Author Topic: can you lose fat by excercise?  (Read 8118 times)

Offline Jake7676

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Hi, i am just in wonders with my gynecomastia, i dont know whether it is just fat tissue, breast tissue or combination of both. As doctors say fatty tissue is soft while breast tissue is strong and firm, suprisingly when i had the guts to show my dad my gynecomastia he said that is nothing you are naturally good, then he let me touch his chest which i belive he has gynecomastia too but his chest had something  very strong firm and i felt it was the breast tissue, so i compared me to him whilst my chest examining it was so soft, so i am not sure before i go to a consultation i thought you guys could help me a little.

Offline Jake7676

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another picture from a different angle

Offline Jake7676

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Offline Poland2012

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Without a doubt. There's certainly glandular tissue there, which will need surgery to excise.

Offline Jake7676

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Without a doubt. There's certainly glandular tissue there, which will need surgery to excise.
And sadly the only way out is surgery?

Offline Poland2012

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Unfortunately, yes. However, it's a safe, simple and readily available procedure, so there's some solace there.

Offline gemidude

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you are already toned and fit, further exercise will not make your chest smaller.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Yes, of course you can lose fat by exercising. If you are using more calories than you are taking in, you will lose weight. The problem is that you cannot target weight loss. The belief that you can shrink Gynecomastia by losing weight is only a dream.

Well OK the breasts might shrink a bit, but not much. If a person is seriously overweight, It would be best to normalize the weight first, but surgery is the only way to reduce Gynecomastia.

Grandpa Dan

Offline eliliah

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You can not lose gynecomastia by exercise trust me most people on here have tried for years to do that before they realized they need surgery. Your dad may think its normal because hes older and breast fat wouldn't look weird on him but it is definitely worth the surgery so you don't spend years feeling self-conscious about it. If you do ever decide to get surgery make sure you do your research and get gland removed and lipo done.

Offline McGilli

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Yeah I have to agree. Even if you lost more BF you won't lose what's on your chest by the looks of it.

Over the last summer - i got myself down to about 130 pounds, completely ripped (I'm 5 foot 9 inches). Working out an hour a day, and riding 20 miles per day. I enjoy it - but I also thought, as a last ditch effort to get rid of it without surgery.

And it just made it worse. More pronounced.

And the argument I've seen before it - most of the time, girls that work out and get lean or ripped - don't lose all of their breasts. It's very rare that that happens. Same for us if we have breast tissue.

I promote exercise more than anybody I know - but even I had to give up with my hopes of burning it off.

There are pictures of me in the low 130's in my 'before' pictures in my story thread in the STORIES forum. You can tell, that stuff just won't burn off cuz it isn't fat. :(

Good luck!

Offline Basil007

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Yes off course the exercise can help you to burn the fat.. I think the best thing it strengthening your body.. Because when do any exercise which strength body parts then our body tissue get stretch and which help them to become tight. The best thing for this Cardio exercises and gym workouts. If you do one of these thing I think you can become fit in few weeks.

Offline tankkb

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I think the best plan is try to lose as much weight as you can healthily.

I from lots of research have been following this diet plan and taking vitamins and fish oil and working out and cardio and such. Even if you can only walk/run do that along with as many pushups you can do and situps and you will see change. just a little everyday helps.
I cant post links.
google: the complete illustrated bullet proof diet for a diet plan.
It is drastic I admit.

I know it is a lot of work to follow but I high suggest changing your diet if you never have.

Offline McGilli

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OP - any update? Have you gone for a consultation or booked one?

Offline ghalib

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As far as i think if you try exercise probably you weight would be dropped and in picture you look ok as weight concerned so i suggest surgery.. it would be good option
Tacoma gym
« Last Edit: September 06, 2014, 03:20:26 AM by ghalib »

Offline JonesCrow

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Yes i thinks you can easily lose fats with exercise if you plan proper diet with exercise. Diet plan is necessary with exercise to gain best results.


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