Author Topic: A nudist breast cancer charity event for men and women  (Read 2152 times)

Offline Alchemist

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In the planning stages now, and I won't say where until all details are in place and it's the right time for invitations with plenty of time to make plans, there is going to be breast cancer charity event at a nudist club with maybe 1000 male and female topless participants.  You can leave your pants on if you like unless you want to swim or hot tub. However, it's not whats below the waist that is bothering many here so much they want to get it cut off.

If you had the opportunity to go to such an event in a completely safe environment, with hundreds of men and hundreds of women, all topless or nude, in a climate of body acceptance, would you?  There will likely be women there without reconstruction after double mastectomies, various degrees of surgical interventions, partial reconstructions, failed reconstructions and mostly those who don't have cancer.  Men get breast cancer at about 1% the rate of women and have about the same mortality rate.  This will be a fund raiser for a charity working in the breast cancer area.  This is a family event.  People of all ages are welcome and the only cost is the donation for the charity event.

So, this could be a chance to take off your shame, your fear, your shirt or vest off without fear of anything happening, no comments, no harassment, no staring and no judgementalness on anybody's part. Everybody will be polite.  Instead it will be acceptance and a chance to see how normal and common gynecomastia actually is.  I do promise any of you with these fears of your breasts being seen that it will be a real eye opener, for you.  After that you will understand what "normal" human bodies look like.  The range is huge.  Each body you will see will be unique and different from all the rest, as much or more variation as faces.  All the bodies you see will be unique and ordinary at the same time.

It will give you a chance to look at a forth alternative; surgery, enduring, semi acceptance and/or hiding or acceptance without hiding.  You can overcome shame and fear if you so choose.

So what do all of you think?  Give it consideration.

Offline Alchemist

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I'm amazed at nobody even commenting or willing and able to discuss this.  Is this 4th alternative, seeing what real bodies look like and accepting them and the idea of letting go of body shame too taboo to even discuss?  This is an event for breast health against a health enemy (cancer) that will kill 1/4 of us in one form or another.   It's a chance to see a completely different version of reality; one in which body shame and fear is not enshrined.  Is that too radically a different view of things.  These kinds of opportunities are available in many parts of the world.  In this instance the opportunity is part of a charity event.  It's meant to be an enjoyable day to loose some fears.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I'll bump this up to the front again.

Breast Cancer is not common in men, but it does happen. It is rare in young men and the incidence increases as one gets older. What is really sad is that the mortality rate among men is higher than it is among women. In men, the condition more often goes ignored until too late.

Men, and especially Men who have some degree of breast enlargement, should be examining themselves regularly and any suspicious lump or mass should be checked by a Doctor.

Women are much more likely to see a Doctor regularly, and they out-live us by about 8 years. I suspect they are doing something right.
Grandpa Dan

Offline walt

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hi all i am a nudist and would love to attend , depends where its located due to limited travel for me, as far as checkups i have mine and get mamograms done so guys dont hesitate if you find lumps get em checked out ..


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You know, in so many ways life can be hard and so often to short, so I will try to make something's funny sometimes! I tell Debbie and the girls that it is time for me to get intouch with my feminine side, and that it is time for my self breast exam!

All bull aside, I have a very good freind that is a male breast cancer survivor. He just happen to catch it in time, feeling a lump while showering. It is no joke, we to must watch for it as well, as many of us have had our mammograms already know what that is like.

I'm not a nudist, and I have nothing against it, so you all go for it! I would need to have long underwear on as I have become a freeze baby over the last few years, compared to a man that used to ware nothing but a jean jacket all winter!


Offline Alchemist

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I will post the details when I can.  It will be in mid June.  All the rest is being planned.  I'm doing research on male breast cancer for some articles and will summarize what I have found so far.

Men typically find the cancer AFTER it is more advanced, typically 10 years  later then women, in the 60-70 range.  That puts me right in the middle. There are several conditions that cause gynecomastia in men as they age that are related to cancers, so sometimes late development of breasts can at times indicate other cancers including breast cancer.  However, the risk in flat chested men is about the same except it is more visible.  However, since men don't check themselves for any kinds of cancer as regularly as women are checked we get in more trouble.  In flat chested men even a small cancer almost immediately invades the chest wall and requires more invasive surgery.

About 1% of men get breast cancer.  The mortality is a little higher but when age adjusted for survival times there isn't much difference since we are 10 years older and have 8 years shorter life expectancy overall.

And Bob, for the events being planned, it is a topless event.  Taking ones pants off is up to the person.  We are of course planning for temperatures about 80, and dry.  BUT, nobody I know can forecast the weather for a specific day in June 4 months ahead.  It could be pouring rain and 50 degrees.  Bring a sweatshirt and umbrella if it looks like that kind of day.

I'm planning on maybe doing a coffee hour social with fresh ground french roast and real cream if desired and certainly would if anybody shows up who would enjoy such.  HAVE FUN.


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