Author Topic: unilateral recurrence at 7 months post-op?  (Read 2626 times)

Offline jason9386

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I had an excision only procedure in July. Shortly thereafter, I developed a large seroma that seemed to fill the entire cavity. During my follow-up he attributed the inflammation to swelling and gave me some silicone sheets. It wasn't until 2-3 months post-op that he discovered the seroma by accident while administering some kenalog. I was left with a rubbery knot of tissue directly behind my nipple. Convinced that the mass was scar tissue, I massaged it consistently. I am now just over 7 months post-op. The massaging seems to have reduced the size somewhat, though i cant do it too rigorously. It is painful and prone to swelling. The remaining tissue is more resistant and feels less fibrous. My real question is, what is the likely hood of gynecomastia recurrence on only one side of the chest?

Offline xelnaga13

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More than likely you are dealing with scar tissue. My scar tissue was just as bad as my original gyne. Kenalog fixed it.

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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your story sure sounds like scar tissue to me.  Check with your surgeon -- kenalog may be of help.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline jason9386

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Thank you for getting back to me. My surgeon gave me four kenalog shots in the first few months after my procedure. After the fourth one, he said he was concerned he was being too aggressive and told me to leave it alone all together. I'm discouraged because now it is pretty solid and distorts my chest shape. Its also painful if anything bumps it and is prone to swelling. I'm waiting for the results from an endocrine work up so I can hopefully get him to perform a revision. I've kind of been given the run around for the last two months. My surgeon wont return my calls and his office administrator blows me off every time I contact them. Walking around like this is fairly humiliating and I'm getting more and more frustrated. I'm not sure what to do, can anyone suggest anything?


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