Author Topic: THREE days till surgery and I am nervous  (Read 2663 times)

Offline powahouse

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Hey guys I have three days before I go in for surgery and I am kinda freaking out last minute and questioning whether I made the right decision. Anything I HAVE to remember to do before surgery or have prepared for post op?

Offline someone3

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I know how you feel, I'm having one tomorrow.
I just keep reminding me why I decided to do this (don't want to live with the fear of taking my t-shirt off in public etc.) and that this is a minor surgery when compared to others.

If you want, I can give you a post-op comment and tell you my experience.

Offline greatlakes

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Loose button up or zippered clothing for surgery. Make sure you have old towels placed on your bed (I bled into my mattress the night after). Plenty of extra large gazue and pads. Have lots of healthy snacks and videos or what ever to keep your mind occupied for a few days while you recover at home.

Don't panic if there is more bruising or blood than you thought - it will heal -  and some of us bruise or bleed more than others.

This may sound extremely silly but for my nervousness/hesitations  - it helped/helps me to think of this condition (gyne) as an enemy of mine, a bully if you will, that has caused me grief and pain - and one that I am going to fight - take a big swing at  - no matter the bruises I might take trying to get rid of "him" - even if it does not work. Some battles and some things - have it coming to them.  FU gyne !  ;)

Offline Paa_Paw

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The surgeon and surgical staff are all well paid to do the worry for you. There is no need for you to worry.

Good luck.
Grandpa Dan


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I like to remind people that after their sergury to be sure to follow the post-op instuctions to the T! They have them for a good reason, so be sure to follow them.

Also, plan for your down time, be ready with things to keep your mind busy or you will drive yourself crazy! After being disabled for almost 15 years I have learned to enjoy my own company! You will not have as long to do that, but now is the time to catch up on some reading, or a sit down project that you may have been putting off.

Anyway, I wish both of you that posted having serguries the best of luck, and God bless!


Offline powahouse

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Thanks guys appreciate it. I just hope I am able to get back to school about 4-5 days post surgery.

Offline powahouse

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Someone- Yea a Post op comment would be nice

Offline someone3

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Sure thing, here it is:

My case of gynecomastia is that I have puffy nipples and a very little fat on my chest, so the surgeon didn't have to do lipo, only removed gland.

I had my surgery about 7 hours ago and I feel the swelling is starting to take place on my left side, but I'd say it's more discomforting rather than being painful.
My surgeon used local anesthesia so he had to inject a needle into me about 3-4 times on each side, and that was the painful part. It was a bit more painful than getting a needle shot from a dentist, but fortunately it was over quickly.

The thought of someone operating on me while I was awake made me stressful, but the physical pain was negligible because of the anesthetic. It made a lot of difference chatting with the surgeon, it distracted my brain from thinking about the situation.

When the surgery was done there wasn't a lot to do but go home.
I am so happy that I decided to do this, and there isn't a single regret in my head (even though as hypo123 said in his post about this point of the procedure "... your battle has just begun").

If you have any pre-op or post-op questions I can answer I'll be happy to.

Regarding your thoughts of when you'll be able to go back to school: as for my case, the doctor preferred I'd take a few days off but said it was all up to me whether I decide to go back tomorrow or any other day.

Best of luck to you!

Offline powahouse

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Congrats Someone, nice to hear everything went well. I on the other hand have to get both lipo and incision so I assume it will be a little more trauma on my body which means more swelling and bruising. I am from out of town so the dr has arranged for me to spend the night of my surgery at the hospital as they don't release you on your own after general anesthesia. I feel its a good thing in so far as if any complications occur they can be handled immediately.

Offline jazzer

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The fact that you will have a "new" chest should allay any fears. I was put out for my double mastectomy and the recovery, while uncomfortable, went very well. I still have faded scarring but it was a pretty big operation (10 months ago). Best of luck with your procedure.

Offline powahouse

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So surgery is all done.

My experience:

I arrived severalll hours in advance to the hospital and had to wait around until the Dr was free. A nurse came out and took me straight into the operating room (it was freezing) they said it felt cold because I was nervous. The Dr came in sat me down drew circles and asked if he could take some pictures. Within a few minutes an IV was in me and they had started to administer the general anesthetic. Took a while for me to go under. Next thing I remember is waking up on the operating table thinking I was in a dream. They were putting my vest on and they took me to a post surgery area. I had a piercing pain in my nipples which managed to subside after a few shots of morphine. At no time did I experience any nausea. Withing a couple hours I was watching a movie on my laptop.

The pain:

I would say the pain was significantly more then a (hard chest workout). I have taken 1 percocet since surgery and have not needed to take anymore. The hardest thing for me is getting into and out of bed. I feel I use my arms to push myself up and that causes pain in the chest.

1 day post op:

I am sitting in a cafe having tea and the chest gives me the odd pain sensation if I move t quickly in any direction but otherwise it has been getting better. I see my Dr tom and he will assess me one time before I travel back home. I have been feeling for a hematoma but thankfully it seems to be ok thus far. I am able to walk slowly but would admit I slept ALOT today.

Hope this helps anyone who is looking for a personal experience.


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