Author Topic: PLEASE HELP, URGENT SITUATION  (Read 2234 times)

Offline grecovery

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Hey guys, thank you for taking the time to read my post.  I've had g since I was very young actually developed the glandular tissue at around 5 or 6.

I'm very thin 6ft 155 lbs and a fit soccer player but the gyne never went away.

anyways i finally finally saved up the money to have the operation done on wednesday.

my doctor said that the lipo was able to remove all of the gland and that he surprisingly didnt need to do the incision.

the results looked glad, super flat with minimal scarring, was up and running again the next day.

went in on friday for check up, everything looked great, if anything one side was a little depressed

but now on saturday even (3 and a half days later) i swear to god the gland is coming back.  its the weekend so i cant get a hold of my doctor.  It actually seems slightly more pronounced on one side.

a:) is it even possible to come back this soon?

b:) i found a guy online who is selling nolvadex, prami and letro and I can pick them up tonight.  is this a good idea?  if so which ones should i get?

Feedback is greatly appreciated I am just shocked that it might be coming back this quickly and want to act quickly but responsibly in the best way possible.

I really appreciate everyone who is reading and takes time to respond with expertise and experience.  Thank you all and I wish you all the best

Offline Paa_Paw

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Probably just post operative swelling. Until you can contact your surgeon on Monday it might be a good idea to sleep in a recliner instead of a bed. That will keep your upper torso slightly elevated. Ice packs might also help but pad them with towels so the cold is not too intense. Think cool as opposed to cold.
Grandpa Dan

Offline grecovery

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Thank you for your response sir.

So I'm guessing you would not suggest rushing to purchase meds?

Offline McGilli

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Everyone - I am positive even any surgeons will say "it's only been 3 days after trauma in your body - you need to give it some time".

It's a huge repeater here on the forum, which is that people get worried days after their surgery because they start to swell up.

I was awesome after my revision - and then about 3 or 4 days later I needed my pec drained because it was swelling up so much.

So. It might even be making some scar tissue under there.

Also - I thought I read on here from a surgeon that the gland cannot be fully removed by lipo only - incision is required to take it out correctly.

I'm going to look for that discussion and I will post the link here when I find it. (looks like it can be possible. But read the info if you like from the surgeon)

(but no - it couldn't just grow back like that)

Offline Paa_Paw

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I think rushing to do anything right now would be counter productive. Put a call in to your surgeon and just sort of lay low until you hear back fron him. (or her) Curtail your activity until you have heard from the surgeon. Meanwhile the recliner is better than laying flat and cool packs will help minimize swelling. If your surgeon recommended a compression garment or compression bandage then do it.

Offline McGilli

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Yeah make sure you are wearing your compression vest 24 hours a day and not doing anything that engages your pectoral muscles much.

At least not until your surgeon says you can.

Good luck!

Offline grecovery

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Yeah I get the thing about the glandular incision I was surprised when I awoke but he said that the operation went "miraculously well" in that he was able to get everything without the incision.  when the garment came off on friday it looked EXTREMELY flat almost skinnier than the rest of me and I went to just wearing an under armor shirt without the compression wrap so I am hoping I am just dealing with swelling but I really felt like I pinched some of those old "fibrous strands."  Also encouraging is the side that appears bigger is also the one with more discoloring so I am hopeful my mind is just playing tricks on me because as it stands I am very happy with the initial results. 

Generally speaking does anyone know the odds of tissue growing back and how long (roughly) it could take?

Offline mrbigboobs

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Yeah I get the thing about the glandular incision I was surprised when I awoke but he said that the operation went "miraculously well" in that he was able to get everything without the incision.  when the garment came off on friday it looked EXTREMELY flat almost skinnier than the rest of me and I went to just wearing an under armor shirt without the compression wrap so I am hoping I am just dealing with swelling but I really felt like I pinched some of those old "fibrous strands."  Also encouraging is the side that appears bigger is also the one with more discoloring so I am hopeful my mind is just playing tricks on me because as it stands I am very happy with the initial results. 

Generally speaking does anyone know the odds of tissue growing back and how long (roughly) it could take?

Odds are almost to none unless you took steroids or have a persistent issue of hormonal imbalance. It's most likely an issue of scar tissue, or residual swelling if you're claiming it wasn't there before. It's easy to tell the difference between scar tissue and gland. If I had to guess it's remaining tissue because it's hard to get good results with Lipo only unless your case was just a fat issue.


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