Author Topic: dr. omar farooq edmonton/fort sask pre/post exp w/ pics!  (Read 8000 times)

Offline elba

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hey just posting on here first time, ive had gynecomastia since I was 13 and am now in the beginning of the process of addressing it. i live in edmonton and finally asked my gp to refer me to an endo, where he sent me for tests and refered me to a surgeon. I will update on what happens. appt for consult on 16th
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 02:11:56 AM by elba »

Offline elba

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so hospital has called in and said june 26th... 32 more days.... although I must say I was a little overwhelmed when I went to the surgeon for an appt to discuss the surgery, i kinda forgot to ask any questions. So theres a couple confusing things that i thought of after the appointment.

he asked me what i did for work... and im an electrician, he said id be back at work after 3 days off.. seems a little of an underestimation of the surgery, and my job from what ive read.

he said where he would make the cuts(under the nipples) but i dont know if hed be doing lipo as well...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 12:03:04 AM by elba »

Offline elba

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So, pre op physical done...
next is blood work and appt with anesthesiologist.

18 days!

next post ill add pics of gyno before surgery

Offline elba

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A lot of people looking but no comments...

Offline elba

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Offline flatterchest

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Good luck! I bet you can't wait to have the surgery done.

Offline elba

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Thanks flatter! Yes im pretty excited. .. told work im having a surgery and need the time off and all they asked was if it was anything serious. I said it wasn't too serious. And they left it at that, so I was pretty happy to get time off without too much detail!

Offline elba

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Well its less than a week and despite the comments of platic surgeons are gods and general surgeons don't give a damn. I will continue with my surgery as planned and have confidence in my surgeon and eventual results the big part is the gland will be gone. If there is not enough fat being removed during surgery im sure I can work it off despite the refusal from the surgeons on this site to answer my question of whether or not I can lose the fat without lipo on my chest.
Wish me luck!

Offline jay adams

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Congratulations! Keep us posted on how things come along.

Offline elba

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okay! heres my post to update so far.

shaved my chest the day before surgery based on advice from the forum and got 2 spanx compression shirts I plan to wear after my drains are taken out. On surgery day I put on a button up shirt and easy to take on/off shoes, due to forum advice. (was smart)

got my surgery done 8 hours ago and been on off sleepy. Went to the hospital at 9 they put an IV in me right away. I asked why so early to just wait and she replied, the doctors make us wait, we cant make them wait.(was most painful part.. getting IV put in... and of course the wait) waited till 1045/11(they said 1030 was surgery time the weekend before) and then they wheeled me in set me on the operating table and after a bit of talk put me under.(dr farooq asked me what the procedure was in my eyes (he called it a "briefing") and got me to tell everyone). She put me on oxygen, my anesthesiologist told me he was putting me to sleep now and I slowly went into the lullaby.

Woke up to the nurse, she asked me how I was doing and talked to me about my job, I was pretty tired and slowly awoke in what I thought was about 15min, while she watched me for the duration just outside the surgery room. She said my anesthesiologist was "generous" on the anti nausea meds, and I asked her when I could eat, she replied "we'll see if you hold down some juice or ginger ale first". I then was wheeled out into the area where I first was waiting and my girlfriend was there, I felt very awake then. They gave me ginger ale and asked how my pain was, where i said 4/10 they asked if I wanted morphine. I said "sure". Morphine is a wild feeling. Instantly when they put it in you you feel the effects creeping over your whole body... in your lungs and instantly you feel tired. This is where I started to snooze on off until dr. farooq came out to talk to me and show me a little of what was done and ask if I had any questions. So far I think dr Farooq was awesome! very personable and seems to know his stuff.

I had bilateral gynecomastia removal and have my drains in till after canada day weekend (tuesday eta about 6days) unfortunately this means i have to carry around 2 "grenades" in a tube top on my chest haha... but I guess I wont go out too much till they're out. They are weird!

as for pain my doctor gave me tylenol-3's and tromethamine (an anti-inflamatory) and getting me to alternate t3's and inflamatory every 3 hours.

Offline elba

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Day 2... drains suck!  They're like 2 small grenades on your chest sucking blood from the wounds... pretty annoying.

Otherwise I got a quick peek at my chest... I almost wanted to cry... flat!!!

Pain is a 3/10 somewhat like after a hard chest workout but also just geneally uncomfortable.

Piece of advice take your stool softeners asap!!! As prescribed.

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