Body dysmorphic Disorder and make sure that your expectations of the surgical outcome are realistic.

Some surgeons use the greatest care to check these things, but not all are equally careful.  There are a lot of people who are less than happy with their surgical results.  If the people who had unresolved hormonal problems and those with BDD were taken out of the picture, The overall surgical results look much better.

The person ultimately responsible for the quality of your treatment is you.
Grandpa Dan


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